• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 14, 2019

    ATLAS A bit of gratitude

    ATLAS A bit of gratitude

    A bit of gratitude

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    There have been some positive posts recently in the sea of negativity since the wipe announce, so I'd like to add a few thoughts.

    Grapeshot has gotten a lot of harsh criticism with its efforts on Atlas. And let's be honest--a lot of it is warranted, even if it could have been presented with less vitriol.

    BUT, today I want to give a word of thanks. Because the people making this game are derpy little humans just like the rest of us, doing their best each day. Thanks to the teams involved in this Atlas project, to the teams engaging with the community, to the people who sacrificed time with their families over the holidays getting the game into a playable state, to the people who to this day pour their time and passion into making the game better. I want to say thanks to the teams who must have had countless, really tough conversations before making a fundamental change to how the game is played. It's such a multi-faceted debate with risks on all sides, I can't imagine the stress this put onto the teams. But thank you for being willing to do drastic things for the sake of this game's future.

    This community of players is raw and unfiltered, it's filled with individuals who want so badly to see this game succeed that they can only express themselves through impassioned anger and belligerence. Thank you for listening to us and engaging with us; please never stop.

    Thank you for making this world of Atlas. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in EA up to now and I look forward to playing this game as it evolves over time.

    submitted by /u/Yakarue
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    The mother of all Tuna - 3.5k oil 5k fish meat

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    N3 War giraffe wins the anarchy meta.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Why do random dead animals (predatory fish) appear on the shorelines sometimes?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:41 AM PDT

    ATLAS - Puckle Gun Defense Hut Build (Official Atlas PvP )

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Looking for the one true thing that will never be wiped.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Dear stranger,

    I'm sure this wipe is going to hit us all in the same way. All your precious walls, chickens, weapons, and anything that can be named ingame, will soon dissappear from the face of Atlas.

    As someone who invested 800 hours in this game, I tried it all. Running, farming, hitting stuff with a spear, bugging myself to death 500 times. But also some deeper stuff. Intelligence, belligerence, diplomacy, negotiations. That's what kept me interested I guess.

    But the only true thing I can honestly say Ioved more about Atlas, was recruiting and meeting new people into our group. I could write a book, no joke, on the hundreds of conversations I had over Discord, Reddit and even ingame with people who were either responding to an annoying recruitment announcement, or just playing by chance, in that moment, with me.

    In this endeavour, I met people so freakingly different from me, that sometimes I just wanted to quit and focusing to play the game. But every once and a while, I would find that one dude, or dudette. You know, that one person who takes some digging to find out who it is. That one invaluable unique individual that all of the sudden becomes one more reason to keep playing, spending time with, and then keep and meeting new people.

    If you, kind sir or madam, feel the urge of meeting someone you would like to share your pirate life with, please add me on Discord at Nessloch#3172. Because people, the ones bashing the keyboard as they die to an alpha horse, are the only thing in this god forsaken game that will never be wiped.

    (we are a big tribe, on EU PVP - I apologise for posting this on main PlayAtlas subreddit, but very few people are paying attention to SailTogether sub, and I see other LFG posts here anyway)


    EDIT: misspelled something important, thanks u/Yakarue

    submitted by /u/impatientbastard
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    PvE removing "bad" owners

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    many island owners will be great, use the taxes to pay upkeep and buld community structures, So go as far as putting signs up to point to key features ore even makeing island maps. These are the ideal owners. However they are in the minority.

    The problem with PvE is most will set max taxes just use the proceedes tor own builds and try thier best to keep the island closed to everyone one else. How are these people to be removed in PvE. Without a challenge system or an over bearing upkeep system, there will be no method of removing them. There needs to be one. I don'r want an overbearing upkeep system beacause there would be good owners and don;t want them saddled with it.

    While I will try to get an island, or join a good company that has one, I would not mind living on a low taxed island in a desirable biome, but I do not think there will be many to choose from. Building on a claimed island will be risky business as anyhing can be destroyed when first placed.. If anything like just before the wipe, it will be hard to find an owner with any authority on any claim, much less negotiate a build location after about a month out.

    I am afraid we will be looking at 30% taxes worldwide and islands with walled off access. No one will want to start after first 5-10 hours (if that) when all the islands are claimed. you are forever an underclass player. where island owners get almost 50% more resources when they harvest than you do and get a third of yours.

    What would be a good way of getting rid of absent and toxic owners?

    submitted by /u/Raciper
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    May we please have some hatchet blueprints?

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    I just would like to bring attention to the matter that we still dont have hatchet bps in the game. Was this on purpose or just kind of put on the back burner? Doesn't seem like a hard thing to put in, if we could get it sometime with the mega patch that would be awesome.

    submitted by /u/Zeraonic
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    The truth

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    First time looting !!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 09:01 AM PDT

    Got some sweet loot!!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    First time looting.. Mythikus has an amazing Ship!!

    Nice Loots

    submitted by /u/wmelville
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    A hex claim system with other thoughts.

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    It's an idea. Rather than nitpicking the current or upcoming system, I present an idea. By all means, I encourage constructive criticism.

    Let's take any grid. M37. We take that zone, and we overlay an hex grid on it. From that hex grid we designate all hex's as one of three types of hex. Ocean, Shore, or Land. You claim hex's with flags. (side thought, flags don't show up unless you hit, F8 keybind or something. Or they show up all the time. /side thought) The amount of Hex's your company can claim, is based off the total number of level's your company members currently hold.

    Let's call it, 25 levels. Your company may place a flag, once it has 25 levels in it. (one guy is level 15, one is level 10.) Maybe companies, start with one and add one at 25, maybe they don't. Your company has 100 guys all at level 10, you get 40 flags. Your company has.... I think you get it so far. The point here so far, under this system, is a company of 250 guys, at a max level of 101, would max out at 1010 flags. Sounds like a lot doesn't it? Keep reading.

    For S and G, let's remember, numbers are variable. I am using examples to make my system work. Numbers can be changed to fit a system that works. Max 15% of your hexes may be ocean tiles, max 10% may be shore tiles. There is a minimum of 1 for shore and ocean. Meaning you get your ability to drop a second shore hex as your 20th hex. ( I am not going to figure out exactly where that falls. Don't math nitpick me.)

    We give the Tax bank an additional purpose. It designates your home hex. This building can be moved of course. You may start with it in a shore hex, and later move it to a land hex. The point of having a home hex, is that all your hexes must in some shape or form, be connected back to your home hex. Want to build on two islands? Must have a shore hex on both islands. Each with the new building, Harbor.

    Any hexes you have claimed that can not be traced back to your home hex, can no longer be refreshed, and start decaying. An addition to this system, is, you can build anywhere within your hexes. There is no foundation restrictions because someone built at the edge of their and your border. Guess what? You can not build in any hex you do not own or have the rights to build in. (more on rights to build later.)

    I have to believe the devs have enough statistics at this point to figure out how large hexes could be, to say, end up with a large company owning an island. But make it hard. That 250 man company should have 80% of their levels in order to be able to own an entire island. They can adjust hex size, number of levels per claim, %of shore to land claims, and so on. You guys are smart. And you have statistics we don't.

    Typing skills don't fail me now...

    Let's talk alliances. Alliances are now based on number of people. Let us call it a max of 1000 people. Your alliance of 4 companies at 250 people per company, and my alliance of 20 companies of 50 people, or that alliance of free spirits down in M14 that had all 100 companies band together and didn't exceed 1k people? This allows alliances in a way that the smaller guys can be grouped up to help each other, yet prevent game mechanics from allowing that super huge mega alliance that owns the whole game.

    You only get one alliance. However. There is a second system involved now. The tenants system. Let us say you have a company that owns 100 hexes. You have your tax rates set to 15% throughout your lands. (again, don't get hung up on numbers.) Your company has come to the realization, you are not using all this land, not really. So you start to set up tenant zones. You take one of your hexes, or two, or ten, they are all connected, it's up to you. And you set it up as a for rent zone. When you set it up, you set a taxation rate, say 5%, and set a restriction on it, like, company must be a minimum of 4 people. These hexes show up as yellow to anyone who is looking for land. They come in, and they accept the tenant contract. This new company, now pays 5% on your land. Not the 15%. They may now defend your land for you. If that is pvp wise. (more later) or pve wise. Tenants may build a tax bank, that counts as a second home hex for the owner or the contract. However, they may not collect taxes, or help you assault new lands.

    -only tenants may cancel the contract.

    -if the contract owner quits playing and the land decays, the land rented becomes the property of the renter. Up to the limit that they can own. If that limit is exceeded, they must declaim down to their limit within one week, or game declaims all the lands.

    -you may only rent land if you do not own land. If you are renting, and you find your own land, you are given a grace period. Call it a couple days, to move your stuff out. Then the property reverts back to the owners, who must destroy everything to be able to rent it out again.

    Let's talk pvp. Now I don't pvp, but I figured if I am going to make up a system, it would be nice to lay some ideas for you pvpers to yell at me for.

    Your company owns a nice plot of land. 50 hexes. Your max amount of hexes. Great for you. 4 of those hexes are shore. 5 are ocean. Your tax bank is up in the land somewhere. The rest are land. You have one tenant. They own one of your shore, and two of your land.

    You are under attack by those bhs from next door. They have 35 hexes, but, they can own at this point, up to 40. They have two tenants. But that doesn't matter. Tenants who are not a part of their alliance can't help.

    They have access to one of your ocean tiles, that is right now, got sides that don't connect to anything. It is being assaulted. Pick your method of how they have to take it over. Do they have to have ships within that tile for a period of time? Two hours later, your company has run out of ships trying to defend that sea tile. The sea tile goes into a neutral status. Your company still owns it, for now, but you can't build on it, or collect taxes. Because it is neutral, they now have access to your shore tile. Then a few of your land tiles. And so on.

    For the story here, you are losing. They have reached your tax bank, and are destroying it. They already got your tenant, who helps you defend several of your lands. Even though your flags are encased in buildings. (for this story, the attackers have to interact with your flag in order to start the countdown to neutralizing your flag. Up yours naked flag spammers.) You have still run out of resources time. And so on.

    As a last ditch effort you popcorned all your stuff in your main base to prevent the attackers from getting it. But you forgot one thing. When this war started, everything in your territory was copied by the game. If they win said war, the game awards anything that has decayed within your borders to the victor. It automatically shows up in their tax bank. That super awesome sail you brought to your allies base is however safe. That's what allies are for.

    They destroy your tax bank. At this point, all your hexes are in countdown status. The attackers, who have neutralized a large portion of your lands, now may start trying to claim your territories. But. Only 5. Because that puts them at their max of 40. They take a shore, because they have the Ability to do so. Once they take it, they have to place a harbor. Then they start in on a few of your lands. One of which belonged to your tenant. Sorry tenant, but thanks for helping.

    Your stuff is in cool down, but pvp is over. They get 10 hours to claim lands. After 10 hours, that new tax bank you dropped turns a new hex into a home hex. Your lands are now in a pvp safe state for x amount of time.

    I'm not sure. I just wanted to put down a basis for you pvp guys.

    ~I asked my friends to find flaws. I ask you also to find flaws. But please, give solutions or ideas also.

    What about the solo guy? Lawless. Sorry. Make one friend. That's it. Make one friend in lawless, and make a company. Go look for a hex. Not making a friend is a choice, a choice to be lawless.

    Edited because weird happened

    submitted by /u/Chanysnunya
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    EU-PVP Looking for possible allies (Post Wipe)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 03:09 AM PDT

    We are Small company ( 7 Members) looking for other small companies to become ally and control different Islands in same Grid (Post Wipe). We already have 1 ally consisting of 10 to 15 players.
    Interested players are requested to PM .

    submitted by /u/UseScan
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    Freeport Parking: Yay or Nay

    Posted: 13 Mar 2019 12:58 PM PDT

    The patch that added 300% resist for anchored boats had a (probably) unintended side effect that I think most people are aware of by now: ships anchored in freeports take 3x less damage over time, and consequently can sit around for over 24 hours without repairs before springing a leak. Repair it once a day and you're good.

    Do we like this or hate it? Will the devs keep it or change it?


    • It is the one guaranteed way to keep a ship overnight so you have something to play with tomorrow.
    • Storage limited by cargo space so you're greatly impaired on what you can hold in "safe storage".
    • Aggravating maintenance makes it dangerous to store too many large ships like this (oh you missed 1 plank repair on your galleon last night? Well it's on the bottom of the ocean now. So good luck to anyone who says "lol I'll abuse this by having 15 galleons there". Yeah, have fun with those repairs every day, buddy.)


    • Aggravating maintenance is pure tedium with high consequences if you miss 1 plank.
    • Mega-companies can do it too, because who needs forts when you have invulnerable ship storage.
    • Freeports turn into parking lots.
    • Probably not an intended mechanic. Devs could change it. Probably at 4am and by the time you hear about it all your ships will have sunk.

    I like that there is a way to keep ships overnight.

    We could probably come up with better ideas, though.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Fix the core problem in Atlas with this one easy trick (The Megatribes HATE it!)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    "Complaining about a problem without posing a solution is called whining"

    - Teddy Roosevelt

    Atlas has a major problem, and its a problem that is solvable.

    The core problem with Atlas is that it is a team-based PVP game, which encourages raiding and fighting with little regard for the size of the groups fighting. If you joined a game of counterstrike and found that your team had 10 players and the other team had 60, you'd be pretty pissed off and would probably quit the game. Atlas has the exact same problem, only for Atlas its literally 10x worse.

    In Atlas it is not just possible but common for a 1500 person mega alliance to go up against a group of 50. It happens all the time. I was in several companies that were destroyed by this kind of team imbalance. It is my opinion that massive team size disparities are the primary force driving people away from the game.

    The devs seem to acknowledge this as well, which is why the devs have decided to introduce company and alliance size limits. I'm glad the the devs are attempting to do something about the problem, but their solution is woefully inadequate.

    The problem is that team size (I'm using the term team here rather than company or alliance, because its possible to have many different levels of cooperation in a group. Two different alliances can function as a "team" if they agree to not attack each other for instance) is dictated not by arbitrary limits embedded in the game's configuration files, but by player behavior.

    It is absurdly easy to break your company or alliance up into several groups to avoid the embedded limits, but still cooperate with each other through a combination of trade, non-aggression pacts and coordinated hostile actions.

    So you can easily continue to behave as a team no matter what grapeshot decides to set company and alliance limits to.

    And of course people will do exactly this, because the game encourages teaming up very strongly. All else being equal a 40 man team will beat a 20 man team, and an 80 man team will beat a 40 man team. Forming a larger team means safety, trade, increased specialization and more effective raiding for your group. It is always in a team's interest to increase its team size.

    Which is why the map, after only a few months, became completely dominated by just two major alliances.

    So, if you accept - as the devs do - that excessive team sizes are bad for the game, that there should be a limit to how big teams grow, then you have a new problem. How do you reduce the size of the game's teams?

    And this is a very difficult problem. I'm a software engineer by trade, so perhaps that helps me to understand the problem the devs are facing with this issue a little more clearly than the average player. The developers cannot even identify what teams exist in the game. They can't check the size of these teams either. They can check the sizes of companies and alliances - because those are programmatic constructs which they created - but alliances and companies only loosely mirror team sizes, and only do so when players choose to mirror their teams with those features.

    The moment grapeshot introduces artificial size restrictions, alliances and companies will cease to accurately mirror teams in the game.

    So simply coding in alliance and team limits will never work to solve this problem. Even worse it will hide the problem's existence on say, the alliance map because teams will be broken up into multiple alliances, each housing multiple companies within the artificial team size limit. Only people that know the game well will understand that the alliances are all split into two cooperating groups.

    So you need another solution. You need a solution that:

    1. Is not based on alliance and company size limits... since they have no chance of working.
    2. That instead targets player behavior through incentives. It has to be in the player's best interest to stop grouping.
    3. That influences player behavior strongly enough to overcome the intense incentives this game provides for teaming up, and remember those incentives are so strong that we saw a map containing over 1000 islands divided up into just two groups in a few short months.

    A solution that meets all these criteria is as follows:

    1. Grapeshot introduces a new predator into the game. This predator is capable of raiding, it is a building destroyer. It is not a "boss" or "event", it does not drop loot. It just destroys bases.
    2. The predator must prefer to target the game's largest groups, and must hit them hard enough to break them up. The largest groups in the game must be attacked with such ferocity that they choose to form smaller groups, because staying massive in size makes them less safe, less powerful, and less wealthy than if they were smaller.
    3. The predator need not be used constantly. It can attack periodically, say once every 3-4 days, picking one of the strongholds for the largest most powerful groups and wiping it.

    This still leaves us with two problems. How does the predator target the largest teams? And what form should the predator take?

    I already said that the devs can't track team size directly. So how do they get a predator to target those groups when they don't know who those groups are?

    Luckily, there is a tell, there is a track that the devs can use to figure out where the game's largest teams keep their strongholds. That tell is wealth. Larger teams are more successful, and so collect and store more goods on their islands. The top company in a 1500 person alliance is going to have an absurdly wealthy base, and the devs can track that. They can add up how much "stuff" is on a given island or in a given region, weigh the stuff according to its value, and compare it to other islands/regions. They can't directly tell where the bases of the large alliances are through their code, but they can determine where the wealthiest places in the game are, and these will pretty much always be the same.

    That solves the first problem. The second problem is easier. The game needs a Dragon. Dragons, according to their lore, attack and rob human settlements so they can horde gold and riches. If grapeshot introduced a predatory Dragon into the game, and just had it act as Dragons do in legends and fairy tales, we'd have our solution for the excessive team size problem.

    Now, once I've explained this, I usually get a lot of negative feedback on it. The mega-tribes HATE this suggestion, and they'll copy this link into their discords so they can team-downvote it as fast as possible to remove it from the front page. For this reason, if you think this suggestion is one that warrants consideration, please upvote it.

    Also, if you hate this suggestion, please check the quote at the top of the post and create an alternative suggestion that could plausibly fix the team size issue in Atlas. I'm open to other ideas, but I haven't seen one from anyone else that I think would actually work. When I post about this idea, I usually get 50 people telling me how bad it is with no one offering any kind of alternative.

    Thank you for your time.

    TLDR: Atlas needs a predator that hunts the largest groups in the game to encourage groups to not grow past a certain size. Its the only way to make this a game of many warring teams rather than just two.

    submitted by /u/moses_the_red
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