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    Sunday, January 19, 2020

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [19.01.2020] NA PVP

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [19.01.2020] NA PVP

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [19.01.2020] NA PVP

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:58 AM PST

    [TPG] 4 Galleon Vs QM Fleet (feat : Gin & Taxes)

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    The average Atlas player

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:13 AM PST

    You wake up after a long sweaty night of key crunching, loud tyrates of beligerant taunts and meaningless flexes about that awesome harbor run you did earlier the day before with no one to defend.

    You grumple as you achingly crawl up from your bed soaked in booty butter as you havent showered in days, just continually spray axe on yourself and febreeze on everything else. Up in a haze of hipster stench surrounded by empty redbull, and mountain dew cans with empty hot pocket boxes pilled in a corner. You stretch your muscle lacking legs, wondering if youll finally become a productive member of society yet forego it to instead continue the virgin grind that is your life yet again into the late hours as the acne piles up on your back and shoulder.

    You boot your computer/xbox up proud of you may accomplish in the day yet to unfold you giggle at the thoughts of conquests yet no ones around to hear it as you still have no friends in real life that would ever visit. Just those online you have formed a bond with, but if they ever knew how big of a potatoe you really were in life you status quo of friends would stay as stagnant as its always been.

    Finally your in the game time to find meaning in your life, you grind to start your day but that only lasts 30 min then you grumble as your fat man spit drips down the side of your mouth drying into yet another layer of unwashed crust adding to the ugliness that is you. You shout out whats everyone doing, some fighting, others building, some getting gold. AH HA YOU SAY you see a friend company fighting with someone talking crap in global, you jump on the band wagon thinking yourself witty spouting out lame insults no ones laughing at. As you sit there not even invested in the fight feeling tough about your smack talk flexing continually, no one pays attention and you still dont get involved in the fight but think crap talking from the safety of your base not in the fight makes you feel apart of something.

    Hours go by and you shout out as things die in your log, "WHATS GOING ON ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?". Only to realize the people you talked crap too indeed pulled up as you told them too, and instead of wearing your 62 waist big boy pants for the fatass that you are you decide to cry for help from everyone screaming as your stuffs destroyed yet your fuckboi beta pve self hides in the base instead of meeting the enemy on the field of battle as you told them to pull. You scream and shout and cry, but then get overtaken with big ball syndrome as you notice 20 allies zoned into the grid your cries finally turn into..... nope nvm you start talking crap again still not coming out to fight as your allies do all the work. After the battle is won, as you cower in your base you make up stories of the many brave warriors who out numbered you have slayen to your allies attempting to not look like pathetic bob that you are..... yet have no pictures to prove any of it and all your company members are shown in the company log as killing lots of the the enemy you are nowhere on the list yet swear it must have been scrolled down to far to be seen or its wrong. As everyone goes back to their daily doings, you look around empty and as soulless as ever decide to log off as no one wants to play with you and your bored.

    So you log off the game hi fiving yourself telling everyone youll see them tomm, yet no responses. As you sit on your couch not a sound to be heard in your empty apartment, or moms basement you load up those CW shows youve been wanting to watch excited. As the night winds down, the game is just as unaffected with you in it as it is without you on yet you wonder how many of your digital friends miss you as you pass out as your skin slowly turns more yellow again as you have forgotten to take yet another shower before bed or brush your teeth which now has an orange tint to it.

    Rest easy little potatoe, as tomm holds nothing meaningful in your life for you yet again.

    submitted by /u/Spyder2k1
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    Looking for a server for xbox

    Posted: 18 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Looking for a group amd a server on xbox

    submitted by /u/Dcross712
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    Builder Extraordinaire

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:48 PM PST

    Builder Extraordinaire

    Because nothing screams 'pirate game' more then a 500x500 mcmegamansion, you set about building the biggest waste of resources the game has ever known, a castle the size of an island built with the tears of your enemies teammates.

    The start of the season is a exciting time for the artistic-asset-annihilator, you've honed your craft and can drum up the fears of every member to make sure they work hard for your RP inspired designs.

    'The Chinese are coming' you say with a deadly serious tone. You strike fear into the former bobs that merged in, as they recall the horrors of getting 'wiped by the Chinese' in season 1 (when it was actually just 4 dudes with a clue).

    Your vice-like grip around the companies bolas has everyone fearing the worse, and so the scene is set for the first of a flurry of objective killshots that will destroy the company on the path to safety and prosperity. A list is drafted:

    '1700 walls'
    '900 ceilings'
    '750 floors'
    '1100 large gates'

    As you sit back and begin to get mildly frustrated at the teamwork while your team works, your time-wasting eventually turns into resource wasting as the castles and harbours and mortar towers begin to come to life.

    A daily reminder of the possibility of 'a big attack coming soon' thanks to the valuable intel gathered from global chat filled with boxes 7 grids away, really keeps the lads focused. Any talk of possible wastefulness is quickly squashed by spasms of fear mongering about the great threats this 180-man company face from a bunch of companies not even awake during your combat phase.

    With morale dropping in the squad quicker then their FPS, you really cant understand why the resources aren't still flowing to you, and really start to question the team mentality as you grab 900 building pieces from your personal box, change into your personal RP-weight set and hop on your personal tame to begin another day of personal building (no other builders allowed). You sigh as you wish people would be more team players.

    By the time your finished, 70% of the company has quit, there's a single blueprinted ship in the harbour that's level 1 that some leader built with the steering wheel admin locked, and the leaders are quite over your bullshit as you explain 'the left side of the right cove is short around 700 puckles'.

    Day 49: After building and demoing the same floor of some useless building for the 37th time that day, you begin to wonder why no one is using the balconies, storerooms, saunas and countless other bullshit thats as useless as the Dems in the Senate that your company has no idea even exists. Your legacy is maintained for weeks to come though, as company members lose their mind at everything being rank 10.

    But when you start to fall below 300 crafting pieces and think all hope is lost, you decide to do the unthinkable and venture outside the walls. You discover a barren wasteland as every resource has been mined by the 2 people left that are still working on the list from day 1. A fear overcomes them as you ride up on your purple/green bear that you spent 4 hours painting, they immediately start throwing resources at your feet why quivering in fear at the thought at farming another node. They look up in sheer horror as their worst fears come true,

    '10,000 more walls please'


    submitted by /u/st00giez
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