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    Friday, February 1, 2019

    ATLAS Raiding and defending Lawless Islands, and overall game balance.

    ATLAS Raiding and defending Lawless Islands, and overall game balance.

    Raiding and defending Lawless Islands, and overall game balance.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 04:29 AM PST

    This is from my personal experience, you dont have to agree on it. I'm not sure how exactly the balance is working out on claimable land, seeing as we base out of lawless. I do love survival games, and together between Rust, Ark, Atlas and other survival games I easily have 12.000 + hours played. My main focus in these games is building the bases/defenses for our group, and raid leading.

    The current situation of lawless raiding is a joke. There is raiding/ship sinking mechanics that simply dont have any ways to counter them.

    I would like to start of with ships defense, but in the end its the exact same for bases too. We have a big wall around our harbour, in order to not allow enemy nakeds to run in easily during a raid. How do we defend our ships/bases on a lawless islands? We put up around 60 or so automated NPC turrets. Swivvels are the only ones that are somewhat relyable, but suffer from low range, around 10-12 foundations worth of range. The puckle gun has 28 foundations worth of range, but cannot shoot targets that are moving under water. I have extensivly tested this with teammates that I've had leave our company, just to figure out what works best. If there was any form of underwater movement, the puckle would target the player, but not shoot.

    Anyhow with 60 turrets, most of them being swivvels, our harbour is somewhat defendable against nakeds coming in with explosive barrels/gliding in. Great!

    So what happens when the enemy brings 1 bear, 20 cannon balls? Well the wall falls in 10 cannon balls, and the ship is ripe for sinking with the remaining 10 cannon balls. Puckles? No, the medium cannons out-range them big time. To this there a semi counter, build medium cannon towers, to defend against the cannons. In order to be covered in all degrees we're talking ludacris ammounts of resources to build this in order to cover 4-5 ships, on top of the fact that you already have 60 or so NPCs that you need to pay per hour, which you need to protect yourself against the naked bombers. I dont mind high costs, and if thats what it takes sure.

    Okey, you have the nakeds under controll, you might feel somewhat protected against 2 players with a bear and 20 cannon balls. You have around 100 NPC's for just habour base/ship defense that you need to pay.
    But how do you protect yourself against mortars? Well you foundation spam, and put up your own mortars to counter this. In order to be completly protected you easily need upwards of 10k foundations spammed, due to how low range the building block is and how long the mortar range is. How does the raider counter this? Well guess what they bring 1 bear, 10 cannon balls and remove one foundation. Your 10k+ foundations are now useless. By the time your own players figure out where the shells are coming from, and moves/spawns in your own mortar towers,and you manage to hit them, the raiders have easily shot off a ton of mortars, and your ships and or your base is already in ruins.

    There is in reality no real good counter against mortars on lawless. It doesnt matter how big your group is, two-three dedicated players can sink your ships/ruin your base within mere minutes. I've seen it happen to allies, ive done it myself. Bring yourself and 2 guys, everyone has a mortar, a foundation, mortar shells, a climbing pick and 1 explosive barrel each. Climb up a tall mountain next to their base. Explosive barrel 1 foundation at the peak of the mountain. Put down 3 foundations, 3 mortars and let the show begin. It doesnt matter if the people defending has 100 players online, by the time they react, run over, and climb up, most of what they own are in ruins/sunk.

    Other games (rust) has balance this by making explosives hard to get. Raiding materials are expensive. Before you raid a base of decent size, you scout the base and question yourself: Is it worth it? The rockets you need to take out the base has taken you hours, or days (for big bases) to farm, and you might end up not getting much back, and you might get wiped by the defenders, as they have to come somewhat close to your base in order to shoot rockets/use C4.

    In Atlas? A single pure metal node has around 250 metal in it. Thats 50 cannon balls. Which means you can get into a 5 deep honeycombed base, after spending 30 seconds of farming. Its so abundant that when you find metal in bases you are raiding, you dont even pick it up. Imagin doing that in rust or any other survival game. Throwing sulfur/raiding resources on the ground, because you cant be bothered carrying it back to your base. Unbelieveable!!

    Im not including the cost of doors to make it a little easier for myself below:

    To build a stone 1x1 you need:

    • 96 Metal
    • 90 Paste
    • 220 Stone
    • 180 Thatch
    • 120 wood.

    What does the raider need to get to the center of a 1x1? He needs to:

    • Hit one Metal node
    • Hit one flint node
    • Hit one charcoal node

    To build a stone 3x3 you need:

    • 680 Metal
    • 630 Paste
    • 1560 Stone
    • 1260 Thatch
    • 840 Wood

    What does the raider need to get to the center of a 3x3? He needs to:

    • Hit one Metal node
    • Hit one flint node
    • Hit one charcoal node

    To build a stone 4x4 you need:

    • 1800 Metal
    • 1650 Paste
    • 4100 Stone
    • 3300 Thatch
    • 2200 Wood

    What does the raider need to get to the center of a 4x4? He needs to:

    • Hit one Metal node
    • Hit one flint node
    • Hit one charcoal node

    To build a 5x5x5 (5 stories tall), so that the raider cant just hit one ceiling to get to your loot, you need:

    • 10248 Metal
    • 9660 Paste
    • 23520 Stone
    • 19320 Thatch
    • 12880 Wood.

    What does the raider need to do in order to the center of a 5x5x5? Well guess fucking what:

    • Hit one Metal node
    • Hit one flint node
    • Hit one charcoal node

    Point being: Honeycombing is next to useless in Atlas, your cost of building will increase in gigant ammounts for next to zero effect. a 100k stone base, would still only require the raider to hit 2 metal nodes, 2 fint nodes, 2 charcoal nodes to get to the center, and would take them about 2-3min of shooting a cannon to do so.

    From my experience within ARK and Atlas it seems to me the issue is that the devs have no idea what they are doing balance wise. Every change is either the south pole, or straight to the north pole, when your job is finding the equator. Dont believe me? Stone nerf, stone cost increase, gun nerf, fire arrow nerf, tame weight buff, gate cost increase, explosive damage changes, being able to place beds on lawless and more. Now I dont disagree with all of these changes, but lets be honest some of these changes are SO drastic that I cant even wrap my head around it. Imagin if the WoW devs changed warlocks to do 250% more damage. Or if Rust changed rockets to do 250% less damage. The community would just stop playing honestly.

    A number of people have stated that the devs watch steamers, and then balance the game based on what they see. I have no idea if this is true, but I might aswell put it out there: Streamers on average are entertaines, and for the most part clueless when it comes to actually playing the games they play. What they do is purly for content for the viewers, so the viewers pay them. How many streamers are doing 8 hours of farming on their stream huh? Very few people would watch that, and if you balance your game watching streamers you are only seeing a tiny tiny bit of the real game. I would advise that you play your own games, in both large and small companies. Then you put both the people you had in the big groups, and the small groups together and you ask yourself: If we change this, how will this effect the big group dev A is in, and how will it effect the 5-30 man group dev B is in.

    Point being: Its better to increase/decrease changes by 5-15%, seeing how that goes, and then if its not enough, you do it again. You did not only make stone many folds more expensive in regards to the time it takes making it, you ontop of that made it 250% weaker. How that gets a "lets do it" in a company meeting I cannot fathom other than the people in charge of making these calls has never ever played in a somewhat functioning team in a survival game.

    TLDR: Certain raiding mechanics on lawless has next to no way of countering. Whenever the devs go exploring for balance, they find the south pole and on the next exploration they jump straight to the north pole, when all we want is for them to find the equator.

    submitted by /u/Zunnnnneh
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    When you hit the edge of a server.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 09:13 AM PST

    CSTG Perse Abusing Glider Exploit

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:02 AM PST

    CSTG member Perse has been abusing a basic exploit with the glider, on a nightly basis, to fly across multiple zones and barrel bomb / oil jar boats and tames.

    You can literally watch him doing it on stream right now.

    All you need to do is fly upwards and drag the glider to a new slot on your bar to avoid the CD and reopen the glider, gaining altitude.


    submitted by /u/CND_Krazer
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    We need a way to respec without leveling up.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 10:10 AM PST

    You shouldn't get screwed over for getting to a high level...

    submitted by /u/csaw88
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    Weight Sails and Ship Weight -- An algebra-heavy video explaining when to ditch a speed sail for a weight sail

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:55 AM PST

    HougaBouga - A tale of vengeance

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:17 PM PST

    >went for treasure map on pretty quiet grid

    >territory message says non hostile company just announce your presence

    >announce ourselves and proceed to find treasure

    >patrolling ship begins to fire warning shots at our boat

    >we say sorry we will leave and jump back on boat to depart no treasure :[

    >patrolling boat rams and instantly sinks our boat taking almost no damage themselves


    >enemy says nothing in chat when asked why for 3 minutes, then they respond with "hougabouga"

    >1 week later return with 3 ships, destroy their entire harbor, ships and base

    >raid everything they have and destroy all their beds, destroy every resource that we cant carry

    >place claim flags on whats left of their structures now that they are dead

    >find the guy who sunk us previously, hung him on my ship and kept his skeleton as memento

    >Claim flags finish, return to their base and destroy all remaining structures

    >set territory message to "HougaBouga"

    >game - 11/10

    submitted by /u/pow3rofchrist
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    Devs and the dino sized doors

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 04:24 AM PST

    I cant for the love of god understand why wildcard cant add a door in that fits rhinos and giraffes in thats not the size of a dang mountain like how friken hard is it to add this little thing. I mean come on wildcard you did this in ark and you do it again here arghhhh. Add like a 4x4 door dang dude...

    submitted by /u/legondz
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    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [01.02.2019] NA PVP

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 02:01 AM PST

    How I feel the wildlife is

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 05:02 PM PST

    Need some input from Jat please help

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:49 AM PST

    u/Jatheish , my clan is having a hard time figuring out what to do about all the abandoned ships in NA-PVE. The folks have left for private servers or just left in general and we have demolished all their old buildings. but their ships are everywhere blocking new folks from building.

    Any suggestions for us? we are getting frustrated not knowing how to deal with them. We cant move them, we cant sink them, we cant claim them. and they dont decay.

    what are our options? It cant be good on the server resources.

    thanks in advance for the direction.

    submitted by /u/TomasGunz
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    [bug] Tames killed when moving onto ships.. be careful

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 04:41 AM PST

    Official Seasonal Server?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:45 AM PST

    So, iv been thinking this game would really benefit from a more seasonal approach instead of an always persistent server.

    Keep the official NA PvP server but what if there was a third server that would be wiped every 3-6 months to allow for a new beginning every so often?

    It's something i feel like small corps can enjoy while the bigger corps can rush key areas and have an all out battle.

    This is just the basics of the idea but how does everyone else feel about this?

    This thread is mainly for discussion as i want to hear other peoples opinion on the matter.

    submitted by /u/SomeEditor
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    Atlas Player/Fountain Tracker - https://atlasgame.info/

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:50 AM PST

    PvE Claim Flags, Sleeping Bodies, and Stealing Land (Possible Bug?)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 10:56 AM PST

    My clan just informed me that my house was lost and the territory claimed from under me. I understand not letting sleeping bodies block claims but I was on Wednesday. I was active in my claim! I LOGGED OFF inside my home. TWO DAYS AGO. Now, all my hardwork is gone. Some other clan took it from my sleeping body. I THOUGHT flags were supposed to renew when you entered their radius. I THOUGHT it was supposed to take THREE DAYS for someone to be able to steal your land after they renew. Maybe, Atlas should just make EACH FLAG HAVE A COUNT DOWN TO WHEN IT CAN BE STOLEN (Not just enemy flags). Or maybe you should be more clear about how flag renewal works. This is such utter ridiculousness. Also, did I read the patch notes correctly? You can have NPCs guard your claims? This entire claim system has been bugged one way or another from day one and I'm really trying hard to find the will to want to play. OH WAIT, I CAN'T UNLESS I KILL MYSELF BECAUSE I'M LOCKED IN MY OWN HOME.

    Claiming is possibly bugged and I'm salty about it

    submitted by /u/OtterlyAwesome
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    "Oh There we go" Some admiral dun fukt up

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 11:05 PM PST

    Our jerkoff neighbor, Part 2

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 05:21 PM PST

    Can someone explain to me why the Chinese, a group of players that have consistently been the majority of hackers, griefers, exploiters, and general asshats have been allowed free reign in this game? My company has had this asshole of a neighbor for about 2 weeks now, who somehow has continuously built closer and closer to our base even though we can't even place foundations in between two foundations we already have placed down due to his proximity. Some of you saw the post from one of my company members where he built a bridge around the cove we live at trying to block our ships in and prevent us from leaving the island. He also somehow managed to get inside our house even though it is entirely sealed off with all doors locked and no other way in. He repeatedly lured Soldiers of the Damned into our house trying to get them to attack it and destroy it. He also somehow managed to get one of his tamed lions inside the house.


    He's now gone ahead and somehow built a gate around our entire house; again, somehow ignoring the build placement restrictions due to our own buildings.


    How is this possible? Why are these people not being punished? Why is the entire rest of the community being punished by having to suffer the presence of a group that, almost as a whole, have been trouble since the launch of the game? Not to mention how much the servers are probably suffering due to the high latency.

    I typically don't target groups of people, I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. But from the constant stories I've heard and my personal experience so far, this is an almost universal thing.

    Also if any devs/Jat see this, Alice Island in L9 has a pond that has like 8000 catfish in it all the time. That should probably get fixed, since my L9 latency is consistently ~150 while any other location next to it my latency is ~60.

    Edit: And also walled in our Brig:
    I've opened a support ticket on the website. I guess we'll see how it goes, though if the customer service reputation they earned in Ark is any indication, it'll get ignored.

    submitted by /u/Reinhardt64
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    Please add a cooldown on lion's grab.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:58 PM PST

    Being constantly grabbed off tames, especially ones larger than the lion, is extremely frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Too_many_novelties
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    Cool Caves?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Has anyone come across so cool caves or cave entrances that are level with the shore? Where you could drive a boat through?

    submitted by /u/calebcsimmons
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    No more whales?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 12:04 PM PST

    Are whale spawns bugged? Can't find them anywhere I used to see them at. I did notice on a stream that whales fight SotD now, are they just being hunted to extinction by NPCs? I sailed through their normal spawns last night for four hours and didn't see a single one. Did they change their natural habitat? I searched in Tundra and Polar.

    submitted by /u/Modernautomatic
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    Remove Biome Restrictions on Breeding

    Posted: 31 Jan 2019 03:31 PM PST

    As it stands, you currently cannot breed bears in the polar regions, and wolves at all; which frankly seems absurd as they abundantly spawn here more than anywhere.

    Please allow breeding of bears in the north/south- it adds to the continuity that you would be able to breed where they naturally exist. Are spawns with sexual properties born from asexual creatures? or do the bears migrate multiple tiles, have their young, and bring them back with none of us seeing?

    I don't think breeding in general should be limited to biome at all- you've already given the players the tools and tames to manipulate temperature- if we can already simulate and manipulate the temperatures they would be comfortable in, that's all the animal/s should be concerned with. The undesirable biome mechanic is what is counter-intuitive. Having to regulate extreme temperature should be the challenge accepted by the player, and what makes breeding desirable for the tames.

    submitted by /u/z00tz00t
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    The people who worked hard should lose more often.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:56 AM PST

    If you worked hard to recruit 500 players and then worked hard to manage the logistical nightmare of resource distribution and play time coverage then moderated and dealt with all the related internal conflict a 3 man weekend warrior group should have the power to steal your shit.


    submitted by /u/Warframedaddy
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    Dont hate me lol (Flag)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Is this game worth it

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 10:41 AM PST

    Pretty simple question... is this game as bad as people make it out to be?

    submitted by /u/SamTheMan0688
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    Can I build large stone gates off the ground in the sea?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2019 10:15 AM PST

    I am trying to build suspended on these platforms:


    Is it possible? Do these gates have to be grounded?

    Would it work if I spammed foundations up high enough so it sat nicely on a large amount of foundations?

    If so can I stack them on top of each other? Any advice would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/teknotel
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