• Breaking News

    Friday, May 10, 2019

    ATLAS CSTG-Guardian turns on fly hacks to avoid capture.

    ATLAS CSTG-Guardian turns on fly hacks to avoid capture.

    CSTG-Guardian turns on fly hacks to avoid capture.

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    [HFM] Here For Maps Ep. 4 [RWS Alliance]

    Posted: 10 May 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    Bottles still disappearing...

    Posted: 10 May 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    I thought this was patched? Sometimes when you pick up bottles they straight up disappear without adding the actual map to your inventory... Why is this bug still in the game?

    submitted by /u/r4be_cs
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    a little video our guys put together for fun, hope you all enjoy.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    Atlas Pickup LAG/DDOS - BUG

    Posted: 10 May 2019 03:24 AM PDT

    Private Test Server Config

    Posted: 10 May 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    Have spent a few hours googling and experimenting and I am stuck. I have a 1x1 with custom islands setup, and am capped at level 9, so dont have the skill points to mess around with things. Im aware I can spawn things in, but want to try things via the skills instead.

    Im using nitrado, and have set the settings "Maximum level without discoveries" to 100, "Maximum Level on Home Servers" to 100 and "Limit Level on Home Servers" is disabled.

    Appreciate any advice you can give to getting around this. I cannot find an add discovery points command nor skill points.

    submitted by /u/Black_Sheep_
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    Looking for one more solo minded player NA PVE

    Posted: 10 May 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    We are super chill, primarily leave each other alone but are there to help each other in a heart beat. We need one more like minded player on NA PVE. We have our eyes on a bigger island and all we need is you. :)

    submitted by /u/getoutofmycave
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    Separate Tax Rates for Treasure vs Farming

    Posted: 09 May 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Suggestion: let us tax treasure hunters differently than farmers.

    I believe this would help the "settlers" notion a lot. We usually keep our tax rate pretty high (20-30%) because frankly we want a cut from those treasure hunters. That pays the bills and really helps pay for the island.

    But I never liked charging farmers that much. I don't want 20% of your wood, really, and I think that's a pain. If I could, I would charge treasure hunters 25% but charge farmers 5%.

    I mean in some ideal future we could even set a tax rate per item type. Wood 0%, metal 5%, gems 20%, gold 30%.

    But in the short term as a quick-fix I'd like to see "gold" and "everything else" have a separate tax rate.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    How long does it take to capture an anchored ship

    Posted: 10 May 2019 01:52 AM PDT

    Having trouble finding current info on this can anyone fill me in?

    submitted by /u/man_ofhis_word
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    I think we need a more useful NPC pirate crew - What do others think?

    Posted: 09 May 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    As a ship captain, we should be able to chart a course and have a navigator or two adjust for collisions or SoTD/other threats along the way, freeing you to actually be the captain and work on your managerial plans, or item management.

    We need specific slots for crew, and a way to specialize our crew members into specific roles like COOK, NAVIGATOR, ENGINEER, DECKHAND, MERCENARY and then assign them to locations that cause a special reaction if the actual troop type is present. Assign a hierarchy to the crew so that we have like p1-p5 where a p5 can fit in any slot and a p4 can activate everything but p5 slots, etc.

    We would definitely need to alter craftables around this


    • can assign a cook to the larder and he will automatically search for food when your drop anchor
    • navigator to a map table which makes him go to the crows nest and puts the ship on autopilot if you've marked the map
    • engineer repairs and slowly upgrades planks and then placables on the ship on ship levels
    • deckhands run the sails and fill empty ship slots, they also can use a gaffe to grab flotsam from near the ship if close enough
    • mercenaries that are exceptional in combat and will board enemy ships if a ballista rope is connected to it and can accompany you on land but have common sense to return to the ship to recover if injured.

    An example of a common sense tier order for these pirates

    1. deckhand
    2. cook
    3. engineer
    4. navigator
    5. mercenary

    Again, all pirates are restricted to their slot, and below so a 5 is a 54321 a 4 is 4321 a 3 is 321 a 2 is 21 and a 1 is 1 (the shittiest most basic pirate) It would make sense that we all start with the lvl 1 deckhand from the freeports as it is, but as they level they could unlock tiers, say every five levels.

    In the pirate game, pirate tames should be a focus at a minimum, unreal that you have creature tame abilities but no usable crew cooldowns.

    From here there would be a bunch of QoL roads they could take, like making pirates automatically change stations as the players activity changes or as needs arise, ex cook requesting a stop for resupply or manning the sails because a deckhand has died or the sail is otherwise empty but you are on the steering wheel turning the ship.

    Thanks for the inspiration u/EternalPain791 https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/bmng2p/idea_npcs_in_the_crows_nest/

    submitted by /u/Topalope
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    Schooner misses still large canon snap points

    Posted: 09 May 2019 09:53 PM PDT

    For the brig it seems to work now but i could still only place 6/10 Large Canons on a schooner. Please fix Jat!

    submitted by /u/Shadow43158
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    Is this game ever not going to be a glitch/lag fest?

    Posted: 10 May 2019 03:49 AM PDT

    Im seeing tons of recommendations to make this game better but there is really only 1 game killing issue. Will the devs or the community try to resolve this or is this just the way it is and will never change? Sea combat is prolly the best aspect of this game but goddamn this shit gives me a headache.

    submitted by /u/slindner1985
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    Unthinkable Delicacy

    Posted: 09 May 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    I have all the ingredients in my inventory and I'm dying of hunger currently. Why can't I make the unthinkable delicacy?

    submitted by /u/egrodiel
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