• Breaking News

    Friday, January 18, 2019

    ATLAS I performed multiple tests using speed sails on each ship type to determine what is fastest.

    ATLAS I performed multiple tests using speed sails on each ship type to determine what is fastest.

    I performed multiple tests using speed sails on each ship type to determine what is fastest.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 08:54 AM PST

    Please. Stack. Bolas.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 02:01 AM PST

    That is all, my god.

    submitted by /u/Imperceptions
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    CSTG Exploiting

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 08:00 AM PST

    They are building under a mountain in A7. Island -Maroon Enclave, on the south island of it, at the East end of the island. They own the north side of the Island and have a guy with a different guild name building it for them so their name isn't on it but they are bringing him materials.

    submitted by /u/Hurtyourfeelfeels
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    Someone needs to be fired.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:38 AM PST

    Black Butterfiy had an admin in their company and someone hacked their account (allegedly). Personally, I think it was straight up admin abuse which should be grounds for termination. But even if it wasn't, this is a dev we are talking about. They should know the importance of 2 factor authentication particularly on an account that has so much power in the game to effect thousands of clients. At the worst, this was an exploit of the customer base and at best it was gross negligence at the cost of the customer base. How many man hours were lost from the rollback?

    I don't know what you all do for a living, but at my job I would be shitcanned immediately if I fucked over our clients even a fraction of what has happened during the Black Butterfiy fiasco. Just look at the negative press that is directed at Grapeshot and Snail right now. Because of the maliciousness or ineptitude of one person. That person doesn't deserve to be employed at this company anymore.

    If no action is being taken against Black Butterfiy, can we as customers at least be assured that the wreckless employee who caused all of this is no longer in a position to repeat something similar? Grapeshot owes us this assurance at the very least.

    submitted by /u/Modernautomatic
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    Every game on Steam by Snail Games has hacker problems the exact same way ATLAS and ARK does (dark and light for example) others have similar reviews as well

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:31 AM PST

    "Not Recommended

    1,551.9 hrs on record


    POSTED: DECEMBER 27, 2018

    I have over 2000+ hours in this game and PLEASE DONT PLAY AND INSTALL IT THIS IS THE WORST GAME EVER FOR HACKERS AND EXPLOITERS RUINING YOUR BASES. After hours of hard work to get to end game content on the old and new servers these hackers just harass and destroy everything you build and the Devs just let them do it without any bans.

    So if you want to waste your time and money on a game this is the one or spend your money on a game the devs actually want you to have fun in without all the hacking players and exploits to the game."

    submitted by /u/WithOneSipOfTea
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    To ppl defending BB (TEA)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 02:41 AM PST

    https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/search?q=TEA Stop embarrasing yourself, read up on topics before you pick the armour up and charge in on your donkey to defend the poor misunderstood cheaters.

    submitted by /u/Justanotherarkcopy
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    On-land Transportation - Suggestions

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 05:59 AM PST

    On-land Transportation - Suggestions

    Now that (quite rightly so) the encumbered movement has been nerfed (read: picking up corpses, glider/zipline usage), a proper method for heavy transportation on-land needs to be provided.

    I see this could be done in a number of different ways (and some have been mentioned before:

    1. Add an ACTUAL cargo saddle. A cart. Wagon. Anything. Something that can be tethered to a horse or bear that can carry a substantial amount of weight. I am positive I am not the only one that crafted this saddle at first thought, thinking it would be useful for....cargo.
    2. Re-ultilise ziplines for cargo movement. Have the ability to attach an amount of material to the line that can be sent down to a waiting person who can then drop this into a chest. Keep the limit respectable for a zipline.
    3. Improve the zipline by introducing a Pulley System. I know we have lifts in the game, but they can be slow and cumbersome. Have a pulley system in game that can not online take loot down (like a zipline would) but also bring loot back up. Yet again, someone loading/unloading at the top and the bottom. Think how cool a cliff-side base would be with a couple of pulley systems.


    Numbers 2 and 3 introduces a much more engaging farming experience for multiple people working together to solve the task. Number 1 gives the solo farmer the ability to move things around without having to make so many trips.

    None of these suggestions seem impractical, and they all fit within the setting.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.

    submitted by /u/Fiercetiger86
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    Done with Official Servers

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 02:24 AM PST

    If, like me, you've tried playing official servers and have found yourself getting annoyed or upset at the amount of crap on there (hackers, alphas, gather rates, etc) I'd suggest you find a good private server.

    Last night I thought I'd try ATLAS again, give it another shot to see if I could find the fun again. But this time I thought I'd try a private server instead of carrying on with my 80yr old character on the official one.

    I actually had FUN. Gather rates were good, not overly excessive, but what you think you would gain from chopping down a tree. XP was set at a decent rate that I could get to a decent level quicker to unlock skills and actually do stuff like build ships. Alpha spawns seemed to be lower. Everything just felt fun. Almost as if this was how the game was meant to be played.

    So, I built myself a little house on the beach, got some decent resources and I'm planning on expanding up a cliff edge into the mainland for more resources.

    When you find the right server, this game IS good.

    submitted by /u/VikingSizeGamer
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    PSA: Careful when placing BP Cannons

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Yesterday I found that our Journeyman Big Cannons turn into common ones if you place and pick them up before the timer runs out.

    Hurts to lose that much different alloys, so I thought this might save someone else's materials :P

    submitted by /u/v3rgi1
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    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 10:46 AM PST

    Things I learned from my first sailing adventure

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 07:58 AM PST

    I recently learned my first big sailing lesson on the seas to a SOTD at the region crossing. No matter what my friend and I did, we could not out-maneuver, escape, nor out-repair the damage the thing did to my sloop. I lost a decent haul of crystal, gold, maps, blueprints and music sheets.

    • First, both sails were the most basic small sails. We had low speed. You need decent maneuverability. You need the power to escape if you cannot fight.
    • Second, we did not have a grasp of proper sailing and managing the rotations with the wind. We did not have a hired hand to man the sail so I was the one to frantically manage that mess while my friend steered. Know how to manage a boat before going on long cruises.
    • Third, the design of the interior did not make it easy to access damaged planks. Being able to get around easily on the ship is pretty important. Expect shit to get in your way when you least want it to.
    • Fourth, I brought so much gear and raw materials that it weighed down the boat. Unless you dump all the spec points into weight, bring only what you need and a bit to fix things. Not the entire base. In fact, a bit invested in sturdiness might help in a pinch.
    • Fifth, it did not dawn on us to turn about and leave the region since we were right there. Instead we tried to flee to an island. If a SOTD drops on you at the region barrier, turn the fuck back and find another entry point by swimming through naked to see if safe.

    Some other things I learned during the adventure before our timely demise.

    • DONT jump into the water after some flotsam, during a storm with cyclones, without having the emergency rope ladder down.
    • Make sure you have a bit of food for each vitamin in a preserving bag. You might forget to eat before leaving, and be stuck having to poison yourself so you dont starve to death on the way to shore. Especially with a really slow boat.
    • There are shipwrecks that you find on sandbars. Those are not the wrecks you're looking for. You just clip through those. It's a damn lie.
    • Dont chase after a manta ray underwater just to stab it to death, because it harassed you. You may win, but you'll be winded by that time and just drown from the inability to swim back up.
    • My thalassophobia doesnt trigger unless I look down while swimming. So, always have someone to spot sharks for you when chancing a shot at flotsam.

    So, uh. Is there any tips y'all can give me apart from what I've learned. Like ship design or whatnot?

    submitted by /u/montegyro
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    Can we get ANY kind of official response on why Black Butterfly is still in the game?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 03:27 PM PST

    I get that the whole thing seems to be embarrassing and probably directly on the fault of the devs. But can we just get an official statement from ANYONE as to why Black Butterfly is still in the game?

    submitted by /u/MasterPhart
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    Why are there so many mobs? There's no reason there needs to be 20 rhinos/elephants/sheep/vultures/cows/bulls/ants/scorpions all in the same small area.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 06:29 AM PST

    I spend more time with broken bones then I do playing the game because of the amount of mobs that spawn in this game. Probably has a lot to do with the lag as well I can assume.

    submitted by /u/u3h
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    OOF Streamer Caught Exploiting Again

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 07:58 PM PST

    Here is one Order of Freedom streamer exploiting again. His name is Zunit and he is honestly one of the most toxic streamers in OOF. Here you can see he goes up into the ship and phases through it. Please do something about these exploiters they are ruining the game for all of us.


    submitted by /u/22fire
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    Black Butterfly is currently using hacks...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 10:28 PM PST

    To raid one of my allies in I think it was B11. They are noclip'ing through walls and shit apparently from the ally chat. Fun times.

    submitted by /u/Chawdiddly
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    RELEASE: Atlas Server Controller (my program to help setup and run privately, all 225 grids of the official servers for solo players and small groups on average hardware)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 01:08 PM PST

    (original topic deleted because automod thought I needed to be in sailtogether with my discord link)

    Hello! I think my program is finally ready for public consumption. Thank you for waiting! Its still not even close to perfect and probably has a few bugs. Let's just call it an alpha release for now.

    Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8WToRv34To

    Autoswitching feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfu9m0Us1Ng

    As a refresher this is the program that will dynamically help you open and close servers on the fly so you can play privately on the full official map, with just average hardware. If you can run at least 1 server, this will work, allowing people to even run it on the same computer they are playing on. Main bullet point features:

    • easily update the ports and ip address across all 225 grids on your map. No more needing to tediously update everything individually on the ServerGridEdior.

    • Automatically generate all 225 .bat files to start each of the servers

    • Open and close the server you are on plus the 4 surrounding you (automatically even), any 4 individual servers on the map, or a combination of the two, control up to 9 servers at a time.

    If your computer can handle more than 1 server, even better! If it can handle 5 grids the program will even track your location and dynamically open all the grids around you so you won't even have to look at the program while playing!

    A bunch has been added since I lasted showed off the program. Now I include steamcmd and a one click sever setup button as well as an update server function. I also added a redis server on and off switch, so it really now is a one stop shop for nearly everything. It even saves all your settings/locations on close so you don't have to remember anything. The only extra thing you'll need is the servergrideditor from grapeshot.

    I also wrote out an insanely indepth instruction list, included in the download to hopefully walk anyone, no matter what comfort level, through setting everything up.

    My apologies, apparently Windows doesn't like the website I setup to download and is blocking everything, so I have to use something stupid like dropbox... Link will also be in the discord server if this stops working. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/lbei9x5t99gaggl/ASCv1.5.zip

    If you run into any issues/need help on the setup, feel free to join the discord the invite link is this: YHGWPyd Sorry, can't post full link or automod will get me again, just use discord dot gg.

    Discord is also where future updates will be posted until I can figure out why Windows hates my website.

    ****If you are trying to add this to an existing server, please backup everything before you do... I doubt there will be issues, but you need to be safe, and I haven't actually testing doing that.

    submitted by /u/VZW_Matt
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    Rainstorms without twisters?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 06:37 AM PST

    Have they said that rainstorms will always have twisters or that they will vary? Or have they not said anything about it yet?

    submitted by /u/Keebster
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    Pistol reloading speed test results

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 10:27 PM PST


    To find out how much time succeeding and failing at pistol reloads saves.


    Begin loading a pistol at the same time a stopwatch is pressed. do not participate in all 3 tests to get a baseline. After 3rd test MASH the fire button. Stop the stopwatch at the second gunshot. Record time. Repeat with succeeding 1, 2, and all 3 skill checks.

    Then, Take ALL the buffs pertaining to reloading pistols and repeat above.


    No buffs, all miss - 21.75 seconds

    No buffs, 1 success - 17.63 seconds

    No buffs, 2 success - 15.97 seconds

    No buffs, all success 15.37 seconds

    ALL buffs, all miss 16.45 seconds

    ALL buffs, 1 success 13.30 seconds

    ALL buffs, 2 success 12.32 seconds

    ALL buffs, all success 12.19 seconds


    Reload speed 1 is listed as 20% in title, but the skill is only 10%. All three provide a total 30% reload speed bonus

    All tests were performed once, because I am lazy. Keep in mind there is a small adjustment to be made for reaction time, but that is less than .25 of a second

    21.75 -> 16.45 is a 25% reduction, a 30% reduction should be 15.25

    17.63 -> 13.30 is a 25% reduction, a 30% reduction should be 12.34

    15.97 -> 12.32 is a 23% reduction, a 30% reduction should be 11.05

    15.37 -> 12.19 is a 21% reduction, a 30% reduction should be 10.75

    Server ping was 25 at the time

    submitted by /u/TheBlueFoxy
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    Mastercraft/Legendary Large Sail Blueprints, what's the best you've seen?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 10:07 AM PST

    What's the best increase/max velocity % you've seen or have?

    submitted by /u/SKcl0ck
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    DarkBlade fleet sunk by Uganda

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 09:36 PM PST

    DarkBlade's main island just got hit by uganda. They sunk 2 gallions many brigs and schooners

    submitted by /u/konrad0805
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    Is the Black Butterfly member a Dev of Atlas? Fire him/her for abuse of power, among other offenses.

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 09:36 PM PST

    GMs and Devs of games have been punished in other companies for abusing their powers.

    The accused caused thousands of players a five hour loss of time, and RNG they rolled, plus psychological stress, among many other affects to players.

    The accused is responsible for their failure to play within the rules, to adhere to company integrity policy, and for conflict of interest between working for the game and playing it.

    The accused needs to stand trial and face sentencing.

    Grapeshot needs to act against the accused.

    submitted by /u/Bowtie16bit
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    Can we just flat-out remove alphas? What fucking purpose do they serve right now?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 04:40 PM PST

    I have just now, for the 3rd time, lost fucking bears to an alpha wolf. I scanned the coastline prior to bringing them ashore, killed all base-line predators in the area, and took them maybe 5 steps inland before the game spawned a fucking level 248 alpha wolf on top me of.

    Why. Why do these even exist. They certainly can't be beat within the game's intended mechanics. You can't "kite them" or "outplay them" with proper gear and armor. You have exactly two options:

    1) Cheese them with fire arrows at their feet to do stupid levels of damage

    2) Trap them somewhere

    There is no other viable method. They are a fucking cancer to this game (the whole predator system is, currently, but at least tames can fucking deal with the normal ones for the most part)

    Can you not just fucking remove them? They're such an obvious carry-over from Ark that makes zero fucking sense in the context of this game. It's fucking ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/DrBowe
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    Player craftables in smithy?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2019 06:19 PM PST

    This bugged me in ARK and seems simple, anything you can craft on your play should be craftable when in the smithy, so you don't have to transfer resources. This just makes sense right?

    submitted by /u/nzkfc
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    So how many people/friends have you see come and go?

    Posted: 18 Jan 2019 08:35 AM PST

    I started solo, met some nice people on an island, formed a company.. 2 stopped playing after the resource weekend endet cause to grindy again, other 2 stopped cause the initial 2 stopped and it got boring for them. I continued to build the base while I had 4 bodies I would carry around protecting claims. A little bit in my 2 best friends started and joined me. we build some ships, sailed the seas, did some treasure hunts and they made it to lvl 40 before the just started playing other games cause of the constant lag and server crashes. While those 2 were offline again and I had now 6 bodies to carry around and protect my claim I formed further alliances where 2 of the 4 alliances are dead already cause their companies stopped playing.

    So since release I went through so many people playing with me and stopping. Never ever had this in any game out there. Maybe I smell bad xD

    What about you. Any guys here going still strong since release?

    submitted by /u/NoCookieForYouu
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