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    Monday, April 8, 2019




    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    PSA about the PTR that some people seem to think is FUBAR

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    During our short time on the PTR we have learned a few things I think everyone needs to know.

    1. Vulnerability timers can be set manually at the flag to whatever time you want them to start. (most people know this)
    2. You can attack and take an island during this time and you do not need a war dec. (this means the game is not PVE on colonies, it just means you offliners will have to learn how to fight)
    3. The war dec token is for bypassing this limitation allowing someone to attack your island whenever they want for a certain period.
    4. The tax bank is not necessary to take an island, you just need the starting gold in your inventory when you put down the flag.
    5. Cannons can be built during vulnerability periods but NOT mortars. Only defenders can build mortars during this window. (unknown if war dec allows mortars to be built by attackers)
    6. Cannons have a 20 minute cooldown after being placed before you can use them. (most also know this already)
    7. (editing this in as some people have asked in the comments) To take an island you need to place a claim flag near the opposing flag with enough gold for the initial cost. Just like the old claim system, the flags range (bigger than the old range on land claims) must not have any enemies in it to stop the claim process.
    8. When an island flips the ownership of all the structures on the island does not change at all and reverts to a lawless timer.
    9. After taking an island there is a short period that the vulnerability is extended (like 5 or 10 minutes) likely for retaliation purposes.

    As you can see, this system works really well compared to the old system of "just take the island after they go to sleep".

    Yes, there are some issues with it that still need to be worked out, but so far I would say this change is exactly what people with actual jobs and lives outside of Atlas need to enjoy this game.

    Being able to go to sleep and work in the morning, without having to worry about losing your island while your gone is a huge step in the right direction for this game.

    Edited for flair

    submitted by /u/soviman1
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    Goods and Bads of PTR

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    We have been testing out the PTR and here are some observations that we have:

    1. GOOD/BAD - Too many island points per company. As a company having 200 points to start is a bit much. This lets you take at least a couple islands or more as even a solo player. 25 points per player would be enough as long as there are islands in that point range. A company of 5 should only be able to claim a couple smalls or a medium island.
    2. BAD - When you claim an island that has structures on it, you cant get rid of the structures. So we took an island that somebody decided yet again to foundation spam but couldnt destroy the structures. Glitch? or intended with the 12 hour window to destroy.
    3. BAD - Freeports being able to be built in. EX: E4 south island. Some asshats decided to put a building on the NPC Crew Recruiter and vendors so you couldnt buy crew or new fancy clothes. I dont think that is intended by the DEVS as large companies could take over freeports and prevent anybody from using them.
    4. GOOD - We got in a little late and most of the islands were taken, but we still managed to grab three. So we think the new claiming system seems to be working for that part except for the structures already there issue.
    5. GOOD - the battle groups of Galleon, Brig, Schooner are scary as shit. We took on a couple and they were tough. Fear of sinking is there so that seems to be working.
    6. GOOD - more islands to explore is awesome.
    7. GOOD - Shipwrecks are cool as hell to go down and get some goodies. A little more payout would be nice, 40 - 100 gold is a little light for the time it takes. Not much more, maybe in the ~$200 range would make it just worth it.
    8. BAD - Tames falling off boat repeatedly. We lost tames overboard over and over again last night for some reason. If their names showed further out so you could see them to go pick them back up, at least it would be better.

    On a whole, we think that the changes are definitely an improvement and moving in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/TomasGunz
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    We lost our island, how did it happen?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    We had a flag on our island with more than enough gold to cover the cost and sleepers in a big base. It wasn't during the nine hours of PVP, it was peace time.

    We've logged into Atlas today and our ships are sunk and we've lost our island. The company who took our island are refusing to talk to us. How did they manage to take our island?

    submitted by /u/Big-Mozz
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    Please give a fix wipe date soon and stick with it

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 12:44 AM PDT

    I tested the PTR with my company and we really like the changes. I know you want to test some stuff with the PTR and do some fixes before you wipe the official servers. But PLEASE if you know in the next days what fixes you want to do and do an estimation how much time you need to fix it, double that time (cmon you know it will be longer) and give us a fixed date and time for the wipe and stick with it! Even if you didn't fixed every bug you wanted by that date, it will be minor changes for a later bugfix. Release the version you have at the time and date you announced earlier.

    I really love this game and my mates and I really want to start together and fight for a nice island. But I saw how it worked on the PTR release. You announced it to go online somehow the 3rd and is wasn't online before 2 days later in the middle of the night (european time). By the time I saw in the morning that the PTR was online and I connected, most of the islands were claimed already. We actually made it to claim an really nice island ourself (just in time), but I have the fear if the official wipe works the same way, the risk that we won't even have the chance to participate in the land rush is high. If you announce a date for the official wipe and release it somehow the next days during the night or work time, we won't have any chance to prepare/take free day, and by the time we wake up or come from work, all good islands will be gone.

    Please let us prepare! Give us a date and time and please write with the announcement that you will stick with it no matter what! Even if that means that you pick a later date and sit around a few days, because you already did your changes.

    submitted by /u/Shadow43158
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    Concern on PvE and island level claims.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    I am looking forward to PvE PTR, I am a primarially PvE player, but managed to claim and hold an island in PvP PTR solo. Paying the upkeep was farily trivial 99 gold to buy and 198 gold a day upkeep for a 35 point island. I have a couple days of stock pilled for now,

    The island is overkill for a solo player, and worried it will be this easy to hold one solo in PvE, I have no need for an island that big, and would be happy with 10% of the island. The taxes are very profitables, even at 10% got more resources than I could use in a month over night.

    BTW its Remote Island on North East corner O9, please come take it from me. the flag is on west corner, the war timer should open anout 7:30pm EST. I have no active defenses just walls, would love to see the mechanics of the take over, you will need 99 gold to place the flag, and 99 gold every 12 hours. I will try to defend it would out actually using any artillery, most by surviving. If the PvE PTR server comes up prior to that I will not even be on. Good luck.

    submitted by /u/Raciper
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    Grapeshot PLEASE merge EU and NA for colonies PVP!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    Grapeshot PLEASE merge EU and NA for colonies PVP! The PTR is already fairly claimed, yes these are smaller groups but you can see how alive and active the world would be. It would make people choose their allies more wisely, maybe picking those in different time zones to help defend when your core isnt on etc.. We have so many different groups playing right now, it would be awesome if this was also on live.

    submitted by /u/JacksonCarter13
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    Primalgamedata_bp freezes program

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    I keep getting stuck trying to test the eu ptr on the loading screen. Always sticks on primalgamedata_bp anyone know of a fix other than deleting the user game settings file?

    submitted by /u/Adardoth
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    Anyone else got items clipping through hips or did i just mess up char creation?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 05:16 PM PDT

    Pro PTR Tip Grapeshot

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 08:25 PM PDT

    If you want people to PTR new content that requires say something like a submarine, instead of having people run around and find resources, how about just making the submarine available for purchase for like 5 gold. So people can just go grab one. Four of us went around looking for 3 types of gems and could only find 1 (rubies).

    Never got to the content we logged in to evaluate. Good times.

    submitted by /u/Javafanatic
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    Slaughtering The Bobs | TPG Atlas PTR Day 3

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 10:27 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    Island Claiming Issues

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 04:44 PM PDT

    My clan enjoys the new dynamics with the points and cost, good job. It works out very well in our opinion.

    One thing that does not seem to work is Companies spamming foundations so even if you take over an island, you cant build as the foundation limits kick in.

    I was under the impression that when you claim an island, you get the option to go around and "clean it up". We were not able to remove anything that was placed there when we took it over. Some company had foundation spammed so the island is useless to anybody.

    submitted by /u/TomasGunz
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    Some impressions about the PTR

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    1 - It makes no sense for me to be on a claimed island, take a shot and have to run away because I can not fight back, I can not break structures and boats ok, but can not defend myself ?! Add this to the fact that you need 50k gold to attack someone, will turn the game into a pve

    2 - These sotd squads are fucking the game, you will cross 10 servers sailing, you will have moments that you will untangle a bit, and in those hours, you will beat up front with 3 galleons, 4 brigantines and 6 schonners

    3 - Did you have any buff on the bug of losing animals on boats? it's worse than before

    4 - The coordinate markings that I make to know where certain farms are, simply disappears after a while, making it as useless as in the beginning of the game that you marked the coordinate in one place and the markup appeared on another server

    submitted by /u/falebit
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    Rip atlas

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Pvp still feels like shit .. really thought the PTR would be a lot more fun

    submitted by /u/BlastedHippo
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    Island Takeover | TPG Atlas PTR Day 2

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 03:32 PM PDT

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