• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 17, 2019

    ATLAS We've officially gone below post wipe announced numbers.

    ATLAS We've officially gone below post wipe announced numbers.

    We've officially gone below post wipe announced numbers.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 12:41 AM PDT

    Ship Of The Damned - Newbie Question

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 04:39 AM PDT

    So I and my mates have made a brig with about 12ish cannons / w a heavy cannon at the front. What level ship of the damned can we take on and any tips versing them? are they always in a pack? :)

    submitted by /u/colliegameplayx
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    How about instituting a company limited quantity of blocks invulnerable to damage?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    How about every company gets X number of blocks they can place that are impervious to damage? A very small number. Like 100 contiguous blocks. Or 200. I don't know, enough to hold maybe a bear, a resource bin and the fabrication stations. They would be like permanent peace mode blocks. They would only be demolishable by the owner of the island they are on using the new isand-wide clearing mechanic or by the initial demolish mechanic island owners have on new settlers.

    This would give small companies and solo players a small measure of safety. They can't be totally wiped by casual warfare. They could still be wiped by a change in island ownership but that would come with a window of opportunity to flee.

    Yes, this could be used by megas to have invulnerable storage for valuable items. But they'd only get one for their entire company. And megas are already generally impervious to wipe from casual warfare anyway.

    submitted by /u/DesperateElderberry
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    RE: The State of NA PvP: Bigotry

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Top Atlas moments #12

    Posted: 17 Jul 2019 04:52 AM PDT

    TC Schooner Shreds IRS Brigs

    Posted: 16 Jul 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    Suggestion: Company Level System with Upkeep

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:18 PM PDT

    Suggestion: Company Level System with Upkeep

    TL;DR: Suggesting a Company Level System with weekly upkeep costs, that get higher with bigger companies.

    Disclaimer: All the values around Gold, Percentages etc. are just to give an idea, i do know that these are nowhere perfect.

    Complete explanation:

    After playing over 1600 hours of ATLAS (NA PvP) and around 95% of that time in the same company since launch, a so called "Mega" Company, i kinda feel bad for smaller companies that get basically rolled over by the bigger ones without a chance of defending themselves and very likely quit playing this game (a game with a lot of potential) thanks to that (as one of many reasons). That's why i am attempting this suggestion (which would also most likely require a wipe).

    This suggestion should give the developers some idea or inspiration how to balance big vs small companies.
    Give bigger companies a harder time, while providing some kind of bonus to smaller companies.
    At the moment big companies have almost nothing else to worry about than some Settlement Upkeep costs.
    Also this suggestion allows companies to reach a member limit of 100 if they can afford it at all, to show that they are the best and or richest company out there.

    How it works:

    • Create a company anywhere (max. 5 members and no upkeep cost by default)
    • Company upgrades are done at any Freeport
    • Upgrade your company and choose between 2 Company Types:
      A: Alliance Company (AC) - [can form/enter alliances] [alliancewide war-declaration against a Settlement]
      B: Renegade Company (RC) - [no alliances] [half the upkeep cost] [weaker perks] [war-declaration only by yourself]
    • While upgrading the company choose between 1 of 5 perk per Company Level:
      A: Increased Member Limit (+5 once, the rest +10)
      B: Increased harvest rates (+20% AC / +10% RC)
      C: Improved taming/breeding rates (+20% AC / +10% RC)
      D: Faster ship stealing (+30% for both)
      E: Longer peacephase on Settlements (+45 minutes AC / +30 minutes RC)
    • Company Level 0 is the default
    • There are 10 actual Company Levels (LVL 10 is up to 100 members)
    • Weekly upkeep cost depends on your Company Type and Company Level, which gets drastically increased with a higher Company Level
    • Need to pay the weekly upkeep cost of the next level to upgrade to that Company Level
    • All members are able to contribute to pay (Freeport), but it's not possible to take out the gold
    • On non-payment the Company gets set back one lower Company Level
    • Members with permissions are able to downgrade the Company to a lower Company Level for free
    • To prevent important members getting kicked, the newest members get auto-kicked first, unless an admin or the owner sets them to a higher priority (11 Tiers or arrows to move them up)
    • Successfully declaiming the targets Settlement during your own war-decleration, sets the enemies Company Level one level down and grants your company some of their companies gold

    How i imagine the weekly costs:


    Some random example situations:

    Situation A:

    1. You create anywhere a new company
    2. This new company has a maximum member limit of only 5 members
    3. You got some connections, a bunch of people you want to play together with, but realize you can only have yourself and 4 others in the company
    4. You decide to go to the freeport to upgrade your company to the next level, the price you pay for the upgrade will also be your companies weekly upkeep cost
    5. You're asked if you want to be a company with the capability to form and enter alliances (Alliance Company) OR if you want your company to stay completely alliance-free (Renegade Company) (strong reduced upkeep costs for that, but also weaker perks)
    6. While upgrading you get to choose between only one of different passive perks for the whole company:
      increasing the company member limit (first one is only +5, all following are +10),
      a perk for increased harvesting/gathering rates (20% or 10% more),
      a perk for improved taming/breeding rates (20% or 10% more),
      a perk for quicker ship stealing (30% faster),
      and a perk for longer peacephases on your settlements (45 or 30 minutes more)
    7. You decided to form an Alliance Company and chose the perk for increased member limit
    8. 100 Gold has been paid and the member limit got upgraded to 10, the weekly upkeep cost is 100 Gold, your Company Level is now 1
    9. Since you are not happy with this small company size and decide to upgrade a bunch of levels further, to Company Level 4, and all you picked was increasing the member limit, now its limited to 40 members, upkeep cost has reached 2400 Gold per week by that
    10. A week later you realize that your company doesn't want any alliances and are looking for more action nearby
    11. New members were found to join your company, since the company is at its limit, you decide to upgrade even further, to Company Level 5 with their wish in mind to be alliance-free
    12. On every Company Level upgrade or downgrade you get to decide if you want to change your Company Type from an "Alliance Company" to a more cheaper "Renegade Company" which has no capabilities to enter or form alliances
    13. Company Level is now R5, member limit at 50 and the weekly upkeep cost is only 2500 Gold (strongly reduced because you can not have any "official" alliances)

    Situation B:

    1. You and your 4 high skilled friends want to have a small company, with nobody else in it
    2. Company has been created with the default beginner Company Level 0 and no upkeep costs
    3. Even though you guys are high skilled, you feel kind of unprotected and weak as you are in a very small company, thats why you decide to upgrade the company
    4. Since your company needs some sort of protection, you guys decide to form an Alliance Company and come together with other companies
    5. Your company wants to remain at 5 members, thats why you decide to pick the other perks like increased harvesting/gathering rates
    6. Since your company has good knowledge about the game and knows how to get some easy gold, you guys decide to upgrade to Company Level 4 and pick 4 times the harvest rates perk, which allows your company to collect resources 80% faster

    That's all i can think of right now.

    submitted by /u/EvgeniZ
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