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    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [18.06.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [18.06.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [18.06.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 08:07 AM PDT

    Playing Like a Pirate

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    So, this game is not a pirate game but it tries to be, whether you feel like it is or not, you have to admit that people spend more time working on bases rather than building ships and sailing around doing pirate things. I started playing this game about a week after its first release, I had to wait for payday to justify spending money on another game. This is going to be a long one, so strap in. I will discuss where we started, where we went and where we are now, and how we are playing now.

    My friends and I sailed over to the nearest lawless, we didn't know any better at the time, and just started building, but we didn't focus on huts, or structures, we literally just built shipyards and started getting a boat together. We wanted to be pirates. We did alright first couple of days, didn't think anything of it, then day three, raided, lose everything. Come back in with high hopes, and start gathering all over again. Get a hut of stone built to protect our stuff, start building our brigantine. No issues for a couple of days, then raided. Lose everything including our only ship, we hadn't even gotten crew on her we were sailing by hand. Well, back to square one, some nice guys from a neighboring company that had built up pretty big gave us some advice and we took it and moved our little hut up and away from the shore line so that we couldn't be bombarded by ships. Then the end of days for our little four man company begins about a week later, we finally got a brig with some crew on it, everyone in our little inlet is friendly we are cooperating and building up a defense that benefits us all, and another company moves in calling themselves Seal Team 69, we being a team of mostly prior servicemembers are Marines and Sailors. Seal Team 69 had gone around creating problems with a large company and it's allies by being toxic douche bags. So they come to our island and try to play nice but the companies they pissed off, Legion and Evolution, came in and started killing everyone that they associated with on our little slice of Atlas. Well, the island went into defense mode and I and a few other company leaders got with Legion and got the bombardments to stop they understood they were new to us and we didn't care what they did to them. Evolution apparently did not get the memo and came in one night and offlined our newly christened galleon. The next day I discussed it with them and they apologized, Legion was apologetic and made sure everyone knew we were not the "Marines" company that ST69 had changed their name too. Legion raided them, but they needed a cannon and cannon balls, I provided with them, ST69 had caused me and my friends so many problems I gladly offered material support.

    After the successful Legion obliteration of ST69/Marines/whatever they wanted to call themselves, we were absorbed into Legion, gladly, they were (still are) awesome people that were fun to run around with. This is where we were first exposed to the Atlas "endgame". Build a giant base and harbor, surround it with gates and mortars and cannons and live there. Only venture out to raid and do things like maps and whale hunting. There was some ship PvP led by their shipmasters, and while I did join in on some of these, I spent a good deal of my time gathering, because I wanted to contribute to the war machine. I was able to build and park ships in relative peace, or so I thought, and enjoyed it for a week or so. Then the grieving started, the middle of the night raids. Within the span of a week Legion lost almost all of its boats, three times, due to offline raiding and we spent a lot of time trying to fix defenses fighting off raiders or any number of things that was not being a pirate. The longest stretch was around 18 hours of fighting just two guys who were going around trying to declaim flags, killing NPC's, and hunting players.

    We decided to venture out, first back to our lawless server, we got a nice small base going, had a galleon built and crewed, obscure island. We thought we were on easy street and could be part of the Legion raid coming up that weekend. But we were wrong. Legion had enemies, and they just happened to stumble upon us on there way to hit Legions main base. Galleon and all its crew lost, base lost, we fought hard, and made sure they didn't come out of the fight unscathed, the head shipmaster of Legion even came up with his badass brig and sank three of them. It was an amazing impromptu naval battle with small skirmishes on land. Enjoyable, but super shitty with everything we lost.

    Second branch out, still not playing like pirate, was after Legion took the third island in their zone by pushing out some undiplomatic people, and some people that chose the wrong side. We created another small little piece of life at the very end of a bay, didn't want much, just a little place that was not overwhelming like the Legion Main was. It turned out great, until the day Sexy Cats arrived. They were toxic, and by all accounts worthless pieces of barnacle shit. We tried to play nice, they pretended to play nice, then all hell broke loose and the anarchy phase of Atlas had begun, so Legion as awesome as they were, attempted to help us fight off the dbags but with flag claims being what they were and the inability to deal with it 24 hours a day eventually our little slice of Atlas was lost, we had stopped playing about two weeks into the Sexy Cats bullshit and a lot of Legion had too. Waiting for the new update to hit, hoping things would be better.

    The new patch and playstyle, just like the old patch and playstyle! It dropped, the mega-update introducing colonies, I was still a part of Legion under a new name, and I was excited to get back at it and maybe be more of a pirate. Nope. Same base building bullshit. It wasn't Legion's fault its how the game is played, its the best odds of success, its where the risk is lowest when you are offline, and allows you to pool multiple resources. I quit. I checked out. I was done being a base builder and I didn't want anything to do with the game if that was how it was going to be. I deleted it from my PC. then it dawned on me. I can play this game like a Pirate. I just have to do it right.

    The new style: Pirate Time! This is it, what you've been waiting for! Me and my three friends logged on during a 2x weekend, we grinded away for 12 hours in a tiny little hole, nothing to our name but a smithy and a resource box, then it happened, in less than 24 hours we went from having nothing to two galleons. With a brig built for a little bit to ferry some resources around. Since that weekend, we have been sailing around destroying every ship we come across, player, ship of the damned, it doesn't matter. We kill them all. We stop at freeports every night and repair and refit. Repair in the mornings, repair before we sail out. Yeah it's a lot of gathering, but we don't have to worry about being raided. We don't spend forever building a base only to lose it. Our base is our galleon. If we lose it, so what, we only need to build another ship. Its much easier to do that than rebuild an entire base. We have more than enough of all the materials, we are completely manned. No where to call home means you can't find us and kill us while we are offline, you can't raid us. We can raid you though, we can kill you sailing around. Unless you are traveling in packs of 3-4 ships, we will win. We move freeports every couple of days sometimes staying a night or two at one, but we can go anywhere, play anywhere on the servers, we don't have the worry that everyone else has.

    We get to play like pirates now and its a whole new ball game. We actually enjoy the game now, we enjoy going around and just having fun, now our time is split around 70%/30% 70 being the fun part. Before it was more like 80%/20% 20 being the fun part. If you would like to join our lifestyle feel free, play on your own, hit me up and play with us and our small crew, it doesn't matter. Just stop building bases, stop treating it like a castle game, be pirates.

    TLDR; Got tired of building giant bases that required insane upkeep and made you more vulnerable than safe. Found a way to actually be a pirate in a pirate game. PM me if you want to know where/how to join us.

    submitted by /u/Chryodem
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    Studding Sails

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    Idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studding_sail

    Add these to the game. They are giant sails. The in-game effect would be that you can go 2x speed with them deployed, but your turn rate is reduced to 10% normal and all sail handling (rotating, raising, lowering) is reduced to 5% normal rate. In order to switch to studding sails you must come to a complete stop. Then switching to them takes 30 seconds of sitting still. You cannot use them if you are above 60% weight or using any cargo pods or missing any planks. In order to swap them out you must come to a complete stop again.

    The idea being you can cut down a lot of the mundane aspects of a trip but they aren't very useful for PvP. You can't likely stop a ship that's using them but then they can't carry much so it's not a good way to haul cargo. There has to be a tradeoff for this kind of speed but it sure would be nice to cut the time off the first leg of a cargo trip or the last leg of a patrol.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Variety of 24hr 3X Events During The Week-3X On Sundays To Rebuild/Restock.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2019 12:18 AM PDT


    The data on that websites shows most of the player base is online during the weekends, that's because 2X is active. It also shows that a higher then normal peak was seen on the holiday weekend of 3X.

    I try to keep up with all ideas/opinions on ATLAS from the player base and alot of what I get is:

    -The base grind, people spend all thier time building a castle instead of actually doing pirate things.

    -When said castle base is done it gets raided/wiped and the initiative to restart just isnt there.

    -Megas dont care if its 2X or 3X, they have enough people people to farm for a raid in hours and can wipe a small company over and over.

    -Game is too much based on tames.

    -Constant farming grind after griefing/raiding is not worth it, even with 2X.

    So my side of some of those current views and maybe a idea. We had a big company, got wiped by a mega and had to start completely over. Motivation was weak, and the drive was low. But even with 2X on weekends we as a company were able to get back on our feet and living healthy in about 2 weeks. All 5 us playing on the weekends and 1 during the week.

    I agree on the base grind, to have a safe base and harbour with defense you need some serious resources in bulk, and the best time to farm is on 2X during the weekends. But if you get raided, or have a huge loss or even just starting out/over now your entire weekend of 2X is spent grinding and not enjoying the other benefits of a 2X event like Gold/Taming/XP/Mythos.

    And there are alot of die-hard gamers who work weekends and are off during the week. They deserve a 2X on their weekend because they dont wanna grind after a long work day, who does? Nobody especially without 2X.

    We need a 24hr event during the week. As I mentioned the data shows that during the week, theres a massive player drop on weekdays, and the 3X holiday event had a very large spike then normal 2X events. Players need incentive to get on during the week and not just the weekends to farm/tame.

    Now, the majority of players are off during the weekends and wanna spend it playing and enjoying video games, in atlas it may be building or PVPing. But after having a major loss or attack on Saturday/Sunday after already farming, nobody wants to have to rebuild or farm on fucking Monday after work.

    I think if we had a 3X 24hr event during the week, not specifically the same as our typical 2X one but something 3X like Mythos/Gold/XP/Discovery Points/Harvest Amount ect there would be more reason to get on. People are less are likely to attack during the weekdays because of schedules, so people can actually chill out and go out on a adventure.

    And for the weekends, have 2X Friday and Saturday, but on Sunday have 3X harvesting for resources so people can rebuild and restock before the work week starts.

    TL; DR: Different 24hr 3X during the week to get players on instead of just weekends. 3X on Sunday after weekend battles/Raids to restock/rebuild before start of work week.

    submitted by /u/OnePissedOffPlayer
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    Potential solution to improving the game.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 04:37 PM PDT

    Lately there's been a lot of much needed discussion on how to make the game more enjoyable for the player base and improve player retention. A potential solution I was thinking could work is something similar to how mmo capital cities work. Basically be able to store a majority of things at a freeport(company/personal resource box, stables, bookshelf, ammo box, shipyard, ship hangar etc.) with crafting stations available as well. Now you would still need to venture out to gather and transport the resources, blueprints, tames, etc. Where the risk of being pirated would still be present. Stored belongings would be freeport specific. So they would not be accessible globally so it would require transportation if you wanted those things accessed at another freeport. Probably cap the amount of tames per type that can be stored at a freeport stable as well. Also put a cap on the number of ships that can be stored at a freeport(Ex: only 1-2 galleons can be stored). Losing your blueprints and important tames I feel can be crushing and setting a company back to zero. Now island conquest would still be a thing but an incentive to capture and hold islands is needed. They would probably need to offer something that a freeport can't offer.

    Gonna throw out some ideas for incentives for owning or living(resident) on an island:

    - All quality tier of blueprints can be crafted at freeports but crafter skill bonuses would only be enabled at a crafting station on an owned/resident island. This would help a bit with power creep differences instead of only allowing island owners to craft legendary and mythical blueprints.

    - Availability to have more tames since freeport tame storage would be limited (Same deal with ships)

    - Access to breeding (would not be able to breed on freeports )

    - Top tier tames such as a Crab, Razortooth, Shieldhorn, Tortugar would not be storable at a freeport and would require island ownership or residency on one to have a place to keep them.

    - Exclusive cosmetics

    Losing an island wouldn't be so devastating since your important belongings could be stored at a freeport. Which in theory would help with player retention

    From my understanding tell me if I'm wrong but a good amount of people can only play during the period of their combat phase usually. So that time is spent defending or attacking and farming to repair defenses. It doesn't give them time to enjoy the other aspects of the game and usually leads to burnout. Speaking from experience having to play wave defense and repair defenses on a daily basis for two months straight is not enjoyable and draining. I've been on the other side as well attacking on a daily basis so your opponent can't catch a break and recover. Once you get caught on the back foot(Navy is lost, constantly playing defense on a daily basis) it is extremely difficult to recover.

    Some ideas regarding combat phase for an island:

    - Shorten the timer to 4-6 hours of combat or shorter if needed. Remove war declarations.


    - Islands are invulnerable 24/7 unless a war declaration is dropped but lower the war declaration period to 9-12 hours. 24 hour war declarations are brutal and not everyone is able to dedicate that much time due to real life obligations. Now the war declarations would be cheaper since this would be the only way to take an island. The cooldown for a another war declaration would also be shortened.

    - Have a time range of how long you want the war declaration to last from a choice of 6, 9, or 12 hours(subject to change but no more than 12 hours no less than 4 hours). The longer the war period the higher the cost of the token. Also a 6 hour war declaration period would give the defenders a 1 day notice to prepare and a 12 hour war declaration would give 3 days notice to prepare.

    *Edit - To spice things up for hardcore players there could be specific zones that abide by the current colonies rules with the 9 hr combat windows and war declaration system. These specific zones would have one island(or more), offer the best rewards for island ownership and be the ultimate end game goal for hardcore players.

    I think most people will agree with me that land battles are not very fun due the mechanics of ground combat and many prefer naval fights. Any way to allow for more time on the sea would be a positive.

    Pre-planned fights are more enjoyable since both sides are prepped for a fight and are bringing proper numbers to make things interesting. I'm seeing alliances set up naval fights with each other more often these days and having a blast. I've been on both sides where you attack an island but the defender doesn't have the numbers to put up an interesting fight due to being at the beginning of a war timer or tail end of one when activity is down due to real life obligations. Even weekdays some companies usually don't have high activity. These engagements from both perspectives can be dull. Being given a notice of when a battle will occur will give both sides time to prepare and have a better turn out making for a much more exciting fight.

    I don't believe my idea is the perfect solution but would hopefully be a step in the right direction. Let me know what you guys think and any ideas or suggestions you have. I definitely believe discussions like these are beneficial to voicing our opinions to the developers and keeping the game alive.

    submitted by /u/Artarius
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    With atlas numbers decreasing i think it should have annual wipes

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    For me personally i loved the game in begining had something to work twords but now its boring worked twords helping get a island fighting few tribes but then what pve try to get high level player. Large tribes wipe smaller tribes everyone turns allys or have white list of people you dont attack. A annual wipe could give people a fresh start to be on top.

    submitted by /u/javonjw
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