• Breaking News

    Monday, June 10, 2019

    Atlas Bounty Hunters looking for players on NA PvP

    Atlas Bounty Hunters looking for players on NA PvP

    Bounty Hunters looking for players on NA PvP

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Are you new to Atlas, coming back after "taking a break"? Or maybe you're a solo player or small company that is looking for a group to join up with to do more end game activities? If any of those fit your situation, or you're looking to move from PvE to try out PvP with a low key company, then we are looking for you!

    The Bounty Hunters on NA PvP are looking to expand our group with a select few players who want to play and have fun, and maybe do some things that are difficult as a solo player or small 2 or 3 person company to accomplish, and want to just enjoy the game. We aren't a hard core group, we enjoy busting on each other in good fun (so if your feelings get hurt easily, or you like dishing out but cant take it when it comes back around, this group is not for you), and we generally get along (hey, we are all people too, with real lives outside of the game, so sometimes there's drama...).

    If this sounds like a group you might fit in with, and you're willing to see if we feel the same, send me a message or hit me up on Discord (Yuli1961#1576) I'll give you an idea of our play style and introduce you to our band of misfits, malcontents and miscreants. If you are looking for a hard core mega tribe, you have a hard time working together with others, are a whiner a troll, or an instigator, please don't waste our time or yours. But if you want to jump in with an established group, where you can contribute and have someone backing you up, give us a shout.

    Looking for players 18+ (I'm the oldest of the group at 58, but most are in their 30's) with mic as we use Discord for in game chat.

    submitted by /u/Yuli1961
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    EU Servercluster sucht neue Spieler! Goldtooth Community

    Posted: 10 Jun 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    INFO: http://goldtooth.community/

    steam connect: steam://connect/

    Hauptsächlich deutschsprachige Community, aktive Admins, PvP + PvE + PvPvE vereint in einem Spiel (für jeden was dabei), Raidprotection auf Anfrage ! Viel Handel und aktive Spieler, einige Events und Raum für Vorschläge/ Votings.

    Ich spiele dort seit langem mit einer kleinen Truppe PvPvE (bedeutet wir können keine Basen raiden, unsere Basis kann nicht geraidet werden aber Seeschlachten sind möglich! Dafür dürfen wir nur in den PvE Grids bauen)

    PvP Companys dürfen zwei Inseln besitzen und auf beliebig vielen ansässig sein, usw. Es gibt einige Regeln die das Spiel fair und spielbar machen (zB ist das Strukturen spammen im PvP als "kriegstaktik" verboten).

    Wer gepflegt Atlas spielen möchte kann das hier tun :)

    (Es gibt auch ARK server von dieser community)

    Hab schon +1000h Atlas und +1200h ARK und kann diese community nur empfehlen!

    lg Susu

    submitted by /u/SusuSketches
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