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    Saturday, May 11, 2019

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [11.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [11.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [11.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 11 May 2019 10:38 AM PDT

    TC Sinks Maelstrom, 404, Here For Maps, Insomnia

    Posted: 10 May 2019 11:44 PM PDT

    What is the point of having rock/fire elementals with 0 counter-play?

    Posted: 10 May 2019 07:36 PM PDT


    What is your thought process on creating content with zero counter play?

    Do you think that is fun or amusing. H6 had 4 rock elementals trapped at the entrance due to the terrain.

    My company spends more time getting frustrated and angry over your game design than out having fun. Either add a counter play or remove them from the game.

    submitted by /u/Hairybeavet
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    Give some kind of reward for fighting companies that scales with the amount of players in them.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    I haven't played PVP yet in this game but I hear a lot about megas targeting smaller companies rather than picking fights with other megas. I feel like this could be solved if fighting and defeating a company in battle could give some kind of bonus reward other than their loot; which scales with each player in the opposing company. This would give people a better reason to pick harder fights.

    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    Yo Ho: A Settler's Life for Pirates

    Posted: 10 May 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    So, previously, I discussed the Colony system from the perspective of a small, violent clan. Our refusal to bend the knee to the local PCA zerg resulted in them eventually ousting us from our island after 4 major invasions and a lot of minor invasions over the course of about 2-3 weeks. I deemed the Colony system a huge success in that we were able to hold out so long against so many with so few.

    Having experienced that, we decided to try the "settler" system next. We're really just getting started but coming from an island owner perspective there are some really interesting aspects to being a settler that a lot of small pirate clans may not be considering.

    Things to consider:

    1. As a settler, you are not responsible for island defense. In fact, during peace time, you can't harm enemies and they can't harm you so it is officially Somebody Else's Problem. This is a huge burden lifted from you. Mortar towers? Forts? Not really your responsibility and the owner probably prefers to do that part themselves anyway. Congratulations, you just saved yourself a shitload of farming and climbing.
    2. As a settler, it is reasonable to expect the island owner to focus on defending the green circle. YOUR job, therefore, can be to freely assault parked enemy ships, snipe people running ammo, hunt for beds, etc. Trying to defend your own green circle while also going on the offense to push the enemy out is hard to do as a small clan on your own island. But as a small clan on someone else's island, you can focus your efforts where you please. You do have a vested interest in making sure the owner wins but the green circle is not your responsibility.
    3. As a settler, you do not appear on the map. In fact, there is no reason you should only have 1 base. Why not pick 2 islands to live on? 3? 5? A little hut. Some grenade manufacturing. All the raiding tools you need can be put in small holdings on different settlements and there is no special reason to have a "main base". If island owners are game (and you have some common enemies), they might even let you blue up in an "island alliance" and let you park your ships in their protected harbor.
    4. Your enemies' access to revenge is severely limited. When I raided PCA they knew where to seek their revenge. Right there on the map. Well yesterday I found the PCA guy who had claimed to be their raid leader, passed out in a hut, so I popcorned everything in there, killed his monkey, killed his bear, put him in a guillotine and now I have his head in a box (I'd have him in a cage like he did to us but really, I have better things to do than feed prisoners). And what are they going to do to get revenge on me for that? Pound sand, that's what, cause I don't have an island they can hit. We can raid them from now til doomsday, exactly the same as before, only now they have to figure out where it's coming from.

    Words of advice:

    • Make sure the island owner is on board with your politics. If you're in a shit flinging festival with some mega or planning to play "red is dead", best to make that clear with the island owners. If they're not interested, keep looking. Everyone has enemies and the enemy of your enemy is your new landlord. (And this goes both ways. Owners might want to check the politics of their settlers. The wrath that's going to befall them may well befall you. But hey, wars are the spice of life.)
    • Taxes too high? Negotiate. Some owners may be willing to lower taxes in exchange for gold. They are mainly trying to get treasure hunter income and if you offset that loss they may be willing to lower tax rates. Getting gold is not hard even for a small clan and since you have no flag to maintain you probably have gold to negotiate with.
    • Overbuild at your own risk. You ARE at the mercy of the island owner. Bad business for an owner to backstab his settlers, but there is also no reason to do massive defensive builds as a settler. Limit your risks. Communicate with the owner.

    So yes, you do pay a tax.

    It's not a bad price to pay for the advantages of settler life.

    tl;dr: living as a settler is the same as living in lawless except that in exchange for a small tax, you get 15 hours of immunity per day and quite probably the protection of someone else's bear cannons. It ain't half bad.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Ship Resource Boxes and Crew Mates not working

    Posted: 11 May 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I recently started building an NPC crew from recruited SOTD wrecks, however, I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong.

    I have had the crew for almost a day now, but I can't seem to pay them, and when they're idled, they aren't repairing my ship. (probably due to lack of pay) I have 4 Ship Resource Boxes for each of my 4 ships and all of them are stuffed with Gold and resources, but the numbers don't decrease, my ships are still hurt, and gold untouched.

    Is there anything specifc you have to do with the boxes to assign them to a ship? I have each box planted next to their ship on our dock. Perhaps they resource boxes need to be on land? not on the dock above water?

    Any help would be appriciated!

    submitted by /u/th3vi1
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    Thank you from Private Servers everywhere.

    Posted: 11 May 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Hearty thanks to the Atlas Devs for adding the option to still use placed large cannons to the game.ini. You have saved countless builds today and we had a lot of players come back. Keep up the good fight against the bugs.

    submitted by /u/Chives_Bilini
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    This is nice :)

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Game is unplayable

    Posted: 10 May 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    I have been having problems even trying to get into the game, if I can get past the Primalgamedata_bp loading screen I get into the game and my character is unable to interact with anything and eventually Battleeye kicks me out for"client is not responding".

    The only way I can actually get into the game is for someone to kill me, I use the "join a new atlas" button, join a freeport and then once I load in I have to change homeserver because the respawn button wont work, then I can finally spawn in and kill myself so I can spawn on a bed.

    I have to repeat this every time the game starts up.

    Edit: Update, so since the last patch I can now log straight into the game if I "join a new atlas" function. No longer makes me unable to interact with anything.

    Edit2: Ok so one of my crew did some research and found a fix, Goto Steam\steamapp\common\ATLAS\shootergame\saved and delete a file called Lastserverconnectstringcache. Once this file is removed just join via a homeserver and the server will resync and give you a new file.

    submitted by /u/hutchy1989
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    Can you spot the ultimate survival MMO of unprecedented scale with 40,000+ simultaneously rubberbanding players in the same world?

    Posted: 11 May 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [10.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Father Daughter Play - Atlas Official EU PVE - After Wipe Whaling!

    Posted: 11 May 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    Selling 23 Point Island: EUPVE

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    My Crew and I are planning to move onto a bigger island.

    Current Upkeep= 122G

    Island Resources: Silver, Rubies, Rushes, Soft wood, Slate, Coal, Chert, Various Hides, Silk,

    Food: Wild Onions, Shisandra, Blackberry, Mint, Oregano

    Animals: Bears, Sheep, Pigs, Cows, Bulls, Monkey, Rabbits, Snakes, Spiders,

    submitted by /u/notazebra
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    Outnumbered, but never outgunned..

    Posted: 10 May 2019 02:00 PM PDT

    Large vs Medium Sail on a schooner

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    How much better (blueprint) would a medium speed sail need to be for it to be worth using a pair of instead of a large and small sails for a Schooner? And since we're on the topic, is there any reason to replace the small speed sail for a handling one?

    submitted by /u/Gimlisimm
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    Why the ridiculous darkness when placing pieces?

    Posted: 10 May 2019 05:07 PM PDT

    Is there any reason that there needs to be absolutely no light around the piece you are placing? God forbid I need to be able to see to ensure the floor that will serve as the snap for a wall is at the proper angle..

    If this is a setting I can turn off, please tell, it drives me nuts!

    Video for reference:


    submitted by /u/UC14
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    [Solution found] NPC Crew keeps firing cannons even tho they're ordered to hold fire.

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Hi everyone, last night a friend and I were sailing with our biggest ship on which he managed to put 24 cannons on just one side, we killed a dozen damned ships and recruited most of their sailors, turns out, the second we put them in all cannons 4 of them fired constantly to what appeared to be... fish. So, I googled and couldn't find anything that worked, that's why I post this. If you didn't guess yet what it is, it's you exceeding the 20/20 group you give commands to automatically assigned, so having 24 we had to assign 4 of them to a different group manually, say group 5 for example. That's it, now they don't waste ammo anymore.

    PS: if you downvote this you like penis.

    submitted by /u/FerMeister
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