• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 10, 2019

    ATLAS Crabs seem to be overpowered

    ATLAS Crabs seem to be overpowered

    Crabs seem to be overpowered

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 05:11 AM PDT

    I haven't tested them personally, but they seem to be able to pick up NPCs from their swivels? If so, that's really ridiculous. Imagine paying a bunch of npcs every hour to assume the safety of your base, when a crab can just come by and pick them?

    And it should be changed before the official wipe.

    I don't mind them being able to pick up players, but NPCs assigned to defenses, no.

    submitted by /u/Nicolasrmt
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    Do you guys like the PTR?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 01:47 AM PDT

    I actually kinda enjoy it, I think the devs did some good work with this one. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/theviik
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    Empires - The home of the mega company. LULW

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 09:25 AM PDT

    Should "fully anchored" ships simply be invulnerable?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    "Fully anchored" right now means the ship has been anchored for 15 minutes at an island that is in peace time. The obvious loophole here is that if you want to maintain near-24 hour protection for your ships, you just sail between two islands with opposite raid timers on them. You're vulnerable while sailing and for that 15 minute anchor period but the other ~23.5 hours of the day your ship can be invulnerable.

    So...... maybe we should cut out the "exploit" and just make ships invulnerable when fully anchored, even during raid times?

    I am totally going to make a deal with some Japanese neighbor and sail our ships between each other's islands every day but I hate tedious work-arounds. If ships are going to be invulnerable then just make them invulnerable.


    Maybe to keep it a little bit fair, at the start of raid time all anchored ships become vulnerable for 15 minutes. So whether you move or not there is a small window of vulnerability but now there's no real point in moving.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Was thinking about coming back...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    But looking at the content from the PTR I notice two things.

    1) Tames are still a meta requirement. Because we know how in all pirate lore they had to be skilled at dressage and training circus bears.

    2) Dial it up to 11 with crabs and super fast submarines.

    I wanted a goddamn pirate MMO and none of this shit was advertised. They move further and further from ship to ship and boarding combat. Obviously this game isn't for me. Rename it ARK 2, because that seems to be all these devs are capable of and it fucking sucks because I really really wanted this to be good.

    Maybe some other developer that isn't retarded can make a pirate mmo that puts more focus on the actual ships and piratey combat and not focus so hard on taming animals alll day every day on land so you can farm fucking metal faster to build more stone walls on land.

    All technical issues and wipes aside, this is why the game is dying.


    I played way too much to get a refund at this point, but as it changes more and more I hardly feel like this is the same game even at this point, and I will never ever ever ever buy another game from these dishonest devs again.

    submitted by /u/Modernautomatic
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    Crabs Vs. The Bobs | TPG Atlas PTR Day 5

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 12:20 PM PDT

    Permanently safe Island

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:13 PM PDT

    So I was fixing to hit an island that has 2 companies occupying it. did all the prep work sailed over set up a fob materials beds everything and a minute before it goes into combat one company dropped ownership and the other company claimed it so now it has 10hrs till it can be attacked again and they keep switching ownership to maintain the peace status on there island so it can never be raided

    submitted by /u/usmcstarlord
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    Goods and Bads of PVE PTR

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Ok, so we have a couple of days into the PVE Test server. So what are peoples thoughts on it?

    here is what we found so far:

    Good: Claiming an island for a group was not that hard. One guy was on when it went live and was able to secure enough gold to claim a small island.

    Good: the amount of gold required to claim an island was fair, 12 hour window before having to pay the flag with gold is fair. Gives you time to go get more if you are short.

    Bad: Still seems like a company has too many points to start with, as a group of 7 we have enough points to take 2 or 3 more islands, which is not necessary in PVE.

    Bad: Noticed some real hesitation in allowing others to build on your island as you have no way to evict them after the timer runs out if they start acting the fool and just being bad tenants. Possible solution, you give them an eviction notice and it gives them the ability to pick up all their structure pieces and leave. After the time limit of say a week, their structures can be destroyed.

    Good: the SOTDs are fun again, they will mess you up, great for getting out aggression.

    Bad: the SOTDs are over spawning, DEVS said they were fixing it, so all is good.

    Good: adding the store seller bench is awesome.

    Bad: the submarine is a little out of reach in PVE for folks that cant take on the Kraken. So no underwater exploring for you.

    Our assessment so far is it is going good in the right direction for PVE. If the DEVS could figure out how to get more interaction if people wanted, that would be awesome. Possibly NPC towns that companies can put a single seller shop to sell their goodies. Make us want to go to town for supplies.

    any other PVE players have thoughts on it?

    submitted by /u/TomasGunz
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    Crab PVP is Legitimately Hilarious.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    Suggestion: Adding the ability to make a blueprint from a sunken wreck.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    To preface this, I am not addressing the sink vs steal a ship discussion but merely adding more things a player can do with either player or auto generated ship wreckage.

    Currently, when a blueprinted ship is sunk, those upgraded components on board are pretty much worthless for a salvager aside from basic resources and whatever was in the boxes. There should be a way for you to copy a blueprinted component, be it Sail, cannon, or planks which creates a single use blueprint of the item. The original component is destroyed in the process much like how demolishing is now except, by choosing to copy, no resources are yielded except that bp. The bp will still require the multiple types of resources to build and will not be affected by intel stats to prevent stacking modifiers.

    There will need to be an added demolish timer so players who lose their ship cant simply demolish and popcorn their ship as it sinks. Ideally this change would make it more rewarding to engage in a naval fight with the prospect of good bps.

    What are peoples thoughts about this?

    submitted by /u/WzSnipes
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    Abusing Submarines/Elephants breeding

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    So people are literally just using subs as little speeds boats that u can drop barrels out of into people harbors. Along with during battles getting infront of ships since subs are faster then a schooner and barrel bomb in middle of fights, luring SOTD into people harbors just completely greifing toxic trolls. Also are elephants bugged i cant get them to breed I have been to 4 Biomes and all say that this biome is undesirable.

    submitted by /u/PlannedOrphan
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    PTR BUG : Island with no metal nodes and none harvestable rocks.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    Island O4, M5 and G6 ( there are prob more tiles using this island ) island has no metal nodes and some of the stone nodes are not harvestrable also there is like 15 fiber nodes ( O4) screenshot https://imgur.com/a/8kyVOK8

    For dev : cheat TP O4 -284053 365328 8308

    submitted by /u/MrDolphin001
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    Throwing Explosive barrels is to powerfull.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    Grapeshot pls fix it. Explosive barrells are to powerfull against tamed creatures, when u throw barrel it does 1500 damage and one shot everything in big AOE. Your should lower the damage twice to tamed or something coz its too imbalanced.

    submitted by /u/jaggernsk
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    Anyone else loose any ships on pve ptr was only off for 7 hours

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:07 PM PDT

    we had 2 ships last night on the pve ptr. logged in today and they are gone, tribe log just says that they were removed at the say time ???---they were not in the freeport, we are on lawless

    submitted by /u/redeyekingj1234
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    Tossing around this idea for the new island claiming.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Just going to make this short and sweet. I'm a old eve online player, and as they have stated they are going for somewhat of a eve online approach with this game. Why not make islands 24/7 peaceful and just make it where people have to buy war dec tokens to assault a island? Give the defenders a 24 hour notice and then their designated pvp timer starts. Company can pay for a day, 3 day, or week war dec each increasing in value. The value of a war dec increases if a giant company trys to declare war on smaller companies. Adjust it so company size dictates the max island points you have. Remove the crappy cap limit on companies (People are just going to make a bunch of smaller companies anyhow.) Scrap the empire only server and pve server. Add more zones to the main server. Let PVE people live on Official servers if they want. Concentrate on the one game centered around pvp.

    Edit: Also since you would be adding more servers just make those extra servers Conflict zones. Always PVP 24/7 but higher gather rates than the normal areas or something that will give incentives to actually live there.. The other areas where the system would apply could be considered Higher Security. The 24/7 war areas would be considered low security areas.

    submitted by /u/Nodfire
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    Is it worth it to have a small character for pvp hitboxes?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    Ships deleted in golden age

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    We just has 2 boats from our company get deleted upon logging back into the D12 golden age server after it crashed. It didn't sink or leave anything behind. They were just gone.

    Good times

    submitted by /u/Kalovic
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    "Submarines are fixed"... yeah, first stuck was when i released it, second stuck came 2 minutes after, whales greeted me within a minute...

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 12:50 PM PDT

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