• Breaking News

    Monday, June 17, 2019

    ATLAS PvE bug: Rendering in ship does not reset claim timer for unmounted crew or tames.

    ATLAS PvE bug: Rendering in ship does not reset claim timer for unmounted crew or tames.

    PvE bug: Rendering in ship does not reset claim timer for unmounted crew or tames.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    As in the title, the declaim timer for unmounted crew and tames on ships is not resetting when they are rendered by someone in the company. This is a serious problem now since anyone can board any ship in PvE now.

    I lost two ostriches to someone else claiming them on my exploration schooner, even though I go to all ships and render them in every few days, and another parked boat lost it's crew unseated for repairs.

    This is not a good situation...

    submitted by /u/ROVaddict
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    Skill Tree / Overwhelmed

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    Hello fellow Pirates.

    I wanted to get some feedback from you all. I am new to Atlas but have played Ark before and was wondering if you all follow a specific skill tree route. I already had to restart multiple times due to failure to progress the right way. I have read some posts where people advise that being a group of people is the best way since everyone is selecting a specific route other than the necessary ones to have for all.

    Since I am playing alone, I would like to have a path of some sort. I would create my own but I don't have enough time to play and figure out a good "play alone" path. If any of you have some advice, please I am all yours.

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/RipPaw
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    PVE NA bug and lost bear location

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 09:50 AM PDT

    I got on last night and went to farm some items. When I went to upgrade a few of my animals, weight/melee, I would click the corresponding button and it would eat the point without increasing the stat. Anyone else experiencing this? And/or know a fix? Or is it just wise to avoid updating till this is in patch notes?

    Also, if anyone from "The Gods battalion" is missing their bear.... Its located here.

    submitted by /u/nIkbot
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    An endgame goal and a solution for wiping

    Posted: 17 Jun 2019 01:05 AM PDT

    So as of right now there isn't really a game-play purpose to raiding. You raid people to prevent them from raiding you or just for the lulz and that's about it. This bad for player retention because as a result raids don't occur as much and when they do occur the ones getting raided get completely wiped so they quit. And people at endgame don't really get to raid very much because they are surrounded by allies and they don't even get goodies if they go out of their way to raid someone because people can just toss all their crap on the ground. So those endgame people get bored and quit too. The current situation results in would-be raiders quitting from boredom and people that get raided quitting because they lost everything. Currently there are two types of groups in the game island owners and individuals/small groups that live on other people's island. I propose a third type of group be added to the game called a nation.

    - A company turns into a nation when it has a certain number of islands under it's control.

    - Nation's get the ability to conquer islands turning them into vassals.

    - Conquering an island can either be done by taking the flag or the defenders surrendering

    - Surrendering puts the defenders in peace phase requiring a war declaration to ignore the surrender

    - A nation can have a limited number of owned islands but an infinite number of vassal islands

    - A nation that loses an owned(not vassal) island will lose x number of vassal islands under their control

    - Nations have the ability to build a single national treasury on one of their owned islands that collects the tax from all vassals

    - Vassals that are abused with being raided by the nation that owns them or heavy taxes will be more likely to immediately surrender if an enemy nation tries to take over that vassal

    - Vassals of the same nation and that nation will be able to communicate via a shared chat similar to the alliance/company chat

    A system like this would give an endgame goal to large companies (vassalize the entire map) which would increase the total amount of raiding/fighting occurring. This change would also reduce the amount of people quitting due to wipes because people will be less likely to wipe islands as that would decrease the tax revenue they get when they vassalize that island. Islands that are completely outmatched can also surrender at any given time reducing the likelihood of wipes further. People with really good stuff that immediately surrender would also still be able to be raided if the loot is worth a war declaration. If you agree or have any ideas to improve this system feel free to comment.

    submitted by /u/Xanjis
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    Dodo.Ao not banned yet?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    I'm from the company UDON in Na PvP and we got raided by Dodo.Ao the other day. It's pretty established that they have multiple cheaters within their alliance. There were multiple headshots from locations we could not find at all and they hit headshots on people riding tames at full speed and such. We took clips of extremely fishy shots by mostly the same people (notice that they are low level as compared the normal members of Dodo). They also use shotguns instead of carbines . Every shot these specific players (3 from the last raid) made were headshots consistently and were from locations that we could not see. I reported to Jat and Dollie a few weeks ago but it seems that GS don't plan on wiping or even banning them. So I'm wondering how I am able to report them so that they do get banned. Is it under investigation or do they just not care enough...


    I will add more proofs.

    submitted by /u/hoisaaaa
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    Invited to an Atlas Raid! PVP with the greatest escape!

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 08:18 PM PDT

    Quality Land PvP Federation exploiting

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:33 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    Ahoy m'artys!

    An update from us here at the Explore Atlas development team! We have recently put live our Beta version of the Player Tracker & Player Search. This will allow you to see how many players are in each ATLAS 'cluster' and server (Region).


    On top of this, we added the ability to view which players are within the specific region you are looking at. Or, alternatively; you can search for players directly in our search bar to view which region they are in and how long they've been there




    We hope this helps when you're finding your way around ATLAS! Should you have any suggestions for us; please don't hesitate to come visit us at discord or catch up on one of our social media!

    submitted by /u/CrossingTheWorld
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    NA PVP solo player looking to rent land - C14 Freeport area-ish

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    Subject says it mostly. I casually play now, just me atm. Have a ship I mostly live off of, but would be nice to have a little place somewhere to store a few things and possible grab a tame or two. Haven't played since first month or two since release, so just getting back in to it. I'm down by the C14 freeport but can head somewhere as long as it's not SUPER far. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/FBTatlas3030
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    Team Casualty: Demoralizers

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 11:48 PM PDT

    Wtf does this mean? We have a claimed island on D11 and it scared the s* out of me

    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 05:08 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jun 2019 01:57 PM PDT

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