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    Sunday, July 14, 2019

    ATLAS Wild Pirate Encampments

    ATLAS Wild Pirate Encampments

    Wild Pirate Encampments

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    I really like the idea of WPE, that is something I was hoping since almost the beginning of the game, awesome it will be added.

    Though, I came with an idea :
    Make different kind of WPE, make a "company like"

    Here is the idea, instead of having everytime the same WPE but with different difficulty/size, make different WPE Company, with each their own skins/flags/constructions type.

    Here are some fast exemples :
    Blackbeard company : Pirate theme, pirate skins (Cloth and Hide armors), weapon : pistol/saber/throwing knives, special tactics : like to board, use Harpoon, mainly alone at sea, very aggressive.
    Royal Navy company : Marine theme, officer skin, weapon : pistol/saber (or special skin ?)/carabin, special tactics : mainly in groups, defensive.
    Asian company : Asian theme (japanese ?), Hydra Heavy skin, the new sail skin, weapon : sword (katana skin?)/pike/bow/crossbow/fire arrow, special tactics : like to use fire a lot


    WPE Company would fight eachothers at sea, some kind of special event.
    Make the WPE Company live in their own region, so you need/want to travel a lot to discover every of theses WPE Company. All thoses region would become even more unique.

    Having to fight the same type of WPE everytime will become veryyyy boring. If their is many WPE Company, it will become unique everytime (I'm not saying that it needs 1 company per island, hell no, but 1 company per region would be very awesome) (edit : By region I mean "Tropics", "Desert", "Tundra").

    Let us participate to create/image thoses WPE Company
    As we all know, some of Atlas players are very talented to create/imagine, just look at the Show 'N' Tell and see how awesome things emerge from it.
    Make a contest like the Show 'N' Tell, where people would give :

    • Company name
    • Theme
    • Flag (with image)
    • Construction design exemple (with image)
    • Ship design exemple (with image)
    • Lore/story behind the company
    • For the more talented one, draw all the concept art if it doesn't already exist in the game, and if it's really awesome, implement it in the game with Atlas Team (dunno how hard it could be ?)

    The contest would work as a Show 'N' Tell, people send their proposition, and as for Show 'N' Tell, that's the Atlas Team that choose the winners.
    (so no troll as "Area 51 with Naruto Runners flags, even if it's funny, that's not the point here. It also let the Atlas Team choose to not break the actual lore of the game or everything)


    Make quest through WPE Company
    If you completly wipe a WPE Company, you win something (dunno what, it could be a skin ? a skill ? else ?).
    All WPE Company have one main base with their captain (a mini-boss ?)
    Each outpost you destroy/claim, the more the main base become vulnerable ?
    Be able to interact with company ? Buy things ?

    submitted by /u/GlobyMt
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    2 Days , 3 War tokens, Let's Go

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    End Game Allience pounded at sea battle

    Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    I haven't seen any comments on how bad the big mouth kidz did in their wardec in B5.

    It would be alright if they just came in for a fight, but they were so loud, using improper language to say BS.

    Good thing they lost 8+ ships out of their 25 and we lost none out of our 15.

    Next time, SU and shoot. Btw, get some training and farm for some BPs, those ships wont cut it lazy boyz.

    submitted by /u/HarrierBR
    [link] [comments]

    Dirty Crabs from your Ex

    Posted: 13 Jul 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    Hard to find folks on PvE Euro, losing a lot of people. Anyone have crabs 4 sale ? Not the ones you got from your dirty ex

    submitted by /u/willyb23
    [link] [comments]

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