• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 23, 2019

    ATLAS Good Going Grapeshot

    ATLAS Good Going Grapeshot

    Good Going Grapeshot

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 08:50 AM PST

    Just pointing out that the Devs are doing a great job with the game updates (Animal Weight, Server Stability etc etc) and we should thank them once in a while for that instead of outright bashing them 24/7. Carrot and Stick my fellow sailors.

    submitted by /u/Zimmeeh
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    This is an answer for everybody wanting to buy Atlas in its current state

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 01:09 AM PST

    Ships of the Damned should leave wrecks on the ocean floor

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Ships of the Damned should leave wrecks on the ocean floor, though they may have weird parts. extra bone and hide instead of wood and thatch.

    submitted by /u/Skorj
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    Does anyone here actually enjoy Atlas?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 09:54 AM PST

    This whole subreddit is filled with people trash talking and compiling conspiracy theories about the game.

    Are there any of you out there that actually enjoy the game?

    submitted by /u/JumpThePools
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    so Hackers are back.. again.. again....... again

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 11:50 PM PST

    Still gonna hold onto that "Admin account" excuse this time or actually gonna fix the problem? Our server just had day and night flipped, multiple storms in a row, and the the temp was set to -999.. had reports of allies with Whales spawning en mass all over the island as well. Crazy idea, if you don't know whats causing this devs.. remove the ability all together and play with it OFFLINE, and not where people are losing a ton of hard work.

    submitted by /u/gigigamer
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    Why the fountain of youth quest just can't remain as it is right now.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 11:32 PM PST

    When Grapeshot activated the quest I was already a geezer so I received the debuff right away. However (correct me if I am wrong but I am 99% sure) I was only 84 or 86 at that time - which leads me to flaw #1:
    If I would have done the quest at this time I would have gained nothing (not being 90 yet) - just would have gotten my age reset, but no buff. If you can't get the buff, then no debuff should be applied.
    The quest itself is just so badly designed. You are forced to move to an end content zone awash with SoBs ... excuse me SoDs (I counted 8 max within visual range from deck, anyone who can top that ?). Then you need to get past lvl 100 mobs - good luck with your nerfed weapons and tamed beasts, get into a tight cave and click a modified ARK container in order to get rid of that crappy debuff. Get a buff as a reward that may or may not be permanent, depending on wether or not the click on the FoY does what it is supposed to do or wether you encounter strange side effects.

    When the FoY idea was scribbled down on the napkin it probably sounded cool: A daring band of swashbucklers at the end of their lifespan heads out to regain their youth, fights their way past epic enemies, explores ancient ruins and finally finds the fabled Fountain of Youth...
    Unfortunately, reality falls short of the idea and is pretty disappointing. I did this run yesterday, and this is how it went in a nutshell:
    Fasttravelled to the nearest Freeport with some friends, built a ramshackle sloop and headed for the location. By the time we arrived the zone was completely locked down and rubberbanding was approaching hilarious proportions. After 20 minutes of rubberbanding to and fro and still far from the coast of the island, the message got out that the FoY had disappeared. After a while the new location was announced in ally chat, so, same procedure as before:
    Abandon ship, fast-travel to the nearest Freeport, Ramshackle sloop, rubberbanding - and then we made landfall. A wall of similar ships was already there. Hordes of naked players, mostly ignoring each other, ran across the island, past cobras and fire elemetals, climbing, hopping, rubberbanding, towards a cave, lagging, getting set on fire or killed by invisible lvl 200+ super bats, returning from their ships, just running, rubberbanding, past frozen mobs and players hitting the air with their fists, into the cave until you finally get so see some glowy thing, click it, get teleported ways back due to more rubberbanding, dash ahead again and click, click, click ... until the event finally registered and I got rid of this crappy debuff.
    Thanks Grapeshot, for a unique gaming experience. Did you hear ? I said "unique". As in: Shut this piece of ... down because I have absolutely no desire to repeat that ordeal again.

    Before I did the quest yesterday I was waiting for while. I thought "no way Grapeshot would leave something this broken in the game ... surely they'll patch it out with the next patch until they fixed all the problems". Nope.
    When my character was 100 years old and ended up with broken bones from running out of stamina while climbing a wall I could easily climb before, I started to think about it. I pondered wether I just should make a new character (as some people I know did), or play on (which I had done for a while) or do this broken quest.

    Make no mistake, this isn't going to get better. Right now we had the unique situation that a lot of players had the debuff dumped on them at the same time. Which is what added to the problem with the overrun zones, but at the same time, it also made it possible to do the quest in that reckless deathrun fashion. Do you think you'd have a chance to do that if there were any less players ? If fire elementals and cyclops could focus on the few players in a lag-free zone ? If you couldn't run past lvl 200 bats who were just frozen and failed to register you due to all the lag and rubberbanding ?
    If this was playing out with 60 fps and a ping of 20 or 30, it'd be death after death after death unless a particularly large and well-armed pirate gang would attempt this. And even then it wouldn't be fun, given how pretty much every weapon was nerfed and now even lowlevel critters put up a real fight - let's not even speak about the lvl 100+ super mobs on the ancient islands.

    Grapeshot needs to get a fix out for this. No more debuff to begin with. I would much prefer the FoY bein a rare treasure map that could be on any island, not just ancient islands. That way, players could at least do this at their own pace, and not overrun single zones and every adjacend Freeport - instead of being forced to endure a frantic 2 or 3 hour rush (depending how often they die or the FoY despawns before the get to it).
    Also the buff, while nice, is a really questionable thing for a pvp environment. Get rid of it. Turn it into a permanent taming/ harvesting buff. Raise the player's level cap by 10 levels, so he doesn't have to make 50 discoveries just in order to raise the cap by a single level.
    There's a lot stuff that could be done without resorting to making this quest a compulsory pain in the ass just for the heck of it.

    submitted by /u/Thasoron
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    Chinese hacker generate mystic brue print by system command

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 04:22 AM PST

    Fountain of Youth EU PVP

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Can someone tell me where the fountain of youth is at the moment ? thx for help

    submitted by /u/Sirstocke
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    The world needs a North and South pole.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:55 AM PST

    There should be 2 more servers added. They should each be 15 sided, linking to each of the 15 servers along the North and South servers. Going going straight through this extra server from A1 should put you back out at G1 or H1 for example. Going from A1 to A15 doesn't make any sense unless the world is intended to be a donut shape. Please fix for muh emmershion!

    submitted by /u/Modernautomatic
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    So SOTD sunk my brig while I was anchored and offline...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:49 AM PST

    I thought they fixed it so it wouldn't do that? Do you think it was because I logged out on the boat? I was docked between 5 other boats and none of them got bothered.

    submitted by /u/quannyquizzo
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    Animals spawning in structures needs to stop

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 06:59 PM PST

    Cooking = Worth it?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 09:28 AM PST

    Is cooking worth all the wait and time put into it?

    I personally don't think the buffs are worth it and something else needs to be nerfed or added.

    I also believe we need more "fresh water" ponds and such, instead of waiting for rainwater to make nearly every cooking recipe.

    submitted by /u/TeamSpaye
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    So are you guys dyeing your armor?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:17 AM PST

    Which have you found look best? Black+Gold looks pretty good on hide imo, silver+black on plate looks cool, any others?


    submitted by /u/ItsLathas
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    Think it's stuck? I think it's stuck lol

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 05:30 PM PST

    CSTG Member admitting to DDOS'ing the server to stop us.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 02:46 PM PST

    Less sails for a Galleon

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 03:00 PM PST

    Just a suggestion like the title suggest. Most Real Galleons even man of wars/ship of the lines only ran 3 sets of sails and what we have now is eye rape considering what could be a very good looking ship. Can we have a larger design of sails Id be happy to see them fold outward or even Jibs attached to the foremast rather than what we have now.

    submitted by /u/Skithe
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    Question about repair hammer

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Does a better quality repair hammer give a better bonus when repairing ship parts?

    submitted by /u/PetocheQC
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    Here, have something wholesome

    Posted: 22 Jan 2019 01:09 PM PST

    Looking for how to change aging on private server

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:45 AM PST

    Wondering if anyone knows how to control aging on private servers - whether through admin commands (for instant changing while looking at a character) or through game ini for slowing the aging speed across the server? I'm hoping it has similar controls to how you can change hair growth or breeding in ARK through either multipliers or admin commands, but can't seem to find the option to if it exists.

    submitted by /u/Smiles77
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    Builder servers?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 07:58 AM PST

    Rust had servers dedicated to building so people could learn/test builds out so they dont waste materials in their main servers. Does atlas have any servers like this? Id love to mess around with some brig builds to see what i like or whats possible.

    submitted by /u/rome907
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    Sailing all the way South - Do you come out in the North?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 11:24 AM PST

    If we sail all the way south from A15 will we come out at A1?

    Thanks in advance. Would hate to fall off the world...

    submitted by /u/Caneatcha
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    Question to anyone with slow internet connection

    Posted: 23 Jan 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Are you having trouble staying connected to the servers? I have 3mbps and I can't stay connected to a server with decent amount of people or buildings/npcs , in the middle of loading in I'll spam dc, if there is PvP happening I'll DC 20+ times and give up for the night.

    I can't seem to be able to stay connected to the game, but any other game I can stay connected even if I download and force my ping to 1k+

    submitted by /u/Holyshack
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