• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 19, 2019

    ATLAS Dear Atlas

    ATLAS Dear Atlas

    Dear Atlas

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    😂 Dollie has left the group 😂

    Edit: Yall wild

    submitted by /u/AAHarlock
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    Atlas right now

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 09:16 AM PDT

    Please keep your original update plan (colonies) Empire is not needed.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    The March Update plan was generally viewed favorably. I created a poll few hours ago and I was surprised by how unpopular this Empire system of traditional claim/no limits on alliances & groups/no anti-offline protection is. A whopping 90% say they intend on choosing colonies instead. (https://www.strawpoll.me/17637634/r)

    So why make this other server for "mega groups"? Were you concerned that mega groups wouldn't like the alliance limits? Well they seem to be fine with playing on colonies now which has these limits. So not sure what this achieves?

    Please stick to your original plan. If you thought that your new system that balances the game more in favor of smaller/medium groups is more favorable, then execute it. No need to suddenly change everything because of some vocal minority who keeps complaining and will always complaining anyway.

    Please revert any plans to deploy this Empire system and simply keep this colonies system. If you think the company size is too low, just increase a little bit accordingly. Mega companies can simply split into smaller groups, ally each other and share the same island. If they are unhappy with that, I'm not sure if anything will make them happy.

    And a note to the community, let's please keep it civil. Just because you are a customer doesn't give you the right to engage in personal attacks against community managers or developers. You can voice your frustration without having to go that low.

    submitted by /u/Nicolasrmt
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    So my company and me sat down and discussed the upcoming changes extensively, here are our results:

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 12:12 PM PDT

    Ahoy Pathfinders!

    Our feedback is delayed until late march possibly august.

    Happy sailing motherfuckers!

    submitted by /u/r4be_cs
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    Just wipe already, jesus christ

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    The state of Atlas

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    Let me start by saying we are just going from one dumpster fire to another at this point. I have continued to keep positive throughout the entirety of this game's existence. I have had a great experience playing this game, and joined the best gaming community I've ever been in throughout the last 20+ years of playing online games. This game gave me memories that I will never forget, and the 581 hours in this game have been frustrating yet mostly enjoyable.

    Here we are at another missed deadline. I have continued to try to push and create content even while this anarchy patch has strangled Atlas to the point of death. These last couple weeks have been the most fun PVP I've had on the game, but here we are at another crossroads.

    This is what needs to happen in the immediate future or your game will cease to exist in any notoriety:

    1. Wipe the servers now regardless of your submarine not working correctly. Fix the game as you go to continue to let players actually test your game rather than developing an uninhabited world.
    2. Increase the colonies company cap to ~75 and scrap the horrible idea of having an empires server with the currently broken claim system. No one asked for empires. You are splitting the dwindling player base even further. You need to find a middle ground no matter how hard it is to balance.
    3. Hire a GM team...whether its one dude making minimum wage or not. There are enough dedicated players to not pay them, and I'm sure people would volunteer. At this point, I'm not sure if the aimbotters are banned or just got bored playing. At the very least, it shows you are actively trying to moderate your game, and shifts the blame to your moderation team rather than the devs.
    4. Learn to take criticism of your game. For starters, people would be a lot more lenient on the devs if they made deadlines they could actually meet.

    I want to continue to play your game, but this shit is painful. The concept is amazing, but the execution is poor. It is heartbreaking to see such a great concept get run into the ground. We love this game, and want it thrive.

    submitted by /u/Digital_TraumaTwitch
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    Dumpster fire

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    I think like many people, I'm walking away from this dumpster fire. You can only overpromise/underdeliver so many times before you lose a customer permanently.

    Maybe hire a competent marketing department and definitely get the devs out of that room with any decision making ability with regard to that.

    Devs you took a potentially good game and self-destructed, in the future if you set a date—stick to it or at most be within 24 hours of it. The ridiculous part of this is you don't see that if you promise something on a date, and come in early, your clients look at you like a hero. When you do the reverse (which is 100% avoidable by setting realistic timelines) you create severe blowback that you can't recover from. From what others said, this is your m.o. from Ark and other titles so I'm just shouting into the wind.

    submitted by /u/Chickenflocker
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    Stop splitting the playerbase

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Why do you think that this will help small companies?

    All this will do is make it so there is no room for small companies in alliances... meaning they will just die instead of have the opportunity to join the alliance, fight, and enjoy the bigger sea battles. Big companies aren't going to waste time trying to figure out who is friendly with who they are just gonna kill everything. Red is dead.

    The large companies will still go around killing all the small companies that they don't like / don't help their side of the fight. You may have limited the size of a company but there is nothing stopping them from beating up a ton of small companies and just sitting on an island 24/7 killing everyone on it (even if they cant blow up the base) until they don't want to play anymore. Its more toxic this way and thus more effective for killing companies not on your side.

    You will just have 2 alliances fighting again after about a month, but this time you have made it harder for small companies to join in on the fight.

    Empires will be dead initially since for some reason small companies think colonies is better for them. Colonies will just be getting zerged by 10-20 companies of 50 allied by voice trying to kill the server. Soon the small companies will realize that limiting size doesn't help them, since there is actually nothing stopping larger companies from being big or from camping out an island 24/7 and killing a company repeatedly until they cant play the game (even if they cant blow up a base).

    Just leave the alliances the way they are change the claim system so there isn't flag spam (either 1 flag per island or give cost to putting down a flag 1-2k gold maybe) give a small amount of offline protection (x hrs peace each day depending on company size) and start working on REASONS FOR PEOPLE TO GO OUT ON THE OCEAN MORE (you know pirate stuff). The spawn in ship wrecks are a step in the right direction as are trenches, but we need more. NPC trade routes to hit for resupply / NPC merchants trading different types of resources. Larger groups of stronger Ghost ships with (journeyman - mythic depending on strength) premade gear/ship stuff as drops. Just any reason to spend more time on the ocean rather than the land i think is a step in the right direction. PvE worth doing is what facilitates PvP encounters. More things on the ocean worth doing means more ship PvP over these things. The map feels really dead when 90% of the population spends 90% of their time on their one island punching trees and bushes.

    submitted by /u/Yrgnasti
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    Seriously, which asshole wanted Empires?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    It's pretty rare that I feel like the community overwhelmingly agrees on something, but I think we overwhelmingly agree that the Empires ruleset is bad, and splitting the PVP population is a terrible idea.

    Which asshole from the community suggested this nonsense, and why is anyone listening to them?

    submitted by /u/1658596
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    FFS we don't need a PTR

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    We are the god damn PTR. Just drop a patch if it sucks reverse it and drop another. Stop acting like your official server are live launch servers. WE all signed up to test your game not to just play it.

    submitted by /u/Mrputts
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    My thoughts on the devs

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:38 AM PDT

    IMO Don't split the servers

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 02:45 AM PDT

    Keep Krakens Maw as one realm and then have a sprinkling of Empires tiles the same way they do now with Lawless

    That way you aren't splitting the playerbase, and megas would just be excluded from the war system. Let's be honest, wars don't stop massive battles during raid hours anyways.

    This would also encourage us to not "game the system" by doing 10 50-man clans the way CSTG was doing with the company cap in Season 1.

    submitted by /u/LLocutus
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    My bet: Atlas Empire will be empty

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 02:44 AM PDT

    " To clarify, ATLAS: Empires' claiming system will be very similar to the traditional claiming system, but adjusted for maximum speed (increased rates) and no "anti-size" scaling. This will be the go-to hardcore mode for those looking for sandboxy high risk and high reward on a grand scale. We will not be limiting large companies, there will be no scaling based on members and there will be no pvp windows or war system. "

    It's everything people hate about ATLAS. I'm really not sure why they're running this. Sure some mega companies will want to be in it but they'll find it empty and have no one to raid.

    I don't think this is a good decision. But at least they'll realize that the "empires" mega-companies tailored system is unpopular.

    You should maybe increase the limit to 100 and make colonies the standard version. No one will want to play in the Empire system. I bet even Mega companies won't want to play there.

    submitted by /u/frmncl
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    PTR delayed until late march/april

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 01:40 AM PDT

    The double-edged sword of catering to your player base

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    Listening to the players is absolutely vital when it comes to game development. However, any seasoned game developer is aware of the potential detriments. While you shouldn't say it to their faces, players often don't know what they want. They think they do, but they don't realize how multi-faceted much of the game play is and how seemingly small or good changes can have myriad adverse effects down the road.

    This is a prime example. The initial changes slotted for the mega patch were GREAT, directionally. Even if they didn't pan out it was clear the overwhelming majority of the player base wanted something different. However, they are now catering to a very small, vocal minority and are risking the bifurcation of their already shrinking player base to do so.

    There is no compromise or other solution to be made here. No server mixing. Grape Shot simply needs to stick to their guns and not flip flop. Release the mega-patch as you initially intended and do it ASAP. Trying to get it perfect for an Early Access game is silly. We still have the remainder of these two years to get it perfect, don't risk it all here by constantly pushing out updates so you can "get it right."

    submitted by /u/Yakarue
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    Wipe empire mode now and develop colony mode longer but good!

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    Please devs if you want both new modes to survive, wipe the empire mode now how it is and develop the colony mode in peace without the pressure.

    If i understood correct the empire mode will be really similar to the play mode right now. So why not wipe the servers now!!!???

    The colony mode for small tribes is a great idea! But please take your time and develop it good and test it good on your PTR. If you wipe the empire and relaunch it the people have a purpose to play your game again. The pressure of the bored people (including me) would be gone and if you bring a great version of the colony mode later on, small tribes will move there.

    Please consider this and give us a purpose to play this great game again!

    submitted by /u/Shadow43158
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    Atlas PVP Split into two servers.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello fellow gamers. In light of the proposed split of Atlas Official PvP servers into two, accommodating a company that will be the only ones not playing on colonies... I'm here to ask you:

    1. Does anyone have a wealthy Uncle that loves you more than their own kids or a rich sugar mama?

    2. If so, would they be willing invest into a new company that is interested in making a game that is actually designed around gamers.

    3. If you have trouble with your self esteem/confidence and are afraid to ask your wealthy Uncle or rich sugar mama... Can you give me their number?

    Serious inquiry. Asking for a friend.

    submitted by /u/GamesWithNix
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    Poll: which server will you be playing on?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:03 AM PDT

    Is anyone really going to play on Empire which is basically atlas pre-wipe? Vote below:


    Results (200 votes so far)

    90% Colonies

    10% Empire

    submitted by /u/Nicolasrmt
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    High degree of annoyance =/= high degree of difficulty.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 03:19 AM PDT

    Everything "difficult" about this game is really just annoying.

    Getting dismounted by sheer random number generation and having your tame killed by a cyclops is not hard, its annoying.

    Death runs for FOY are not hard, its annoying.

    Ships of the Damned are simply annoying when you arent looking for them.

    Whales when you don't want them? Pervasive annoyance.

    Nute system? Annoy the player with a darkened screen and random vomiting.

    400 intel? Here's a .1% craft!

    Cyclones? Let me tickle you and break your planks a bit, not sink you.... but... you know, let me annoy the fuck out of you.

    Island crawling with snakes and ninja lions? Again, not hard... just a major annoyance.

    None of this is fun or hard, it's just annoying.

    At least the devs are fixing claims...

    submitted by /u/Davistator
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    Rare look inside Grapeshot discussing the future of Atlas

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 12:59 PM PDT

    To all the small companies

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    If you think the small colonies server will help you. It wont.

    If you think you now have a chance against larger groups. You Dont.

    If you think this affects large groups at all. It Doesnt.

    This is a classic example of you think you wanted this, but you will soon find out you really did not want this.

    https://youtu.be/0Wrw3c2NjeE?t=12J. Allen Brack wise words.

    Well see you all in a few weeks!

    submitted by /u/Kalovic
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    Atlas Empires, the Land Where

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    The entirety of the population consists of 2-5 man companies that couldn't get an island on the main server.

    submitted by /u/Ackilles
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    Grapeshot you misunderstand your community

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    The point is that its completely unwelcomed to make 2 different types of servers.

    My reasoning:

    At start Atlas was a bit grindy but it had reasonable in-game economy.

    When a game has some kind of system that takes away your time/resources it usually does it in one of two ways

    You are either capable of farming a solid amount of materials in a world where its easy to lose them

    Or you farm slow and your progress is protected/hard to lose

    That was possibly the biggest turn off for many people.

    It took 5-6 hours to make a schooner that could be destroyed while you were offline.

    The problem is that when people have invested some effort into a game they do it because they want to cash in on it

    In other word they expect to fight ship x ship in an epic battle where the winning side gets considerable reward.

    Since the "system" in place didnt offer any security to the groups of people that werent constantly online they lost their effort(ship farm+build time) without any chance of having the fun experience in form of a good fight.

    That establishes the need for alliances. If I cannot protect my property I have to play in a way that will make it safe.

    In case "Grapeshot" did deliver on their promise and provided a world that can run 40k people whats the % of groups that came into the game as a group of 250+ player?

    Maybe 2-3 companies?

    So whats really the reason to make separate clusters for big/medium companies? 5% of your player base?

    People dont really take their 250 friends and go play a game together.

    They create 250+ company because the enviroment demands it.

    The more people you have the better. If no limits are introduced thats the nature of it.

    BUT its also very stupid in my opinion to promote a system that is limitless.

    Why? Well currently a server capacity is ~150 players. It starts to run poorly (depending on server cluster) when 50-100 people are in a grid.

    It is logical you dont support system that you cannot afford.

    Especially when you already have other things that allow the game to function.

    The minimal ship crew is 2 players. 1 steers & shoots. 2 is doing repairs and replacing planks.

    Thanks to NPCs on cannons, swivels and nerf to flame arrows + glider the boarding meta doesnt exist.

    So if you need 2 people per ship you could theoretically have a ship battle of 70 ships.

    Your system cant even handle that. When a big conflict escalates people attack on multiple grids to avoid lags.

    So where is the need to have 250 people if they are spread across 5 grids? Its the same as if you had a company of 50 online players.

    People dont need 250 people in a company Grapeshot created the need.

    Offline protection reduces the incentive. Its no longer necessary its only advantageous.

    If you make 1 thing well enough it will create its own market.

    Polish the shit out of a system and it will create demand.

    If Grapeshot does the "medium" sized server well there is no reason to play vanilla.

    Survival games are fun because there is opposition. Its not because of its story telling. If you split your community too much you will start at already lower point of enjoyment.

    Look at Rust. Game was a shitshow. They stick to their plan for so long that they are steadily increasing their playerbase.

    Atlas on the other hand introduced a system that kills all hostility on your island. Making it a PvE game without meaningful PvE content.

    Once the island ownership is established nobody attacks your island out of must. They do it because they are bored.

    There are no events that promote random PvP. The best we currently have is treasure map. Maybe it will be possible to encounter more people at sea because of shipwrecks. But if there is 1 potato and a shitter blueprint I think people will remain on their islands because it makes more sense. After all people that play purely for enjoyment and dont care about meta are the ones that get wiped first.

    And the community dwindles

    submitted by /u/ezdodge
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    Don't split the PVP playerbase...

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 03:11 AM PDT

    The world is already feeling empty, why would you split it again to make it so there are even less people running about. People on the smaller server will still find ways arround the limits you've imposed and small groups will still end up on the massive server.


    submitted by /u/theEsper12345
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    Just look at the results...

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 11:16 AM PDT

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