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    Thursday, July 11, 2019

    ATLAS Looking for unnoficial server PvP or pve

    ATLAS Looking for unnoficial server PvP or pve

    Looking for unnoficial server PvP or pve

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Me and a friend are looking for a private server to play on, we've done the whole official thing but iv been locked out of eu Pve servers so we've given up and are looking for a private server to play atlas on now. Send me a dm if you host or know of a good server to join, ideally one that doesn't wipe.

    submitted by /u/sleepymat
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    Why Does everyone love atlas?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    There is a lot of hate on the game in these forums. I hope this will be a thread of why you love the game. Please continue the thread on. Thanks!!

    1. I love the lag
    2. I love how it's 2019 and the game can't support more than 10 people in a grid.
    3. I love how new players are unable to compete with those that have been playing for more than 6+ months.
    4. I love the power disparity - Mythical vs Common.
    5. I love how money is being charged for the game, even though it's not playable.
    6. The Steam rating for the game is not accurate. It could be much much lower.
    7. Offline raiding is the only Combat you will get. People vs Defensive NPCs!
    submitted by /u/archeagerr
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    Can something be done about "Pink ****"? (NAPvP)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    First post was removed... First of all their name(Pink Gays) is offensive and has been reported multiple times. Second, they have been accused of aimbotting yet nothing has been done. I just recorded a fresh video and submitted a ticket for it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/451010409 Lastly(from me), they keep their main mythical ships parked in freeport to avoid getting raided on their main base. Check out E12 West island and you can see their ships there: https://i.imgur.com/U6renFk.jpg Mythical planks with 20k+ HP require less maintenance since it takes longer for them to deteriorate.

    Suggestions: Force them to change their name. Ban the hacking player and the players that was with him at the time(lvl 133 "t) CSTG"). Even though they will come back. So a company wipe is another option. Force ships that haven't been moved out of freeport after x hours to un anchor and take additional damage?

    submitted by /u/madrussian258v3
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    Suggestion/Request: More stats on the website

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    I for one love stats haha, we have top companies but that's all. It must be possible ? pull stats from back end database ?

    Wow had for awhile and it was awesome to be fair, most dangerous bosses, creatures that had killed the most players?

    #1 Vaelstrasz the Corrupt killed 38,544 players this month but in this case fire elemental maybe?

    But how even, more players stats, dayz original mod for example had players who had survived the longest - everyone hates the in game system for survival and would rather eat poo and die - but even more incentive to survive? atleast for some.

    Player kill count before dieing

    Longest surviving player

    player who has looted the most gold

    company kills this month

    are there ways to track all of this? would it make the server lag even more ? - updated daily maybe

    Highest level tame

    highest level ship

    ship that is the oldest

    sailed the most km

    traveled the most

    loads!? surely its possible?

    Some of these people might not want, but a few would be really nice! XXXx

    submitted by /u/Okano666
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    Fighting Idio on ship. Talk about bad timing

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    To give a little insight. I glided over to their island because they were moving ships to their other island that is on peacephase. This is a common thing they do so we decided to have a little fun. Got a few kills along with one of the members being salty I killed him.

    Coming to the end of the video I get distracted by my little brother. Comes up to me grabbing my arm crying for a bottle of milk. Could of done a whole lot more damage but got distracted <3


    submitted by /u/DatPVMGuy
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    Ship Blueprints and Mechanics.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 10:57 PM PDT

    Allow us to save our ships structural builds, in their entirety, and construct at the shipyard in one go, saved to account builds. Construction time could be based on number of pieces, player craft speed, w/e.

    -Remove ship piece bps. Pointless 99% of the time as is anyway. (Planks, Gunports, Decks)

    -Make the durability for planks based on the shipyard it is built in.

    -Make sails, the actual fabric, the component with a bp, not the entire mast.

    -Add range and velocity as stats on all siege/cannon BP's. Durability, Damage, Range and velocity. Basically allow us to have more options to better allow organic play and counter play.-Make the sail bp bonus stats universal across all sails. Ex: A handling sail with bonus turning, or velocity as rolled stats. This is basic MMO stat rolling mechanics.

    -Allow different Masts to be chosen for the aesthetic the player wants for their ship, have the sail and corresponding boom/spars attach to the mast the players chosen.-Allow players to change sails as they feel they need too. Make it an order-able action by crew, it is their job.

    Okay so something i anticipate as a subject of debate is plank replacement, how would you do it if a plank is destroyed? Raw resources, repair at the destruction site, boom missing planks are replaced over time.

    Cannon velocity is insanely low, the flight time and arc on cannonballs, is kinda dumb and honestly detracts from the adrenaline a fight should be bringing to the table. Its like we are using early bombards, not cannon.

    The limited crafts on bps, make no actual sense in game, on any level. This isnt a garment im sewing by cutting the blueprints out and pinning to the fabric lengths, its a blueprint i am looking at and crafting components according to specifications. Limitted crafts as a balancing mechanic is lazy, remove it and think of something better if it is really an issue. While we are on this subject, Determine better max and min rolls per bracket of rarity for bps in general, its a complete disgusting mess atm. As an aspiring mmo, how can you justify a common bp EVER being better, by the same values, than a higher tier of bp. It devalues the effort put into acquiring them and creates immense disattisfaction from a blatant over reliance on RNG to pad play time content.

    Edit: Except in the literal case of making garments in game obviously >.>

    submitted by /u/MuchDingo
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    Actual NA PVP Coalition map

    Posted: 10 Jul 2019 07:05 PM PDT

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