• Breaking News

    Wednesday, January 16, 2019

    Atlas [NA PvP] Recruiting Members

    Atlas [NA PvP] Recruiting Members

    [NA PvP] Recruiting Members

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:56 PM PST

    Our company, as of now, is fairly small with about 5 really active members. We are looking for active members to join in and contribute to the company. We also tend to pvp with china a lot and most of the members dislike china. Msg Me if interested. Discord: Deity#2083

    submitted by /u/Deity_Dysphoria
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    Naval warfare company [EU PVP]

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 01:21 PM PST

    Hey guys, Ive just started recruiting players so we can sail the seas together starting at our headquarters!

    So far we got a small base down on an island with a lot of resources, we have cannons and mortars on top of it.

    If you have any questions send me an invite on discord: Reliance#8706

    Or join our discord server right away: https://discord.gg/c4nMXuV

    submitted by /u/WarUnit
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    Finding Potato Seeds

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Iam seeking for potato seed (wild potato?). i have already travelled to much maps and island, but i cant find a spot. Can anyone tell me were i can find them? Name of the island and a coast side or better?


    submitted by /u/Tezcatlipoca80
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    MTC recruiting [EU-PVP] although ping is legit from the US

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:24 PM PST

    Misfit trading company is looking for new members. We have plenty of land, ships, and several farming outposts for almost every resource. We are also a part of a 400+ member alliance who's main goal is to destroy China. Whether you want to pvp/pve/build/tame/farm, we have a home for you.

    Must be 18+ and have a mic. As we have members from all over the world, English is preferred but not required. Send me a dm if you have any questions or would like to join :D

    submitted by /u/smash_the_stack
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    Timeout pending....

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Anyone else getting the house pending connection timed out every time you try to play? I just played for about an hour and a half got a boat got the stuff I needed to go out left a grid went to a new one and now I can't connect back... I want this game to work a lot better than it really is..b I've tried to defend it but when you just can't even join a server...

    submitted by /u/TrooperFox72
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    Looking for people to play with us.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 09:38 AM PST

    Smaller group, have land, chill. NAPVP The Krakens maw.

    Hit me up on discord: Ryka#9261

    submitted by /u/Slimshadymazz
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    Recruiting for Official EU PVP

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 09:29 AM PST

    Hey guys, Ive just started recruiting players so we can sail the seas together starting at our headquarters!

    So far we got a small base down on an island with a lot of resources, we have cannons and mortars on top of it.

    If you have any questions send me an invite on discord: Reliance#8706

    Or join our discord server right away: https://discord.gg/c4nMXuV

    submitted by /u/WarUnit
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    Capture enemy players?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 05:34 AM PST

    Had some thiefs running around my base, but couldnt figure out how to capture and hang them.

    Whats the best aproach? Dude climbed my elevator. Could i get him down with an grappling hook and then handcuff him?

    Is that even possible while they are „awake" or do they need to be knocked out to be captured? If so, whats the best method? Tried that blackjack (baseballbat) but it didnt do much torpor, if any.

    submitted by /u/Mighty_Phil
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    NA PVP Company is accepting a few more players! Check us out.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 07:10 AM PST

    Hello pirates!

    UNKNOWN (NA-PVP The Krakens Maw) is looking to add to our lineup! Hit me up if you want a good company. I do not leash our recruits but I set clear goals to work towards, and I may ask depending on the situation for you to drop what you are doing and work towards a community goal or emergency situation.

    Side note: if you are not looking for a company but solely for land, the below paragraph is what you are looking for.

    We have land available for smaller companies, if you want land and protection let me know! A few rules apply, mainly about required defenses; you must have mortar towers built and stocked at all times covering your coastal plot. There will be a tax on the plot that will be used exclusively for defenses on your plot. I will build and place but you are responsible to ensure they remain stocked. We will craft all defensive equipment/ammo from your taxes and our supplies if needed. We will also require a small building with beds to be built and maintained so if you are attacked we can come to your aid in a timely fashion.

    If you run a small group and are tired of getting rolled over or losing your stuff feel free to reach out! We can help you reach your goals and actually enjoy the content of the game!

    Most of us are on every day, and are very effective and efficient players.

    *We are never open to offline raiding as half of our members are in opposite timezones.

    We have many ships available for use, I encourage everyone to learn to drive and run a galleon, they are very beneficial when you can hunt level 60 red ghost ships solo or with 1-3 people on board. We have 12 galleons between our main bases, more scattered around, most are max level, some have over 90 cannons. We have a few that can 1 shot red ghost ships.

    *We use Discord to talk as well as track goals/progress.

    Looking for experienced breeders / tamers to increase our razortooth / shieldhorn stock.

    TLDR: looking for chill people to add to our group.

    We made the company world map!! Wahoo!!! Great job everyone!

    Add me on discord: Ryka#9261

    submitted by /u/Slimshadymazz
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    Help Breeding Pigs

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 07:08 AM PST

    So I need some help. I have been trying to breed my pigs for a week now and I feel like I have tried everything. My pigs are showing the iceberg icon which I know means that it is too cold for them and so I tried adding a couple fire pits with doorways around them so that they can't walk into them. It is still showing the icon and I am about to give up. What else can I do differently or try?

    submitted by /u/LoTuSx14
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    Cheaper purchase

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 06:30 AM PST

    Anyone know where to buy this game cheaper than the price shown on steam it's AUD $44. Remove if not apart of subreddit rules but would be good if someone knows anywhere that's cheaper (Yes I know the game is buggy af my friend has been forcing me to buy it and to join his company)

    submitted by /u/Mrcoconaut1213
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    Can’t join official servers anymore?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 04:57 AM PST

    So I've been playing atlas for a bit and got to lvl 38 on EU Official. I never experienced any issues with connecting or respawning in the game. But today i tried to log and see if my ship is still alive but was unable to play on the server.

    At first i got on the spawn screen (i always log of dead) and spawned on one of my ships but as soon as I loaded in the game gave me an error 'invalid authentication token'. After clicking on the okay button it booted me off the server. And no I have never cheated in this game lol

    Now when I'm trying to reconnect to any of the official servers Atlas just freezes and bring me back to the main menu. Funny thing is that I can join unofficials, spawn and play without any issue.

    Does anyone now how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Mojo69Jojo
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    The Crying Shift

    Posted: 16 Jan 2019 09:40 AM PST

    Reddit lets talk about the most toxic and annoying guild in atlas NA.The chinese?No,the Crying shift,sorry late shift. A Guild made by a group of big streamers and his followers that cant accept when they lost.They accuse and create excuses and lies to justify a toxic behaviour of them and his followers on reddit and in the chat of the game.Last victim was other american streamer that rapped them in a boat fight them they started to acuse the poor guy of glitching the game,stream snipping and etc...As a spoiled brat that loose in video game and starts to accuse everybody of cheating and cant see the truth that is simple,Late shift simply sucks at pvp.This is a PvP game and everybody have the right to invade and attack others but with this guys they simply grumble all the time about everything in a pre alpha game that is full of bugs and lag that affects everybody,not only them.

    submitted by /u/Dyzorak88
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