• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 5, 2019

    ATLAS With stone structure cost staying the way it is, at least make sugar stack to 200.

    ATLAS With stone structure cost staying the way it is, at least make sugar stack to 200.

    With stone structure cost staying the way it is, at least make sugar stack to 200.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 06:44 AM PST

    It's silly that when we're trying to build a base we have to place down 5-10 mortar and pestle to try and make enough paste and constantly play the refill game.

    I'd like to just throw a bunch in there and check on it in 10 minutes.

    submitted by /u/Zenn1nja
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    Chat logs of IVANARMY-BLDX explaining how to dupe in their discord, bonus screenshots of grapeshot developers being in the same discord wtf.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 10:56 AM PST


    Same guy is a crew member in their discord : https://imgur.com/a/nMEmbH3

    What the fuck are grapeshot developers doing in BLDX discord? https://imgur.com/a/SqzwWu5

    Video of BLDX getting dev wiped in ark, their cheating goes back years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxISNG28_oY

    submitted by /u/AceofSpadesTwitch
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    Is there a way to report hacks? We were witnessing Black Butterfly hacking for over a week now. They even openly admit it on global. (Happy is a sub company of BB) We have a lot of videos and screens to prove it but do not know, where to report it.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 06:12 AM PST

    VIDEO of ChemB (IVANARMY-BLDX ally) DUPED items (several items same random int craft proc). And compilation of screenshots of more duped Items.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 10:46 AM PST

    They should replace "What's Yours Is Mine" at the bottom of the piracy tree with a skill that allows you to sail enemy ships

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 09:36 PM PST

    Just hear me out here

    The details of the new skill would be as follows:

    1. The WYIM skill would unlock a craftable "Skeleton Key," which is a consumable required to start unlocking the wheel. It would cost alloy, gems, salt and a variety of other semi-valuable resources in order to prevent naked theft attempt spamming. Once the Skeleton Key has been used on the wheel, it would start a 30 minute timer on anchored ships, during which the timer does not go down unless there are no hostile players on the ship. For ships that are unanchored (i.e. at sea), there would be no timer as long as the ship contains no players.

    2. A commandeered ship's cannons cannot be used by the company stealing the ship. This is to prevent someone from boarding a hostile galleon in their port, taking control, and using the cannons to quickly destroy everything else in the port. Sails and wheel control only.

    3. When the ship is being captured, the current owner wouldn't be able to demolish anything on the ship. This is to prevent the current owner from swimming naked to the enemy port where their ship is located, and demolishing all the planks or scuttling it. We've seen this happen before, in the rare situation where we've captured an enemy ship in our own harbor. The owners came naked w/ a glider and scuttled it right before our eyes.

    This would fix a few problems:

    a. There is currently a huge investment required to reach the bottom of the piracy tree for WYIM, as it requires you to unlock literally every other piracy skill before you get there. The current skill reduces the time to capture ships, but requires you to sit there and actively spam it, making it completely useless. As it stands this is an underwhelming skill given the immense investment.

    b. Stealing ships is currently next to impossible. A level 30 Brig has a capture time of roughly 48 hours. During that time you literally cannot allow anyone to board the boat and flip the claim flag. Even with high intelligence and WYIM, that theoretical brig will still take 24 hours -- and that's 24 hours of actively spamming the skill on the enemy ship. If WYIM allowed the player to sail the ship, you could extract said theoretical brig from an enemy port, sail it to your port, and then begin the 48 hour claim flag.

    c. This dynamic would encourage PvP and strategic attacks. If you knock a hole into someone's port, clear the swivel AI off of their galleon, kill all sleepers on board, and then manage to sail it back to your base, you'd then have to keep that ship safe for several days. During this time the enemy would be attempting to come back and rescue the ship.

    d. It also gives attackers options, as the current best (and only?) strategy when you raid someone is to simply sink all of their ships. When you fight at sea, the only option is to sink the ship after extracting what little resources you can carry on your own boat. With this change it would be viable to both plan raids to steal ships from enemy ports, and to board during sea combat to secure the ship and steal it.

    Curious what yall think about this one, although I know it will never happen. Shout out to /u/jatheish just because I think he's great and not because I want him to see this post

    submitted by /u/Ohh_Yeah
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    With the recent patch taking things in the right direction, Can we talk about Swivel carts and how they're making ground pvp super unfun?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 07:43 AM PST

    With my latest thread about the bed glitch getting attention i figured i might give this a shot, Swivel carts need to be nerfed somehow until there is an answer to them. I'm a council member in the federation and for the last 3 days our attacks on black butterfly have devolved into who has the most npc swivel carts. At one point we had an army of about 30 some carts to counter our enemy's swivel carts. I'm not sure how everyone else feels, but riding a tame around while an npc does all the shooting isn't fun. Also its a super feels bad for anyone who tries to use anything but the carts, you just get immediately rolled over with 0 counter-play. I would suggest making NPC's unable to mount artillary/guns on the carts so at least another player has to do the aiming instead of everyone just getting on tames spamming heal and watching npcs shoot each other. Hope this gets the attention it deserves, the land warfare game is horribly stagnant at the moment and we have people not wanting to pvp at all because of it.

    submitted by /u/Zeraonic
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    - Fixed multiple cases where players would fall through structures upon server restart, login, transition, etc.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 08:27 AM PST

    Swivles not firing through window frames anymore

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Last patch note says: "Fixed Swivel Cannons from firing through walls".
    The problem is now they don't fire through window frames anymore either. Not a good way to fix that imo.

    submitted by /u/grester02
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    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [05.02.2019] NA PVP

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 01:34 AM PST

    Tames falling into the ground

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 08:26 AM PST

    Why are my tames always in the ground when I get back online the next day? I always have to destroy the floor and build ramps out of the holes to get them out and its very annoying.



    The rhino in the second picture also counts as in the ground, as I can not ride him without having to break the ground he is on/in...

    submitted by /u/DrPengGwin
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    Why This Pirate MMO Doesn’t Actually Have Any Piracy, And What to Do About It

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 11:50 AM PST

    While Grapeshot is putting a lot of systems in place that would allow players to be pirates, there's not really any, you know, piracy. Nobody's out there roving the high seas, plundering ships, "burying" treasure, commandeering vessels, or walking the plank. Why not? As they are wont to say, "It's the economy, stupid." There's no incentive to piracy. There are a few key ways in which the actual Golden Age of Sail (and by extension, the Age of Piracy,) differs significantly from the world of Atlas. I want to encapsulate those differences on a "design goal" level here. I will offer some ideas about ways to push the design of the game towards those goals, but the point of this post is to articulate the necessary outcomes, not to assert that I have the answer. Hopefully, we can start a dialogue among the community (and ultimately, at Grapeshot,) about what the best course is for the game to push the game more towards the advertised gameplay:

    Economics 101: Perfect Elasticity and Free Ships

    Currently, ships have no value. Apart from galleons, which aren't necessary or game-changing to bring to a fight anyway, even a small company can recover from the loss of a ship with trivial costs in time and resources. The reason the Caribbean seabed isn't littered with a thick layer of 400-year-old timber is because ships were shockingly expensive and valuable. Pirates preferred not to sink a vessel – depending on a variety of circumstances, they were more inclined to either commandeer the vessel as their own, or else take any valuable cargo and be on their way. Sinking a vessel was wasteful, and more importantly, it was dangerous. There was no surer way as a pirate to attract the attention of a powerful nation with a Navy than to set their merchant fleet back years at a time by scuttling ships wantonly.

    Economics 201: A Broken Value Chain

    The other key difference between Atlas and the actual Golden Age of Sail is the lack of a dynamic economy, unrelated to sailing. Players in Atlas behave less like pirates preying on weak, juicy targets, and more like raiding parties of steppes nomads, launching attacks on other clans of raiders with little apparent value beyond the prospect of honor and violence. Piracy is inextricably linked to economic value – it's robbery with water. Everywhere piracy flourished, it did so on the back of some wildly lucrative trade – gold, tea, rum, indigo, silk, take your pick. So long as most ships on the seas are warships, most engagements will be more like naval engagements than piracy.

    Piracy in the 21st Century, and Why It Matters For Atlas

    The last problem is less straightforward. The other key element of the world during the Golden Age of Sail that enabled piracy was the speed of communication. It was simply impossible to mobilize a warship to respond to an act of piracy in the moment of the attack. The only way to truly deal with pirates was to hunt them down, and even then it generally came down to chance encounters. Nothing Grapeshot could possibly do would allow this to be replicated in game – communication will always be instantaneous between players, via either in- or out-of-game systems.

    But! Piracy is still a thing today, despite sat phones, despite GPS, despite commercial satellite imagery, despite military powers that could intercept a hijacked vessel before it could make it halfway back to shore. It still happens because it still works:

    • It's a smaller loss to a shipping company to pay out a ransom of millions of dollars than it is to replace a ship, pay out life insurance on executed crew, lose contracts by gaining a reputation as a risky carrier, etc.

    • Pirates have nothing to lose, and are therefore desperate enough to carry out threats that would certainly leave their lives forfeit in retribution. Even the most elite military forces of the world are rolling the dice to engage pirates and reclaim a ship.

    What, Then, For Atlas?

    There are a few commonalities between these issues above that need to be addressed before anyone starts hoisting the black flag in Atlas (Besides the glaring failure to allow me to hoist a flag of any variety from my masts; seriously, how did we miss this one?):

    • Ships need to be worth more intact than as salvage. Ships need to cost more to build, either in actual resources, or in time sitting on a drydock. Or both. Additionally, salvage needs to be less attractive. Sinking a ship shouldn't comparably lucrative to taking it.

    • Commandeering a vessel needs to be easier. Obviously, a lot of protections are in place to prevent offlining a company's entire fleet; there still needs to be space for a savvy crew to intercept a vessel, run it down, force its surrender (or kill its sails with bar shot,) make a "What Was Briefly Yours Is Now Mine" joke, and make good on their escape as they squabble about which captain gets to be called Commodore.

    • The cargo inside a ship needs to be, in many cases, more valuable than the ship itself. Players need to be incentivized to make the conscious decision that the ship isn't worth it – even as salvage – and just strip it of valuables and wave suggestively farewell to the newly impoverished crew as they sail off with their loot.

    The Fun Part: Armchair Designing

    I'll put my thoughts about how to achieve these goals in a separate comment; I want to make sure there's space for people to discuss/add to/contest the design goals themselves without immediately bogging the conversation down in how smart/dumb/really dumb my backseat game design sptiballs are. Hopefully we can get a conversation going here about where this game needs to go on a macro level to make it more enjoyable for everyone.

    submitted by /u/cyfir
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    Cant Place Sviwel Gun with wood gun mount on my schooner ship deck. (Out of ship Boundary??)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 11:46 AM PST

    I have no idea why i cant place this thing on the ship deck. this bug destroys my whole ship design...

    submitted by /u/FrittenFritz
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    Why do the Songs of the Accordeon and the Wardrums get "lost"

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Why do the songs get deleted when you play them. That's like burning you notes when you stopped your guitar session.

    I would like the Songs to stay in the inventories and not be one-time ammo. Make them have durability or make it so that you have to get multiple pieces to complete a song, which you can play as long as you want. But them simply disappearing once done is incredibly frustrating when you try to train your atlas musical skills.

    Wardrum Songs disappear once you started playing, so you don't get to try them twice. Accordeon songs disappear when you successfully complete a song.

    submitted by /u/DrRuhe
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    New patch pog

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 05:30 AM PST

    New patch notes are awesome. - we can use bottom decks in ships - no need to use swivels in the bottom of my ship - dont have to worry if i sail over a naked oof guy This patch is awesome. No more noobs glitching through the bottom of my ship i cant tell you how happy i am.

    submitted by /u/Justanotherarkcopy
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    Character Leveling Sheet

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 10:26 AM PST

    How long someone needs to die in prison?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 08:02 AM PST

    How long someone needs to die in prison?

    submitted by /u/jhondipto
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    Having already put in hundreds of hours as most of you have I am getting the vibe that this game will turn into a pseudo pirate eve online.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:13 AM PST

    I believe I saw something saying this is kinda what they want to go for and I dig it hard. I like the shift from ark where you could raid a base in 2 hours easy and be in and out but having raided big islands and taking 14 hours to wipe someone not including dismantling time, I like the feeling of war being prolonged. The shift from arms near malicious general attitude toward politics to altas's much more complex player interaction is awesome, whether it was intended or not.

    submitted by /u/ButtSaladYummy
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    Claims be like...........

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 04:34 PM PST

    NPCs driving boats..

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 10:06 AM PST

    What is the point of putting an NPC on your steering wheel? How do you operate with them as the drivers? Or will they just follow you in another boat?

    submitted by /u/jf12059350
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    Suggestion: Random Encounters

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:54 AM PST

    This game could use a little surprise every now and then to help liven things up a bit, figured random encounters may be just the way to do it!

    1: Treasure Chests, I feel like the treasure chests need a bit more than a cut and dry gold + bp. I propose changing to a weight system like this. 80% gold and random bps/items, 10% nothing (Empty chest, like someone already found it) 8% you get the treasure but find that some animals made their nest in it (You get the normal loot + extra gold off the animals when you clear them) 1% Booby trapped chest (big explosion much merriment) and 1% Heros map, higher tier than Mythic and gives incredible rewards, but requires you to dig underneath one of the boss areas after having defeated it.

    2: The Traveling Merchant: A stranger walks by you and if you press E on him he will sell you items of "distant lands" aka if you talk to him he will stay in place for a few minutes so you can buy a set number of random items from him.

    3: Pirate raids: A captain and his 5 men will attack you at random while in or near a structure, if you manage to defeat the captain any remaining pirates will lay down their weapons and agree to serve you, costing half the price of normal AI!

    4: Schools of fish : while sailing there should be a chance to find large schools of fish, if you stop at one of these locations you can attempt to catch trophy fish, which sell for gold based apon the type of fish and its size, alternatively you can choose to get it converted to a placeable trophy for the house.

    5: The unlucky sailors: A random encounter based on you randomly sailing and you see a ship in the distance, a giant tentacle rises out of the ocean and slams it, breaking multiple planks and sinking quickly, if you go to the wreckage you can find a few ai and if you dive for it, salvage + random loot.

    These are just a few suggestions and I would love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to add a few of your own as well.

    submitted by /u/gigigamer
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    Do not allow AI to ride Shivel guns/canons on bear/horse ( Mobile turret )

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Simple as that is pretty much a mobile auto turret , even this mechanic was removed on your previous game, ( ARK ) During EA ( Paracer , bronto mobile turrets ). This is the same thing, it forces the ground pvp to be about mobile shivel guns and nothing else.

    submitted by /u/MrDolphin001
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    Persistence issue with powerstones and discovery points?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2019 06:55 AM PST

    Did a powerstone yesterday and I saw the stone in my compass and got the discovery points for it. Went over the server border and lost the discovery points but still had the powerstone gem in my compass. Tried to relog and fast travel between beds but the discovery points were gone. Logged back in this morning and save that my powerstone had been removed from my compass aswell. What the hell?

    This isn't the first time I've heard it happening so probably there's a persistence issue with the system?

    submitted by /u/Azmoodeus
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    Is there mention about an actual intermediate ship?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2019 11:21 PM PST

    Cause as it is, the Brig doesn't really fill that role.

    submitted by /u/Hitokiri_Xero
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