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    Wednesday, June 12, 2019

    Atlas Cheating has killed Atlas

    Atlas Cheating has killed Atlas

    Cheating has killed Atlas

    Posted: 12 Jun 2019 12:47 PM PDT

    I want to start off by saying I love the game. Sailing around, killing Ships of the Damned, coming across unknown players and making the choice to engage or evade. Running around with a group of friends doing treasure maps and powerstones, scouting and griefing, and just having fun.

    But inevitably you come across someone who's just not playing fair. And I'm not talking about a little exploit like punch-walking while you're encumbered or even power-leveling ships by parking on the coast of a Golden Age island and killing Soldiers of the Damned, I'm talking about downright cheating.

    For those who don't know, by purchasing "ESP" software for around $50 you will be able to see enemies through walls, instantly head-shot players, see exactly where defences are and their firing range, amongst other advantages.

    Now using this kind of software, is not something that is only limited to Atlas and is used in many other games, the thing is though that in Atlas, you are part of a Company. And as a Company, the owners of the companies should be held responsible for their members. But people will argue, "why punish the many as a result of actions of the few" and to that my counter argument is, it should be done to make a statement that cheaters will be punished.

    That being said, I think the devs are between a rock and a dead-game place.

    The rife cheating has already caused a very large percentage of the population to quit, leaving the cheaters and those who enjoy the game for what it is, to battle it out day after day, until the reserves are all but empty and the joy is leached out of the game. If the devs make a stand, they lose another large portion of the population, if they don't, then the players who truly enjoy the game will slowly move on to other games once the frustration replaces their enjoyment. And with no players to dominate by cheating, the cheaters will also move on to the next game.

    So where does this leave Atlas? Truth is, I hope the devs will come up with an adequate way to punish the cheaters by let's say banning the whole company after X amount of of fences, because all that happens now is, players get banned and within a day or two, new copies of the game are purchased, new accounts are created and its cheating business as usual.

    Maybe the devs can't do anything about really stopping it, maybe the cheaters will always win, but I know what I can say, and that is to me, Atlas is dead. My pirate days are over and that sux.

    submitted by /u/Mojo-Iron
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