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    Monday, March 18, 2019

    ATLAS Good Ships

    ATLAS Good Ships

    Good Ships

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    Do we like the ship combat in this game?

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    Rather than try to categorize them as pros or cons, let's just go over some ship mechanic/features:

    • Fast ships, fast pace.
    • High DPS and high alpha strikes relative to plank health contributes to the fast pace
    • There are 3 jobs really needed to fight a ship: steering, sail handling and shooting. 1 person can do this though you might want to offload one of these tasks to someone else (via a lieutenant's podium)
    • All other crew are generally there for repairs. If you have 6 people on your ship that's 1-2 for fighting and 4-5 for repairing. Technically you could have people shooting rifles or trying to board the enemy but at the fast pace of combat the opportunities for this are fleeting while the urgency of repairs is huge.
    • "Sinking" is the meta -- ship capture is not practical and demasting or cutting sails is much harder than simply popping planks. (Plus, since capturing isn't really viable, there's not much point in demasting someone.)
    • Ships take many man-hours to gather resources for and assemble and fights can last anywhere from 15+ minutes to less than 10 seconds depending on what you're in and what you're facing. Hard to say what a "typical" fight duration is but for sure they tend towards being fast paced affairs. (Even a galleon can be sunk in one pass against a sufficiently nasty encounter with a side-loaded heavy cannon galleon.)
    • View distance is pretty good (could certainly be improved) but again, fast ship movement speed means two ships coming at each other head to head will go from "just visible" to "firing range" within seconds.
    • Practical ship construction requires a steady base to work out of and available resources and tames. You can slap a ship together out of lawless by hand but you're greatly multiplying the amount of work involved.

    Do we.....like the ship combat in this game?

    I'm kind of torn, really. Like, as a captain, it's fun. As crew, though, all you're doing is running around with repair hammer and spare planks and trying to keep the thing afloat. Which isn't awful, really. You still have that sense of tension and what you're doing matters but it's probably not what you had in mind when you bought the game. "Oh boy! I can't wait to run around that thing with a wooden hammer and look for missing pieces!"

    I just wonder if it's too late to discuss radical changes to ship play. What if ships moved slower? What if they couldn't mount heavy cannons? What if cannon weight was significantly higher (like 5x) outside of gun ports? What if plank health was higher? What if repair was a captain skill or an automatic function rather than something players did? What if planks never "popped out" but only leaked? What if beds on ships had 2x normal respawn delay? What if your angle of fire mattered, like dead-on hits did more damage and angled shots had a chance to bounce off the hull?

    But maybe people like it the way it is. "Ship Combat Lite" and the real point is just to get us onto land where the real fighting is at?

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Getting "Atlas'd". Tell us your story of loss and woe due to game mechanics/patching/untested changes

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    My friends and I have been playing Atlas since release and we started using the term "Atlas'd" to refer to any tragic loss as the result of game mechanics, dev activity(patching). We started with 30 actives, we are down to 3 casuals (before wipe announcement).

    Here are some of our stories:

    1. We got kicked out of N4 early on and decided to live on our brig and become "raiders". As we are setting sail, abandonning N4 where we constantly fighting, we loaded up our brig and made it into a house boat. We built a schooner for scouting/fighting. We got as far as J4 when the devs deployed the SOTD patch... We log in to 15-20 SOTDs on top of our ships and got Atlas'd...lost 15 guys that way.

    2. We started rebuilding in a lawless zone, got a small claim from an ally and built a fleet to invade a weakly defended island. We managed to get 20 people online for the invasion, 2 brigs 2 schooners and 50 sets of raid gear..etc. As we are in transit to our invasion destination the devs deploy the SOTD machine gun patch with 15 minutes notice...We log into a group of SOTDs and both brigs and one schooner got Atlas'd. That brought us down to 5 actives.

    3. We go full PVP at this point and just smash anything red. We get into a fight with our battle brig, 1 captain 2 repairers/boarders. We lose one plank in a battle, it was behind a storage box row , so we crawl behind and wait until dissipation, then get clipped through the deck on a wave...all of us. The captain comes down, gets clipped as well. We had to swim back to the ship and I got to the plank just in time to watch it sink. Lost a guy to that Atlas'ing.

    4. The 3 or 4 of us that remained built up in the polar region, meet some cool guys that let us use their ridiculously OP defended harbor. We were finally able to build up enough assets in claim space to start crafting Journeyman ships..etc. They announce the wipe, and we are like "coo coo coo, lets do some PVP til wipe". We were smashing offline raiders almost everyday, no big deal, if they could fight they wouldn't offline....Well, a couple weeks ago the logon servers get fucked, but don't kick off the Chinese, it just prevented EU and NA players from logging in. So we pop over to the shitty offline raiders stream (idiot always ran with no delay) and low and behold him and two of his buddies were trying to raid our shit...I'm sure the login servers will come up , and all my shit was in our friends harbor or in sea caches. 4 hours later we got to watch this horrible player work through everyone on our islands defences (he lost a lot of bears) and get to tames and harbor. 40+ bred bears, 6 level 30 wild tame elephants, 2 BP brigs, 4 reg brigs, 1 galleon 4-5 schoooners, probably about 120+ NPCs crew, 20k gold. They never found any stashes but that did it for our whole server. Losing the shit wasn't the problem, stuffs wiping soon, losing the shit because 9 of us couldn't login. Turns out a steam update happened and all the devs had to do was a rolling restart. That was the final Atlas'ing for us.

    Still not sure we are playing after the wipe, we'll see.

    Tell us your stories, I'm dying to hear them.

    submitted by /u/MicIrish
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    What is even happening with this video game

    Posted: 18 Mar 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    I'm not here to talk about playercounts, or schadenfreude, or any of that junk. But I think a legitimate question should be asked about what the plans are, here.

    The "January patch" is now in actual danger of not even being released in the first quarter 2019. A wipe was announced, that will be included with it. The "anarchy update" was put into place, which absolutely devastated official pvp even more-so than the wipe announcement, because of the boneheaded way it makes harbors nearly indefensible. The anarchy update was then doubled-down, and left in because I dunno who cares I guess.

    It has been nearly two weeks since we've received any actual details at all of what's happening. Last week's devblog was the ultimate chance to set the record straight and actually give the players some info, and they didn't even do one. They kicked the can at an extremely critical moment where they needed to very much not do that.

    The login screen, which a hell of a lot more players see than any reddit or forum thread, still to this very moment claims that the "March Mega-Update" is going live on March 20. We all know that to be outright false, but your average player likely does not. And while the average player is fully in the dark about the upcoming "January patch", it's not just them. Powergamers and redditors and people who actually follow this game have pretty much no idea what the details are going to be. I wouldn't be surprised if even the developers have no idea what a lot of the details are going to be. So figure it out, please, and then tell us something. Tell us anything. Quickly.

    We're two days away from seeing another missed date in a whole galaxy of missed dates. If they're just going to miss the date again, I mean I guess I can't be too surprised at that, that's fine. But if they're not, the hype machine to generate buzz for what is effectively an Atlas re-launch needed to start heckin' yesterday. Do some PR. Engage with the playerbase.

    Radio silence isn't working.

    submitted by /u/amy_3
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    How does intelligence stats works?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    So how anyone could use this intelligence stats? When, why should i use it?

    submitted by /u/jhondipto
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    What if: Ships couldn't have beds?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    How would this change the game?

    Would preparing for a long sea voyage become more important? I remember the early days of Atlas, when we each had to prepare our raft to set sail for inhabitable land. Gathering food of all types, water, etc. It felt more like an adventure.

    Would PvP at sea become instantly more intense? One life. Don't mess it up.

    Would capturing a ship at sea (Actually being a pirate) be possible for once?

    What do you guys think? Would this just be an annoyance, or could it actually bring some life to the dead, boring seas of this game?

    submitted by /u/DuluRed
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    TPG Slaughtering 25 Dynasty Tames

    Posted: 17 Mar 2019 04:02 PM PDT

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