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    Thursday, May 30, 2019

    ATLAS [TXS] Texas Republic -- After Action Report, Wendigo Comes Again

    ATLAS [TXS] Texas Republic -- After Action Report, Wendigo Comes Again

    [TXS] Texas Republic -- After Action Report, Wendigo Comes Again

    Posted: 30 May 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    NOTE: Game mechanics are as follows -- during PEACE TIME, anchored ships are protected from attack, regardless of alliance affiliation. Island owners have no control over which ships seek "safe harbor" during peace time....only active defensive structures will ward off unwelcomed & unaligned ships.

    A little info about us:

    Since the wipe, the Republic of Texas has been doing what we normally do...building up bases and outposts, trading with neighbors and nearby islands, and trying to keep our ships afloat. In the larger scheme of things we have realized that our little island is pretty quiet....we have visitors come and go without incident almost daily. Texas is a friendly place and we welcome visitors.

    If you care to visit, I suggest you keep to the north-eastern shoreline which is away from our harbor. And while you are on excursion, most areas east of the lighthouse are safe for all visitors. With that being said, we have now been raided twice by our good friends, Wendigo. And by their actions we have had to install base and harbor defenses which are always on alert.

    Our first encounter is available for your consideration HERE

    And now comes the second installment of our experience with the wayward Wendigoans.

    Our mostly quiet region of F10 usually exhibits few more than a dozen active sailors at a time. So imagine my concern when we began receiving reports of multiple sailors entering the region....again and again...more coming...and more.

    The population rose to over 34 men at arms over the span of a few minutes...and talk began to spread of our westerly neighbors, the Wendigoans, seeking adventure and sport on the high seas. They seemed intent on seeking out ships flying the flag of our neighbors, YT, and attempted to call them out to a fight but either the YT company was out of region or they were nowhere to be found.

    We Texians realized quickly that hostilities were coming to our shores like it or not and our minds were set and focused on our motto -- Don't Mess With Texas or Come And Take It. Your choice.

    We set about to make ready our harbor ships at anchor and we manned the mortars. I stood lookout on the High Guard peak and began scoping the horizon for sails while others prepared the lower mortars.

    Negotiations took a sour turn when the Wendigoans located an unmanned YT vessel at anchor on our southern island. I didn't know it was there, nor do I care. We have sought safe harbor during peace time at every island in our region from time to time, so it just seems neighborly to us that others would do the same. But the Wayward Wendigoans were looking for a fight and with YT laying low and our friends, the Hippies, in absence...that left Texas as the only means at their disposal to rid their cannons of their blue cannon balls.

    They used the unmanned YT ship as their reasoning for bringing the fight to our shores....if we were allied with YT then we were the crazy ones. My assurances that we leave YT to fight their own battles and we only concern ourselves with ours fell on ignorant ears. Even word from Jazz Cabbage vouching for our Texas hospitality went ignored.

    Then they accused us of allying with CSTG....to which I had to verify our company records that they were NOT floating somewhere in the lists. Seeing as how we are only cursory members of two regional alliances, CSTG was not shown or indicated, and our pre-wipe membership with the Federation of SCA would have meant nothing to the ship captains making sail for the Texas coast at that moment...so I didn't bother to explain our history and heritage.

    Ultimately, the only company that has shown us any hostility has been Wendigo itself...and since they appeared to be hellbent on shooting at something or someone regardless of affiliation or peaceful intent, we Texians resigned ourselves to the second half of our motto and agreed on comms -- Let them Come and Take It!

    As expected, sails appeared outside our harbor, a solo brig flying Wendigo colors with two speed sails and a handler. She brought up and heeled to as she found what was waiting for her....the Texas harbor was not so lightly defended as it was last time. She circled outside of cannon and mortar range...dipping in and out of view at the farthest my spyglass could see from the High Guard. Our harbormen reported her movements as she went off our southern point and lied in wait.

    Shortly, a second brig arrived, masted with 3 speeds, and approached hugging the cliffs of our northern point....she dropped sail just as she was about to enter the firing arc of our harbor tower. I reported to our crews to standby...watch for foot soldiers and listen out for puckle fire! I assumed that a smart captain would have put a man ashore to scout for weaknesses in our defenses...but apparently I was wrong.

    The 3-speed Wendigo brig made for a slow sail as she rounded the point. She fired on our northern-most large shipyard and I could see cannon balls being exchanged through my spyglass. The harbor crews reported the shipyard destroyed after only 2 or 3 volleys! 300,000 hitpoints gone without our cannons making a dent in the Wendigo brig's armor! Amazing!

    As the brig passed our harbor, the handler brig that had being laying off the southern point had approached within firing range. Her broadsides began flying into the harbor and ripping through masts and rigging! Our ship crews stood their ground and every cannon in the harbor fired as the two vessels crossed and came to bear....I was regretting my decision to be perched on High Guard with all the fireworks taking place down below but the Texas harbormen were reporting the action and I could hear the cannons bellowing in the background and I could see the muzzle flash light up the rigging and walls of the harbor!

    At about that moment, I heard the only shot that I heard during the entire battle from so high on top of our High Guard peak. "What was that??," I wondered.

    One of my captains had landed a mortar shot on the brigs as they crossed and was reporting fire and sparks on the offending vessel! It's a small victory to land one solid hit against a much stronger foe and we Texians enjoy our small victories! At that point I lept off the platform of High Guard and began sprinting down the cliff face....I was obviously missing all the damn fun!

    But as I descended High Guard using grapple and gravity, the Wendigo ships pulled out away from the harbor and our guns fell silent. Everything fell silent. The elephants and crows meandered along our harbor street as if nothing of import had occurred. I joined my fellow Texians at the harbor...

    "Was that it? Where'd they go?"

    "We lost the shipyard. Anything else?"

    "Not that I can see."

    It was then that the crew of the schooner, IH8Rocks, began shouting and yelling as she sank unceremoniously near the mouth of the harbor! "Damage crews! To the ships!" Damn our ignorance....we had forgotten that a ship sinking makes no sound until it's too late so we split up and began boarding our ships and making repairs!

    The galleon, Alamo, was struck hard, her bow facing the open harbor entrance had sustained heavy damage and several planks were completely gone, her bilge already full of water and her lower deck awash!

    The brig, Davy Crockett, was also taking on water...one plank missing and several leaks!

    We scurried about the ships and tended them like bees tending honey....repair hammers in-hand and rummaging through caches of spare planks and wood!

    I was not able to locate the Alamo emergency box...and as her lower decks became flooded I was grateful for having spent the time to learn to hold my breath for extended periods. I finally climbed above deck and jumped over the side to swim to the next galleon, the San Antonio. I was familiar with her layout and knew where to find supplies.

    With replacement planks in-hand, I dove back into the shark-infested harbor and swam alongside the Alamo...dropping planks in place as I went. With only her last remaining deck above water, we plugged all the holes and she began to rise again! Saved!

    We gathered on her deck as the water was pumped out and took stock of our losses:

    A large shipyard and a plundered schooner with no cargo or cannons aboard. We also lost one of our harbor walls and the four cannons perched upon its ramparts. The four gun crew and the solitary deckhand from the schooner were all saved and assigned new duties.

    We all agreed it could have been much, much worse...and that we need more mortars around our harbor!

    After the frenzy of repairs, the salvage operations began. The shipyard was replaced and the schooner Loot and Schootner was backed up closer to the shoreline away from the exposed harbor entrance. We exchanged pleasantries with the Wendigo captains and acknowledged that their mythic and legendary cannons had been well demonstrated. They were reluctant to accept offers of trade for some of them however, advising us to go out and find our own. They did offer to come back and rid us of our harbor defense tower since it seemed to block the firing arc of our mortar so well.

    That was mighty neighborly of them to offer.

    Just a thought I would like to opine...when ballista can be armed with ship harpoons...drive-by broadsides on harbors may become a very costly hobby. I saw how much damage those brigs took in a single pass of our harbor....and I would not have made a second pass either. :)

    Good fight, Wendigo. See you next time!

    submitted by /u/DurFeaTrecal
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    Posted: 29 May 2019 11:31 PM PDT

    So i want to just get this clear, WTFA never used any barrelbomb exploit sextant exploit or what ever exploit people want to throw at us, we did a legit raid yes there was lag and carbines dont shoot/hits dont register etc.. you all know how it is in lag... if it wasnt for streamers i guess it would be hard to prove the we didnt exploit during the the raid using evidence from our side of the field without it looking one sided, lets take a look at a few bits of evidence from a 404 stream so there is no biast information or manipulated recordings:

    first clip:


    yes there is alot of damage markers, but there was alot of barrels flown in and run in to be placed under their base, their base was built on pillars as you can see in the following screenshot from that video barrels placed between the pillars under their base:

    this then brings us onto part 2 oh they were using a lag exploit to spam place barrels, in this clip you can see how blind everyone was to the fact that wtf had guys running around with barrels and they were blind to the fact people where running in with barrels and didnt shoot them or try and kill them before the reached their objective.



    you can also see in this clip that there wasnt exploiting being used to place more than one barrel


    if wtfa was using exploits then why would we only place one barrel at a time?

    ok so lets go back to the first video where everthing was being blownup, as you can see in this clip there is multiple people underneath their base with barrels


    incase you missed it


    so i can throw evidence at this for days but i dont want to bore everyone but take what you want from this, the only thing i see from this is, the enemy was blind and because they are they want to accuse us of exploiting.

    submitted by /u/im_v0dka
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    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [30.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 30 May 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    Inglorious death of jsg mythical gally:) p.s.: this is the second

    Posted: 30 May 2019 04:05 AM PDT

    The Ice Dungeon !

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    Watching paint dry!

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:21 PM PDT

    Upgraded repair hammers, do they repair for more per smack or are they pointless to make?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    Basically title, got some sweet hammer bps but ive been under the impression they dont repair more per swing or anything.

    submitted by /u/Zeraonic
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    Gin&Tonic Ep. 13 Naval Battle in Capturing Happy Game Island After Dev Wiped

    Posted: 29 May 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    PLEASE: Bring back ally-only building; this spamming and allowance of anybody after a 24 hr window is making paying for an island feel like we're selling our souls.

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    For our islands, we often have to pay relatively large sums of gold, or lesser (for small space) to have the privilege of some jerk building gates around entrances/map spots/resources - or blocking resources when we haven't gotten a chance to play for a day. Didn't demo in 24 hours? Sucks to be you, so long as they play, they get their crap indefinitely. You're making people have to pillar spam places we get gold to keep. My island is 3800 gold a week. Not a lot, fine, but we have jobs and lives. Why is there a pay system if people can effectively do what they want? Enable ally-only building or other rules/moderation privileges for island owners. It is now glorified lawless that we have to PAY for! But oh, everything is okay because every now and then we get some free meat and berries...

    submitted by /u/Imperceptions
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    N3 attempts Abominable Snowman in Polar Dungeon

    Posted: 30 May 2019 09:21 AM PDT

    How to get the submarine ?

    Posted: 30 May 2019 01:58 AM PDT

    Hello, what must i do to get the submarine ?

    I play in a small company, about 5 ppl and we really want the sub.

    I saw the option to make it in the dinghy dock but i cant...even with all the mats.

    Do i have to kill something to make it, and is that possible as 5ppl ?

    Pls help. tyvm!

    submitted by /u/Rottgar
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    How to fix a loading issue

    Posted: 29 May 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    I have been trying to load into many different atlas servers but I can't, and haven't been able to for 3-4 months now I have min specs and I had loaded into servers before but since then haven't been able to play no matter what I do, Help?

    submitted by /u/DemonicWolf123
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    Tame Harvesting is being changed in the best way possible...

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:28 PM PDT

    They aren't nerfing it, but instead making player harvesting MUCH better.

    If anyone hasn't seen the upcoming Mega-Update patchnote changes, there is a new feat, "Double Harvesting" which will double all materials gathered by you. That causes a person with a good, high-level tool blueprint to blow tames out of the water, and with the addition of cargo carts, tame harvesting is going to be an option, not a requirement.

    submitted by /u/Dragonchampion
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    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    Is this game too crowded?

    Posted: 29 May 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    When I first played at launch it was hard finding a spot to build and a lot of servers I couldn't even get into because they were full (I think 100 is/was capacity).

    How bad is the population now? I assume even worse?

    submitted by /u/saltyswedishmeatball
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