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    Friday, June 7, 2019

    ATLAS REAL PHOTO from grapeshot headquarters

    ATLAS REAL PHOTO from grapeshot headquarters

    REAL PHOTO from grapeshot headquarters

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:37 PM PDT

    Cargo racks but for docks

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 03:44 AM PDT

    I think it's already been suggested but i would like to be able to build one of the cargo cranes on my dock so i can drop the cargo and pick it up with my dock then have easier access to the stuff inside also if i drop my cargo right beside shore i would like to be able to access its contents maybe make it so only people on land can access it. so far really enjoying the cargo racks the amount you can carry is so worth the slow debuff as long as you have good winds and no pirates are out and about

    submitted by /u/thisishoustonover
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    FPS/Time Dilation/Server Performance

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I know this has probably been asked about a million times, but I would like to see something official from Grapeshot.

    New content is all well and good, but if the game play remains absolute garbage when there are more than 30 people in the zone, then the game is going to be dead on arrival when it is finally released.

    The game has been out for 6 months now, which means we're 25% the way through the development cycle until full release. With no remarkable improvement to the core server performance.

    The lag/time dilation is aggravating when you're trying to battle ships only for them to be warping all over the place due to the engine limitations. The rubber banding on ground while trying to run between trees and over rocks, next to ANYTHING really, is infuriating,

    Is this something that we will just have to deal with forever, or are there actual plans to address this. And not just changing something around in the config, but actual CODING to better these things.

    Right now, I don't foresee a future for this game unless these core issues are addressed and resolved, no matter how many more tames/islands/content get added.

    Perhaps a change of game engine is required to fix these problems. Whatever the case may be. I think all this needs to be a major priority at this point in the game. The content is there. The performance is not.

    submitted by /u/Gagtech
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    Atlas is dying! we need to make it fun again, here's a list of suggestions to help!

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    There's a lot of things i don't like about this game but some would argue that the things i don't like are what make it what it is. i would make these changes to start (in no particular order):

    • only be physically present in-game when you log out on safe zone's or claimed land. not owned by you. somehow try to prevent logging out encumbered. dropping excess weight in a bag upon logout or something.
    • Decay Timers being 2 days vs 10 days. in exchange for immunity when offline. (lawless)
    • immediate ship claiming after 2 days of Vacancy in unclaimed territory
    • Tamable Dolphins
    • re purposed Golden Age islands, 1 Singular FoY with 1 moderate difficulty boss present. (instanced zone)
    • BP's no longer have charges, instead they are permanent and there is a new device which allows you to combine blueprints to create higher quality BP's (Capped at a reasonable rate)
    • Breeding no longer requires temperature control, but requires longer hand feeding period.
    • Taming redone to mimic ARK or changed to acquire exclusively by hand feeding specific food to non aggressive gathering tames, while the others still operate under a Bola/meat system.
    • add more shark sizes/types, make one big shark aggressive towards boats, with one being tamable and another that is neutral unless nearby players are critically injured.(broken bones)
    • Boats have higher maneuverability Turning has more control and backing up, up to 30% faster.
    • increase maximum knots (boat travel speed) by 10.
    • remove spawning skeleton armies for treasure, (this should just be a farming task not an undead fight). They are buggy anyway.
    • increase player base swim speed, create more diving capabilities (flippers?) Underwater caves.
    • create more incentive to own islands such as creating gold mines, oil veins, crystal mines which you can build auto-farm structures outside of for automated farming. (cause lets be honest, nothing sucks more than being end game but still having to go pick/farm something), also why own 5 islands if you have to upkeep each of them individually.
    • Make more summonable raid cubes, such as a fire elemental/hydra/dragon/ogre/ (Maybe most of the golden age monsters? to trade for gold at either merchant ship or free port at more affordable rates.
    • Create PvP tiles that instance you into different war games, ship battles, Land battles, Weapon duels, Gun duels, TDM, FFA, SotF. (repurposed Golden age tiles?) with high value worthwhile rewards. (player bound artifacts) (player bound artifact items that allow you to summon skeletons, use fireballs, manifest gold, temporary flight, temporary auto aim, temporary speed boost, temporary immunity. you gave us intelligence as a stat and all we use it for is to big brain 3% on a BP.
    • permanent grapple locations like ziplines, grapples you can leave in the mountain. (remove the need to create foundations just to make ladders/elevators to make permanent capability to climb cliffs.
    • death penalties, actually punish people for dying, lose levels from PvE deaths, Restart XP bar from PvP deaths (can't grief players to lose x amount of levels through camping)
    • REMOVE VITAMINS as is, people just kill themselves to reset their vitamins, it was a decent idea, but its super absolutely unpractical considering everything is easy farm except for fish, which is a pain to go out of your way to gather. and if you did happen to add death penalties vitamins would be a horrendous chore.

    And TBH im just getting started, i could come at this from so many angles.

    also i think it was way too ambitious to make mythical bps and 6 different resource types required to make them. its possible but it becomes such a chore to go gather each exotic material and makes the game much less enjoyable.

    The one thing that needs to be addressed more than anything is companies/Alliances unofficial alliances. and this whole china vs US mentality. idk how it is on EU but on the US servers i feel like this is actually a bit of a mess.

    of course you will be able to understand people who speak your own language better than people who don't thats a given. other than for Lag reasons, we divide EU. it would be ideal if we could combine them at this point, and buff the server pop as well as diversify the dynamic of people. it would no longer just be US vs China, it would actually be more of a FFA like intended.

    i gave this game 750 hours ARK 2200 hours. i'm by no stretch the most active player out there, but i have experienced most of the content of both games and know what this company is capable of. Modders have created more enjoyable experiences than the actual company has. why not offer them jobs? commissions?

    TL;DR Less chores, more fun activities.

    submitted by /u/BlackSheepwNoSoul
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    Grapeshot Starter pack

    Posted: 07 Jun 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    is there a program for server creating/managing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    the spec of computer is i5 with a 8gb memory dual channel and windows 7 (different computer from previous server1.0 this one is server2.0)

    submitted by /u/theminebrothers45
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    what would be the best program for a server

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 03:21 PM PDT

    the computer has a i5 4core 8gb windows 7

    submitted by /u/theminebrothers45
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    FPS Drop and Audio Distortion when sailing.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    As the title says, every time I lift anchor to try and sail FPS just TANKS with stuttering/freeze, and the audio distorts.

    However, it didn't always do this. When it first came out and I was playing with friends (On the same computer as now), it ran fine.However I recently reinstalled because the gang wants to play again and now I have the issue.

    I've tried everything i can think of, including validating, messing with in game settings, the works, but none of it seems to fix it. If anyone had any idea on fixing it I would be eternally grateful.

    submitted by /u/Kazeindel
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    Garbage Men Atlas NA PVP 4

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    New player: Don't understand the colonies thing

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    So new player here, on NA pve.

    I'm sailing around looking for a spot to setup at least temporarily to build a schooner but I see ships and shipyards circling every single island I've come across since I started a few days ago.

    I'm not really looking for an island to claim as my own but not against it. Although it doesn't surprise me that every inch is taken, at least in the temperate and tropics regions.

    Is there something I'm not understanding about how this works here?

    submitted by /u/Nytrel
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    Game was 50% off this weekend & the player count didnt go up.

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 10:59 PM PDT

    Move on Grapeshot..... move on

    submitted by /u/TheGroovement
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    Grapeshot level of incompetence

    Posted: 06 Jun 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    They left a broken mechanic in the game for a week allowing company who had the harvest feat to gather a godly amount of resources for example with the feat u can gather 2600 metal from 1 node and if u died whole timer was running it would reset and avoid 1h cool down.

    submitted by /u/DeltaDan269
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