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    Monday, January 21, 2019

    ATLAS The titaneck

    ATLAS The titaneck

    The titaneck

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Just a reminder that water barrels are 500kg and 3 water vases carrying more water is 15kg

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 08:59 AM PST

    Why does it need WC/Grapheshot ages to realize their current Fountain system is broken and they just should add more fountain until they have a better plan on what to do..

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 10:21 AM PST

    or reset everyone to 20 back.. I don´t care.

    I´m laying in a cave with hundrets of other people waiting for the fountain to spawn. WE WAIT.. some guys are in the cave since 2h waiting for it to spawn since servers are always full. 2h BEFORE JUST AFKING IN THE CAVE ..

    please for god sake just add more fountains or reset everyone back. 2 fountain will not be enough, add at least to every power island one and be done with it. you buy yourself 1 month to find a new solution but we can finally stop the death running shit and continue being pirates

    I hate this death run shit so much.. I just want to get rid of the old man debuff (500 weight instead of 550 is noticable even in PvE) and the stam regen as well etc.

    fuck man.. what does it need for them to change? (except 200 upvotes to read it)

    Edit: Just this.. https://imgur.com/a/TtSBUGN Old man waiting room

    submitted by /u/NoCookieForYouu
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    My bear got stuck. Oh bother.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 09:30 AM PST

    Could we get a Medium Gate please?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 08:02 AM PST

    We have small and Large but we have to build a gigantic gate that is 4 times larger than we need to allow Rhinos and Elephants through. I'm sure all of you who build know what i'm talking about.

    submitted by /u/Ebidoni
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    The company Tab needs a HUGE improvement.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 11:52 PM PST

    As a small company you migth be able to manage it, doing things like kick inactive players, checks logs, etc... but as a 500 members company this is impossible, there's nothing to tell you if a player is active or not, do you expect us to remember 500 names and keep track manually ? not to talk about the logs, which are a massive spam and you can't even search neither filter information.

    - We need to know if players are active
    - We need to be able to search a specific name in a 500 names list, they're not even alphabetically sorted

    - We need filters and search option for the Log, or at least let us export the data and we'll do it outside the game.

    There's alot more to improve but this 3 things are absolutely neccesay.

    submitted by /u/Nairin21
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    Why we need another Shipweightbalance for PVP

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 09:37 AM PST

    Why we need another Shipweightbalance for PVP

    This post will resolve around the competitiveness of Shiphulls and why imo we need a 2nd rebalance of Shipstats, specifically weight to avoid a meta that solely is about brigantines and galleons.


    The Sailweight comes together when looking for best Speed (Sloop 1 medium, Shooner 1 large1small,...) Too keep things simple i went with the basic Crewvalues of 50kg plus additional 50 that player usually runaround with (muskets, Firearrows etc.) I will not be discussing the sloop, as it has no natural gunports and due to its natural very slow maximum speed is not competitive unless you intent to Zerg the enemy with them. (by far lowest cost vs. damageoutput+tank because you can build this:


    From my observation Speed is among the most important Abilities in Naval combat as it allows not only for more tactic options but also improves your ability to actively avoid taking hits due to the flighttime of enemy cannonballs. Your speed is aside from your choice of sail directly impacted by your ships % weight. a Ship with 10% of its max. allowed weight will be faster then with 20% (there is no bottom thresshold like some people assume).

    That being said your ships maximum weight is among the most crucial stats when looking at combat as it allows you to bring more supplies without sacrifing too much speed. Sturdiness becomes irrelevant compared to weight as the latter will allow you to engage faster, kite damage and leave the battlefield quicker, should the engagemnt not go in your favour.

    Now looking at the Stats i typed down in excel sheets the brigantine is the clear winner in every way. it has a far better baseweight and baseweightbonus compared to the Shooner while using the same "cheap" medium woodplanks for repairs. The Galleon has even bigger issues, however it also pakcs more then 4times the Brigantines cannons. and is supposed to more of a mobile fortress anyways.

    What this means for the Shipmeta atm is, that the supposed "fast medium ship" (the Galleon and Shooner actually have the highest basespeed in the game with the Brigantine being just behind them), becomes a lame duck when properly fitted out for combat. putting skillpoints into cargo does not negate this effect when looking at the brigantine doing the same due to the difference of 120kg of extra cargoload the Brigantine gets compared to the shooner.

    I'd like to see every hull having its place in the naval combat meta and i see the shooner at a weakspot due to it having quite a few problems given the weight and only being 30% cheaper compared to a brigantine. Where the Brigantine is the standard ship of the line the shooner should be a fast skirmish/attack ship.

    This needs to be a thing (it actually allready is but it should be even faster and greatly suffers from the badly balanced weight)


    thoughts and opinions?

    you can also find me on discord Akara Lenteh#0200 and are welcome to join our server to test out some shipdesigns and metaideas, blow up a couple ships we quickly build up from a spawned in chest.

    submitted by /u/AkaraLenteh
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    Some community introspection on Atlas

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 12:39 PM PST

    I'd like to preface this by saying I'm not defending the various PR or game play decisions coming from GSG. We all know they have a lot of opportunity on every front.

    I would, however, like to offer some suggestions to the community. I think the scope of this game is something special and I think it's important the community concisely articulates what we do and don't like about the game. Ideally, with the hopes GSG figures it out and makes Atlas great, but otherwise so the many companies watching from the sidelines take proper notes as they ready their own applications.

    • To kick things off, consider not playing this game. If you think it's never going to improve and you don't enjoy the current state then why are you still playing or engaging with the community? You know who you are.
    • Uneducated, sensational rhetoric is counter-productive and immediately discredits anything you're trying to say thereafter. Reading the titles in this Subreddit is like Yellow Journalism of old.
    • Continue bringing up things you'd like to see improved or changed. Not only is this helpful for GSG but it makes for interesting and engaging community dialogue.
    • On a similar note, don't use appeal to tradition fallacies to defend mechanics. Offline raiding is my favorite example--if you think it should exist then have a conversation about it. However, "this is how it was done in [game]" is a logical fallacy.
    • Remember memes are not arguments. :)
    • Last-- and I'm sure I will get some hate for this one--remember, this game is in EA. No, I don't think it gives GSG permission to do whatever they want. But I do think a large number of players are forgetting this game is effectively in an Alpha state right now. Expect things to break and to break often. Voice your feedback but be constructive, and if you can't be constructive then GTFO because this game is not ready for your expectations yet.

    I wrote this hastily but it's been weighing on me recently so I wanted to write it down, especially with all of the action over the weekend. Happy constructive feedbacking. :)

    submitted by /u/Yakarue
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    Black Butterfly New Base - Help Needed

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 02:07 AM PST

    Black Butterfly New Base - Help Needed

    With the 2x weekend, we officially are unable to keep black butterfly at bay in their new base (NA PVP - F12). Most of their cheaters have left from what we can tell but we can't just clear them off fast enough. We have cleared their shipyards, mortar towers, defenses, and sloops/rafts as soon as they appear but we are just running out of steam. I assume as soon as they get a foothold they will start branching to other areas. In response, we are really asking the rest of the Atlas community to help wipe these hackers off their new zone and force them to start fresh again. Here is all the recent scouting information we have done. If you come to F12, I can give more details in global.

    She was max level, sad day -.-


    Main Base Location (evercaster island, southeastern island of F12):


    Side Base Location (northeast epdale reef, center of F12):


    Second Side Base Location (southeast epdale reef, center of F12 zone):


    Mortar tower locations (northern islands of Epdale Reef, center of F12):


    submitted by /u/Poreatix
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    Thank you

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 09:30 PM PST

    Thank you devs for increasing the carry weight on creatures. My cows and bull went from 200 to 800 with the rebalance, rhino 400>1500, lions 180>220, bears from 800>1100. Before I was using a pack of 7 bears to move materials, now a couple rhinos do the trick.

    submitted by /u/Scrubtimus
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    Defense/Ship Protections NEED a Change

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 04:04 AM PST

    Base and ship defenses need a major buff until the game is more fleshed out with more options. Currently ships are almost impossible to defend when offline and still pretty hard to defend when online unless you have people sitting and watching every single one. You can just flame arrow down a plank and boom, your ship is sunk in a couple minutes depending on which ship type it is and this doesn't mention grenades, kegs, and oil jars which can speed up ship sinking heavily. Ships need some type of % damage reduction when anchored, damage immunity to types of damage, or just damage immunity until there is actual ways to decently defend them.

    Being able to sink ships this easily at their own base is also because of a massive lack of automated base defense. Currently the only automated base defense is setting up different mounted weapons and putting NPC's on them, but there is massive issues currently with this.

    1. NPC's have such a ridiculous upkeep compared to the time it takes to get gold. Food is pretty easy to keep up with.
    2. NPC's are still pretty easy to kill even if they're fully armored, a few shots and they're gone.
    3. NPC's are horrible AI, they don't have enough options to make them effective (who would sit there and keep taking shots to their face like that).

    Base raiding is not that easy and, in my opinion, it is in a decent spot but, why in a fantasy game based heavily on pirating and ships, are ships so vulnerable. Docked ship are basically made out of paper and are expected to be sunk within a couple days of being built.

    I think anchored ships need a band-aid fix until something else changes because right now a lot of people are quitting the game from losing ships constantly.

    Edit: An idea I had was to keep anchoring the same, but add some type of lock down mode.

    1. It could take a bit (5-10 minutes) to enter and exit.
    2. Could give either full immunity or a big % damage reduction or immunity to certain types of damage.
    3. Could deactivate mounted weapons, or NPC's firing mounted weapons on board depending on the rest of the settings lock down gives.
    4. Depending on the lock down settings, you could make customize pieces (walls, chests, etc) still be damageable as to allow loot to be taken from the ships.

    This system is just a quick idea, but something needs to be done.

    submitted by /u/osterberg501
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    How does Captaineering work?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 08:26 AM PST

    Captaineering offers a lot of buffs such as Ship Maintenance, Crew Education, Crew Rationing and Cheaper Crews. How does this work exactly?

    Do the buffs follow the person who puts the ship down? The person who hires the npcs? The Captain driving the ship? Or does someone just need to be on the boat with those skills?

    Do they remain in effect if the "Captain" is offline?

    Are any of the buffs simply not worth taking?

    I know that Rally the Troops and Reload Overdrive must be done by the actual Captain steering the vessel but in regards to the other buffs I've no clue how they work. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/DShark182
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    Map App - Fountain of Youth Rotations

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Hey all,

    Pushing a small update with the reported fountain of youth rotations on the interactive map I have been developing.


    If anyone has some evidence of what causes the transitions between the different positions, or if there is any deviation from the rotation shown in the map, please let me know! The update should be deployed within ~10 minutes of this post.

    If you've already checked out the map before, perform a cache reset (Shift + F5) if you do not see the map looking something like this: https://imgur.com/a/Uv9pRMZ (I believe I may have solved the stale script caching for new visitors, but let me know if this is not the case!)


    submitted by /u/v1c10us
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    Sloth Atlas Comic 1

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 01:05 PM PST

    Do Atlas actually have Admins/GMs monitoring the game

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 06:31 AM PST

    Where Atlas is trying to be an MMO be it an early access title it is lacking in the support and admin front and this is an easy fix employ more admins/gms.

    At the moment I have had a support ticket in since Saturday afternoon where I lost my character due to the last update and I have already stated I am annoyed about the loss but meh I have made a new character and worked towards getting all the power stones again and getting my level back to where it was.

    However, the real issue is that the character that has been lost is still in our company and is the owner of the company, therefore, we are stuck without the owner rank meaning if we need to do any future merges or anything like that we can't. This is super simple to fix set an admin in our company to the new owner with a simple admin command. (Would take less than 5 mins to do.

    On a serious note there is no MMO that is production or early access that does not have a decent 8 hour reply time for their support and the main part is that I have not had a reply in over 36 hours, not even a simple we are sorry about the delay we are extremely busy and will get back to you as soon as we can.

    submitted by /u/404-Deadbeat
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    unusable ark gunpowder after server reset.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 09:54 AM PST

    Improved server performance you said?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 06:01 AM PST

    A Resource Crafting Mod! More Structures to come!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 10:04 AM PST

    This mod will let you use one single metal source and craft the other 5, saving you 10s of 100s of hours of sailing to get those pesky resources!

    Mods has many more resource related structures coming and I expect to cover every single resource in game!


    submitted by /u/Broku37
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    Making Alphas worth killing.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 02:21 AM PST

    The only reason to fight Alphas is to level but eventually that will either get fixed or will all be maxed.

    My suggestions is Alphas should have unique items like Prime Hide, Meat, and Keratin. You can use all these things for either tames or making Blueprints.

    Alphas are just gonna end up like Ark, where they are just a cancer.

    submitted by /u/Bobbyhons
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    Having trouble finding a use for rhino

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 11:08 AM PST

    People are saying they're useful but I think im doing something wrong, never had one in ark. Tips?

    submitted by /u/Deadscvm
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    What happens when you die of old age?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 06:58 AM PST

    Has anyone died or know what happens when you dont get the fountain of youth? I am trying to die in order to change the look on my charecter, but i need confirmation that you can indeed make a new pathfinder.

    submitted by /u/M1zzou
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    Galleon stuck between servers. (vid inside)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2019 10:12 PM PST


    Was solo piloting a galleon through a server. When the border hit, game crashed. Couldnt spawn back on the gally. Just DC'ed over and over. Looking at the map it was teleporting over the border and back with no one on it. Someone in discord told me to sail another ship there to render it and it would stop. Lol. GG

    submitted by /u/PewpScewpin
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    Looking for 3d artists for custom mods.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 02:12 AM PST

    Is there anyone who could help with making an AquaMan armor+trident model so that I could implement them in a mod pack? If you are willing to help leave a comment here.

    Thanks alot!

    submitted by /u/Dindanelli
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    Manage and command the NPC crew

    Posted: 21 Jan 2019 05:58 AM PST


    I already read some posts about controlling and commaning the crew, but there are some questions open.

    So, when you are on a ship, lets say a Brig with 12 gunports and 12 cannons, with a crew of 6 NPCs. The 6 NPCs are manned to the cannons on the left side. When I am at the steering wheel, I can choose the "group left" and press + holding N for some seconds and the crew will dismount the cannons. Then I unselect "group left" and select "group right". Now I press/spam/hold the right shift key and some of the NPCs are walking to the right side and manned the cannons on the right side. In my case, 4 of the 6 NPCs are moved to the right side and 4 of the 6 cannons of the right side are manned now... So there are 2 NPCs on the left side reamaining, which are unmounted, but didnt walk to the cannons on the right side. How can I get those 2 NPCs to move over to the right side and man the remaining 2 cannons?

    Anyone has the same experience or maybe a solution? Am I doing something wrong?

    submitted by /u/chdobiat
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