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    Tuesday, July 16, 2019

    ATLAS Durability sails

    ATLAS Durability sails

    Durability sails

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 04:06 AM PDT

    Make barshot do way more damage agaisnt sails and replace speed sails with durability sails that have significantly more health then weight and handling.

    submitted by /u/Xanjis
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    Top Atlas moments #11

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    Is it possible to have the ark maps in atlas?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    So I was just wondering if it would be possible to get the Island And ragnarok into atlas as their own grids. Would this be possible? I know they are small enough to fit in the grids, or at least they look small enough if you compare them.

    submitted by /u/Keebster
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    what is the dotted spot on the map

    Posted: 15 Jul 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    The state of NA PvP: Bigotry.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2019 01:33 AM PDT

    Bigotry in 2019 is disgusting.

    I am not sure why people still play on the PvP server. I understand, after two weeks of trying to decide if I want to switch to PvP from PvE, why people quit. When you are dealing with the ins and outs of early access gaming (bugs, hacks, lag) it can be a bit of a pain. Then when the community turns to complete and utter shit, it just becomes unplayable.

    During these two-ish weeks, I watched a lot of streamers and old streams. Digital_Trauma is a great guy. Works hard at entertaining. Makes the game look extremely intense and worth playing. Nals, not my cup of tea, but a good guy on the wrong side of my post. HandsomeStalin, shows you what an aspect of the game is when you become the aggressor and befriend no one. He gets super into it and while at times it can be insane, it is entertaining and he puts up what he puts out. Then, discover the group talked about last season that was brought up a lot and this season is brought up a lot for being toxic, unreliable, not very good. All of that is hearsay and every man deserves the opportunity to display their very own true colors. This group is Team Casuality, part of the WTF alliance. I had previously stumbled upon Poreatix' (a former Insomnia player, I think?) stream and heard him describe autism in a way that would offend any parent that has experienced autism in the real world. It isn't a joke and it isn't the type of handicap kids use it to insult with. His stream contest disappeared. Then I found Zingyish and Fe7on.

    Before I dig into what he has displayed with his members recently, I had to study the politics of the PVP server. I learned that there was some sort of race war against the Chinese, which is not new to survival games. There are a lot of stereotypes and accusations that merit less truth in the end if you actually educate yourself. This war was sparked by "Uganda" which I am not sure if that is a reference to the country or a company. The best guess from posts here, is a company. It seems like they have quit and the WTF alliance partnered with another mega alliance to pick the pieces up. Up until that point, these alliances spent their time running small groups out of the game by harassing them relentlessly and often unsuccessfully. This also is not new to PvP or survival games, though it is kind of bullying by numbers but - totally different issue with gaming not players.

    As this new half baked alliance forms the EGA (End Game Alliance) with the purpose of deleting the Chinese community from the game, I start a good old fashioned troll fest here because of the things I witnessed. Mind you, this entire alliance is a combination of nearly 80% of the Atlas servers rallying to fight about 6%. This campaign was founded upon mountains of lies, ethnic prejudice, homophobic remarks and just flat out toxicity that has been banned from higher quality and more successful games across the market, yet is not new to the internet. This constant fight the Chinese players are putting up is slowly trickling them away, even though they are often victorious in the efforts.

    The combination of all of these things have put the Atlas PvP server to less than 500 players at peak times. Which, results in Zingyish and Fe7on's twitch content. I am watching these streams and hearing his fellow mates rage about lack of content and boredom. This, coming off the backbone of the unveiling of EGA, where they declared war officially on a Chinese group and showed up en masse. The results were unsatsifying for both sides. The EGA rolled in with ships that were painted with the American Flag in the same way Donald Trump advertised his political campaign (like a tyrant, or like the KKK did in the 60s - 80s) and with warriors of general chat firing off racism or unethical comments one right after the other. As an American, an adult, a father, a gamer and a professional - this is a disgraceful display to our international brothers/sisters. That doesn't even begin to cut into how awful it is that people use a video game as a podium to display their true colors and social flaws.

    I was concluding that I was overthinking this and that these were just children - until I started learning ages of 30+ via the streams. I was not tilted to post this thread, until I sit here listening to these guys complain about being bored, not having pvp and calling people "pussies" or girls or bitches while playing subpar quality rap music on ships they use to sink parked boats. During the war the Chinese fleet was called "cheeky cunts" for sitting in front of the EGA retreated/defeated fleet and trying to taunt them into naval battles...which is the backbone of the game or should be.

    Now, in 2019, we as a society in the real world have fought hard to eliminate this sort of behavior from day to day routines and accept people for their diffrences. To me, this should be policed within our gaming communities such that we also do not have to face it there.

    EGA while you sit and trash talk of boredom and cowards - remember that you turned a game into a wrong sided popular kids community where you gang up on the less popular kids and don't even get their lunch money 90 percent of the time. Then when they fight back with requests for bans or a mightier force, you run away and hide. We have become to view you like children throwing tantrums for not getting their ways. If my opinion of you is not one you will understand, perhaps some self reflection will enable you to grow past this and become a civilized group of human beings:




    I hope one day, you are able to reflect on these sort of actions and understand why they are awful. I truly wish success to every breathing human.

    Before the trolls of "snowflake" set in - my honest to God fear is that with kids being as connected as they are today, some of them may mistakenly idolize you in your current broken/unguided path since your streamers have chosen a popular public platform. Society today is screwed because of social media, youtube videos and false information or opinions. It also has made the ability to tell what is real news and fake news more difficult. Just chew on that a bit while you reflect on yourselves. I wish you all luck in life and hope you find peace for your souls before the wrong path leads you to bad endings.

    TLDR; No one is playing. EGA is the reason. No one is scared of you - just tired of you. Action needs to be made. Until then, I will keep fighting ships of the damned in a peaceful PvE world. EGA - please take some time to grow up. Stop stealing developers time with unreasonable actions and let them focus on what could be a masterpiece.

    (Edit: The part about the American flag was poorly worded and updated)

    submitted by /u/nerdstaz
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    WTF vs CSTG

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 11:24 PM PDT

    Here are a few highlights from last night's fight. Kenga it was a pleasure to fight against you. This is what Atlas should be, hope we can have more fun PvP!
    Zingy Vs. Kengfa a.k.a. Solo brig sink: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/450715308

    Boom Barrel while on enemy schooner: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/450716792


    submitted by /u/zingyish
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