• Breaking News

    Monday, April 22, 2019

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [22.04.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [22.04.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [22.04.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Golden Ruins SoD fleet issue

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    They are not bugged out or anything, but the vast majority of the time when myself or someone else in my company have gone to a Golden Ruins server to sink some high level SoDs, the only thing on the server are remnants of SoD groups, half dead schooners.

    People are going around and only sinking the Brigs and Galleons, leaving the Schooners. I assume they are saving their cannonballs for the better crew and what not (do they give better drops?) of the brigs and galleons.

    This problem is going to frustrate people who sail multiple grids just to end up with schooners to kill and a wait for the full groups to repopulate the seas.

    They need a reset/self destruct timer on them, so after someone has gone through and killed the good ships, someone else coming by half an hour later only has the schooners to sink.

    submitted by /u/IizPyrate
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    300 IQ Grappling Hook Play

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    Settlement and Bank proximity question.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    So does the bank have to be within the Settlement flags radius (the smaller green high lite radius, not the red island control radius) in order to pay its gold upkeep, as well as collect the island taxes? Or does it just need to be on the island itself?

    submitted by /u/Grampy
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    Hidden helmet

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 12:25 PM PDT

    Just realized its possible to hide your helmet,i cant remember noticing anyone with a missing head piece and a full set of armour so i thought id share for anyone else who didn't know

    simply open your whistle wheel (default is press and hold T), click emotes then at the top press show/hide helmet

    submitted by /u/EmperorSlim
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    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    Last night was sailing in 011. Game crashes. Go to steam to try and start, only option is to Install. Was farming gold to re-up our island and ended up losing it all. Was this an update I don't understand what happened? Started install, went to bed. Came back to death and an unclaimed island...

    submitted by /u/sinkjoy
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    What is the usefulness of the explosive barrel today?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    can not be placed on boats

    can not be placed in water

    can not be placed near enemy buildings

    submitted by /u/falebit
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    Green glow on ship hull ?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 05:51 AM PDT

    Green glow on ship hull ?

    I have this green glow on the hulls on each ship, looks stupid and overlaps the paint. Is there anyway to remove or "fix" this ?


    submitted by /u/Bl4ckwo0lf
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    [Suggestion] Add color variations and stat modifiers based on resource type.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    I recall playing a Minecraft mod back in the day that added different types of wood (Oak, Cedar, etc.) and other types of resources within a given resource class (Wood, Stone, etc.) that would create different colors based on the type of resource used to craft items. It'd be neat to see that in Atlas. It'd also be nice if there was a difference between using Hardwood or Softwood to make a given item (like Ship Planks).


    submitted by /u/tzud0
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    Question on settlers and what they do.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 05:48 AM PDT

    So when people come and settle on your island, what does that actual mean? I know that they can build and we can tax them and what not but if they settle are they allowed to contest our flag and try to claim the island? Or does it mean they chose to live there and they can't take it over.

    To go along with that, if they can try to claim, what are the current rules for contest time and if you are sleeping within the circle does it block their attempt to contest?

    Any and all information is greatly appreciated as I am at work and I have no choice but to wait until I get home to see what the outcome of this is as someone settled on my island right before I had to leave.

    submitted by /u/cabecker13
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    Looking for a clan

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    Hey, how are u pathfinders? We are some spanish players who want to play in EU server colonies (pvp). We are a bunch of friends that played recently but we need a bigger clan of ppl connected and active for pvp because we can't play everyday. If u want to contact us tell me and we date on a freeport. cya

    submitted by /u/padiSlowMotion
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    In response to a deleted comment from Tada of The Greater Union.

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    A lot of what was said is just wrong. No ships were moved out of grid. We didn't refuse to change name and move along, I specifically decided not to continue with The Greater Union when Mostly Harmless announced in Cursed Fleet discord after a few weeks of merging with us that they would be leaving and invited all Cursed Fleet players to join them. When we figured out that one of the leaders I had invited into Cursed Fleet (Not originally with MH) had been plotting to remove us (Myself and Ambushman) because we took issue with his back handed deals (Issues that were shared with some other leaders of companies that were merged) and overall shadiness. There was a history of him making up stories about groups insiding and cluttering coms about people too have me remove them for reasons such as they voiced disagreement with his and his groups decisions or they just "annoyed" him. And the excuses continued even after they were removed. And he continued that trend with us, with the planned removal that he initiated 3 weeks prior by lying to admirals and captains claiming we were planning on removing captains powers etc. To get them to agree to the plan.

    Make no mistake the motives were self serving. I don't know enough of other members motives to say they are guilty of the same and I assume they are innocent and just ignorant to the plot. But to the few of us (myself and Ambushman) that had voice calls prior with him about the issues we had with his agenda of promoting within his small group, removing those he didn't like and didn't agree with him, and paranoia he had of us removing him though we had no intentions to, it is pretty clear that a silver tongue isn't always the best testament to a person's character. He was afraid that our disagreement with his doing exactly what we discussed we shouldn't do was a threat to his place as admiral and his "Friends".

    It's easy to believe stories people tell you without seeing what transpired, but it was not my intention to make it into a big deal as screwed up as it was. And I do not blame other leadership because from what it sounded like, other leadership to my knowledge were unaware that myself and Ambush didn't know the terms of the MH merger which were conveniently not relayed to us when it was asked if we agreed to the merger. And when this whole thing began to take form it became very clear the motivations that led to this transpiring. It was my decision for myself not to continue, not because I did not like the people or needed to be a leader, but because I couldn't be in a company that was lead by someone I couldn't trust and would put his own aspirations and those of his small group before everyone and anyone else. Leaving everyone else expendable when it was no longer convenient for him or didn't allow him to do what he wanted.

    I started Cursed Fleet to include everyone, not to eliminate people because one person or a couple people have a hard time trusting people or accepting people outside of their circle. There were many times where decisions were made that we had to accept based on his actions that were not relayed to leadership, such as his group insiding CSTG, merging companies without discussion, etc. In order to not show that leadership was not on the same page, we went along with it. In hind sight that was a bad decision. Though we did relay these concerns to him directly. For which we have record.

    I was aware of the risks due to his actions in other games including a Conan server I ran for which I had banned him for exploiting, stream sniping to muscle me into changing servers to PvP his group, telling stories to convince me they hadn't cheated, and complaints of others about doxing etc. I thought despite this and his groups reputaion (Hostile) he may still be a good guy and that his ability to talk to people and get them to like him may be beneficial to building a company in Atlas where large zergs would pose a serious threat. I even counseled him and his best friend when they were having personal issues between them. In a way it did, but nothing about him really changed and that was my sole responsibility for inviting him to be a part of it knowing past history. I admit we had legitimate issues regarding some of our players, their attitudes, racism, etc. That I gave too much leeway on, expecting other leadership to step up.

    I learned a lot in the last wipe, as a guy coming from Conan exiles that was used to smaller clans. And I wasn't always a perfect leader. But I am very aware of my mistakes and how to improve. I don't expect anyone to believe what I'm telling you, and like I said, I don't blame everyone. It's not all about me. However who I choose to play with and whether or not I accept their character is.

    I did not install spies in your company. Do you have spies? Yes. But I did not put them there. And to be in a company who's leadership actively installed spies in CSTG seems hypocritical. Though by personal opinion a pirate might do the same. Not judging, but saying don't complain when other people do to you what the company you keep, do to other people. Admittedly and openly within the company.

    And you'll continue to have spies as long as leadership does things to remove players they don't like And their friends see the betrayal and by personal conviction and dedication to their friends wish for you to pay for it. Effecting everyone under that leadership.

    I don't like drama, I try to include everyone. Everyone who knows me, knows this. I also don't accept people lying about me either. Just because I'm nice, I'm not a stepping stone. It bums me out seeing people I played with being salty to me because one person told them a story. I'm not trying to hate innocent people. I may not be able to convince you otherwise, but know my intentions and actions have never been to actively ruin people's gaming experience. And I'll do my best to not allow myself to take things personal when it comes to everyone else in TGU. No matter how much salt and shit talk I get.

    P.S. This post is of my own and not to reflect any other persons, alliance members, or friends opinions or view of what transpired. Just simply what I know and my opinions and experiences.

    submitted by /u/GamesWithNix
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    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 07:25 AM PDT

    Shady Company is a small 2 man company, we are looking for more . We are in O12 *PVE NA*

    PM me

    We are more responsive evening hours EST

    Company Guidelines / Goals:

    #1 Having fun.

    #2 We are not trying to take over the world, just carve out a healthy chunk 🙂

    #3 Discord is a must with the ablity to communicate in american with voice.

    #4 ability to think beyond yourself.

    #5 ability to Improvise, Adapt and Overcome.

    Offer #1

    Join our company:

    Causal, non toxic causal play.

    We enjoy all aspects of the game we do not get discouraged by some of the games WTF issues ( like losing a brig to an insvable thing in the ocean ) we rebuild.

    Understand it's alpha and some things just simply dont work out, or have to be done in a game logic mind frame.

    Offer #2

    Alliances :

    Not sure how this works yet, and i should go read about it before offering 🙂 I am thinking maybe another small group out there might willing to try it out we can exercise that as well.

    About me:

    Married with 2 kids and 3 dogs and 2 cats and a lizard.

    submitted by /u/mrcrash911
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    Which resources are rare?

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    It used to be that resources like Silk dark wood and iridium rare and hard to procure in Atlas. I'm no longer sure that these same resources are rare. Does anyone know if any resources are rare on the new map?

    submitted by /u/moses_the_red
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    Father Daughter Play - Atlas Official EU PVE - EASTER EVENT

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    Ship Level/Shipyards

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    Does anyone know what the max level for a ship is now in just a stock shipyard?

    Also, any way to tell how many extra levels you get from blueprint shipyards? Like is it associated with the durability stat on the blueprint?

    submitted by /u/Crash1388
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    Moving on.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    We had fun while it lasted, but the new claim system is a complete deal breaker for my company and I. We never wanted to be able to claim an entire island, we just wanted to be able to protect our space where our base was located. The old claim flag system had its' faults but was leaps and bounds better than this hot pile of garbage colonies system.

    Safe sailing to you all.

    submitted by /u/deftpwns
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    Kala Namak?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 09:44 PM PDT

    Do you have to dig for this stuff? Never seen it before.

    submitted by /u/Maybe_Its_Derek
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    Whats the purpose of the tax bank?

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 04:28 PM PDT

    Do you need a tax bank?

    We build one when we placed our flag. Now the bank is destroyed. We still get taxes from farming and we can still put gold in the flag for the upkeep.

    So, anyone knows a reason for building a banK?

    submitted by /u/Introser
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    Flags, sails, tattoo templates

    Posted: 21 Apr 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    So is there any site out there like arkpaint where one can download paints for sails and such? If not, are there at least templates around so I can attempt to make my own? I know there's a converter and there's a whole entire process about making a template, editing it and doing this and that... but when I try that, my image just doesn't look right and I'm unsure how to go about editing the thing to smooth out the ugliness.

    submitted by /u/MidnightsRequiem
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