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    Wednesday, May 8, 2019

    ATLAS I personally hated large cannon so glad to see the change

    ATLAS I personally hated large cannon so glad to see the change

    I personally hated large cannon so glad to see the change

    Posted: 08 May 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    They were horrible to mount, made battles less exciting made the designs of boats look ridiculous i mean these boats would capsize the moment they left dry dock lol..

    I know alot of people are up in arms about this but seriously Kudos to the devs this is a great little patch next step crab jumping nerf.

    submitted by /u/Nymme-Ruin
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    Please give us a chance to respec our boat after the change of ship!!! #

    Posted: 08 May 2019 04:44 AM PDT

    Jat, Please Initiate a One-Time 48 Hour Pickup Window for All Large Cannons

    Posted: 08 May 2019 05:07 AM PDT

    Having people lose thousands of masterwork+ cannons across the game is pretty shitty. Allowing a one-time pickup window for large cannons would mitigate almost all of the anger that currently exists around this terribly-executed change. This would solve both the issue of virtually all larges on boats no longer working, as well as the new gunport-anchiring issue.

    submitted by /u/Combat_Wombatz
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    Team Casualty Galleon gets ez clapped by solo brig per usual

    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    @Jat - Let's talk / large cannon bomb

    Posted: 08 May 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    First off, I'm a huge fan of the game. I've been here playing since the new year and I'm looking forward to the next big patch. Putting that aside #realtalk.

    I don't play on the PVP server where the 20 large cannon on one side is a big part of the meta but I have been part of open world PVP ecosystems for a long time.. This should not have been an unannounced update.

    1. You offer no ability respec ship points. So your players can't re-purpose the investments that they made. They either have to scrap and salvage or try and made do with what will likely be a less than optimal build based on the whatever that new meta turns out to be.
    2. This type of change should be in an announced update. It's a good CM policy to allow people to plan in ahead for something like this and I'm sure there are ships out there that were fitted out with upgraded larges that people spent time and resources on and now that's totally wasted.
    3. Before making any future changes, you need to address the ability to respec a ship. My personal recommendation which would be consistent with the game genre would be to code an ability to put a ship back in shipyard for a dry dock maintenance period where gold needs to be in the dry dock inventory in order for the function to occur. Gold amount = X where X is subject to the size of the ship. The better shipyard quality offers a discount on the cost.

    You're offering an open world sandbox where people invest time and someday you hope buy DLC, you need to make decisions that take into account investment decisions your players are making if you want to improve the staying power of your player base. You'll notice I use the word investment a lot, from the developer side of the house it may be a context that needs emphasizing, they didn't just buy your game they are investing time.

    Again, I'm not trying to make a point for or against this change. Your coders are hard at work racking and stacking changes. A CM or a Game Play Designer/Producer should have red flagged this update as a problem for "X" player base and it needs to go into an announced patch. You should probably look to find/part time contract some people who played other sandbox PVP type mmo's who can respect an NDA as part time consultants to engage on these types of game design issues.

    This is intended as constructive feedback not intended to shame on anyone in particular.

    submitted by /u/Javafanatic
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    Review of the Colonies System from a Violent Small Clan Viewpoint

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:06 AM PDT

    So far I'm really pleased at the Colony system as a small PvP clan. We typically only have 4-6 people online a night and claimed a small island (128 gold). That amount of gold can be handled with wreck diving but a lot of times it pays for itself from gold farmers. When the Chinese attacked, that 15 hour invulnerability window meant they couldn't offline us, so we really only had to fight their night crew. When the PCA mega-zerg came around attacking everyone in the grid, we, of course, fought back.

    They did not like that. Nosiree.

    In the old system, we'd have been dead in a single night. They could have brought 10 people and wiped us, I'm sure. Claim some flags around the island, push in, drop mortars, etc, then leave the island empty but claimed forever.

    The Colony system makes it very hard to push people out, though. For general amusement of the internet and the devs, let me recap the events, since I think it's all very relevant to playtesting this current system:

    First attack, SOV and the PCA alliance brought about 50 people but they were ill prepared. Just tried to zerg the island and got massacred by simple puckle defenses. No organization at all and they didn't even break into our ground level crafting room, much less anything on the cliffs. That type of attack just doesn't work in Colonies. Without the ability to get a real beachhead rolling, you have to attack more carefully.

    Second attack they brought 40 people but this time it was the "A-Team". They were loaded and organized and ready to take that flag. 6 hours later they ran out of time and people and quit, having busted up about half our stuff but failing to find the bulk of our resources or even get close to rooting out all our beds and hidey holes. They just greatly underestimated the amount of explosives you need in the new meta.

    After that they kinda threw the C-Team at us for 2 weeks. Harassment, what we referred to as "the daily ceremonial shelling of the harbor" and some small failed attacks to try and break our morale but nothing serious. Almost seemed like they'd given up.

    Then we snuck over to their island and killed a bunch of tames.

    They did not like that. At all. No sense of humor at all about dead crabs.

    So last night they brought all the king's horses and all the king's men. We estimated about 70 of them based on server pop and they attacked us for about 7 hours nonstop. I think we had 6 people online? They blew up just about everything but, in the end, still failed to take the flag. I was actually demolishing my way through my own troll structures, slapping walls up behind me as I went, as they drilled after me with cannons, grenades and barrel bombs trying to get that flag clear. In the VERY end, I was just sprinting through the circle and picking odd places to hide to run out the last of the clock. (Always have your flag in rough terrain...)

    "Another such victory and we are undone."

    And of course, you know how this type of player is. They took prisoners. Those people are probably done with the game, I'm sure. The "prisoner" idea is actually pretty cool in concept but when it's a mega versus a small tribe, the results are going to be the same every time. The whole objective of these megas is to make you quit the game if they can, so this mechanic plays right into their hands. Mega vs mega of course it would spark some real wars but a small tribe isn't going to get their people back. It's just their "revenge" for daring to put up a fight in a PvP game. (Don't you know who they are?!)

    But still, for a small, lone, PvP clan with 6-8 online tops, facing down a group that can bring 40+ whenever they feel like it, I feel like this Colony system is working really well. In the end, if a group wants to bring 2000 grenades and can cover every door and window with 5 snipers then you're not stopping them, but you can sure make them pay for every inch of ground. Since they can't mortar, it's not that easy to break into cliffside and clifftop bases.

    Not impossible.

    But not easy.

    What Would I Change?

    I dunno, really. I think the Colony system itself is working as intended. I do think they should consider lowering alliance sizes though -- SOME confusion was created because one of the PCA clans is not blue with the others. No room. It makes it a lot easier to sneak around and do stuff because "is that an enemy or a non-blue ally?" By the time they figure it out, they've lost their chance to shoot me. Making allies be non-blue muddies the water in a useful manner.

    But we could hold off a clan our size probably forever. Even 2-3 times our size I don't think they'd ever wipe us. "SOV21" tried to take us 1 on 1 for a while there but they are close to our size and just stood no chance at actually taking the island. Colony vs Colony, island vs island, that war would go on forever or until someone's morale breaks.

    80 vs 6 is inevitable in a sandbox and I don't know that you can or should do anything to prevent it. Small clans don't get roflstomped instantly, though, and that's the best I think can be hoped for in a game like this. We still had a great time. We got to chuck a lot of nades, get a lot of kills, shoot some people in the coconut, etc. If we'd been more clever with stashing explosives we could have done some interesting stuff (lots of parked boats out there... not being watched carefully...) Take away those blue names and it might have been real interesting.

    Tomorrow I expect we'll be in the market for a new island but holding off a zerg for 3 major attacks (plus weeks of minor hits) is really more than I expected to be able to see and hold my flag through.

    tl;dr: 10/10, colony system is good, would poke giant again

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Give guns another look

    Posted: 08 May 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    Small company leader here, In my view, the game is steadily improving. I like the rate that the devs are addressing issues. In the last livestream something along the lines of "this is a ship game at it's core, but we want to supplement that with other systems" I feel like the gun-play is one of those systems that's been neglected for a bit too long.

    Give us some more guns or change our guns to be more versatile. Lots of folks complain about tames and carts being powerful, and I don't mind if people are using Bear cannon carts or Crab trebuchet carts or whatever. The tame system should have it's place. But if I put a ball of lead between a bear's eyes, it should do something significant, shouldn't it?

    Give skilled marksmen something to feel good about, give them a reason to want to go out and build the best gun they can. Make it so marksman are important for defending your tames that are blasting down enemy walls. Make it so a team with good guns can actually go onto powerstone islands and fight their way through the quest. The current system of running in naked and dying to things doesn't feel very heroic or epic at all.
    I don't think i'm the only player that would like to see this change.

    ps- Yes aimbotting is a issue, but I trust you guys are already doing what you can about that.

    Peace out,

    submitted by /u/Lumber-Jack-Sion
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    PSA: Don't use Large Cannons yet

    Posted: 08 May 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [08.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 08 May 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Different deck types

    Posted: 08 May 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    In the up coming patch they address this in their own way but I had meant to make this post a while ago and I figured I still would.

    I had an idea to change up boats and make then more specialized and focused on that purpose, as of now you either put cannons on it and loose wait capaciry or use it for hauling with little protection. What if you could do more with it outside or slapping cannons all over the place?

    A cargo hauler would be wonderful. Schooners sort of can but can't carry much and become slow quick, Briggs are obviously better but small company's those can be taking to always build or lose. What I would propose is having different deck options to fulfill different roles better.

    A cargo deck for hauling more, you would lose the option to put cannons below deck but double weight capacity using holds. There could be a fishing deck that keeps fish from rotting quickly and they could implement a fishing system from the boat and an NPC market for selling Marlin. Trading fish for gold.

    They are sort of doing this in the upcoming patch but I think specialized boats might be even more enjoyable and fun to build instead of just add on's. Still excited for the patch though and the changes to help boats be even more diverse.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneNinja
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    Sanctuary II!! Company finally learned how to add custom sails xD

    Posted: 07 May 2019 09:50 PM PDT

    Rework various projectiles before adding in new ones

    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    Title says it all. We have a few different projectiles that are pretty much useless and have been since launch day in 1.0. Namely barshot, spike shot, catapult boulders. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THESE AS VIABLE WEAPONS! They are amazing concepts!

    I can understand what they're made for but since day 1 they have been pretty much ignored due to various reasons. Either they take too long to reach their destination making them impractical or unreliable OR other projectiles are just flatout better OR BOTH.

    -Barshot floats too long in the air and is pretty much a difficult skill shot / lucky shot to hit -> rather use swivel flames for the intended use. -Spike shot can be defused -> lets just pound them with cballs instead? -Catapults are a meme. Structure damage on them is a joke compared to medium cballs on a cannon cart. Plus the cannon cart is super mobile. And launching players? Let's just climbing pick up somewhere and use a glider that I can be more maneuverable in.

    Anyone else feel the same way about reworking these???

    submitted by /u/slappersonly91
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    Stuck to join PvE - I miss my house

    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    Anyone else struggling to login to the server, I had an update a few weeks ago and ever since I can't load into PvE, it just stays on the loading screen. My graphics driver is updated and I've tried changing the graphics and even login into another server and no joy :-(

    submitted by /u/Beetroot11
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    First and last cannon cannot be placed in brig, didnt try other ships.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:57 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 May 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    double disco points? i lost a max level

    Posted: 08 May 2019 05:15 AM PDT

    i went from max level 57 to 56...............................wtf?

    submitted by /u/patchyfinebottom
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    Please Fix The Whale Spawns

    Posted: 07 May 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Somehow the wahle spawns are currently pretty rare. It took me like 6 hours to find a whale. Connected with the gold nerf this is a big issue. A lot of people of our company are only focused on finding gold to pay the defence upkeep. We have like 200 npcs for defence, which is basically the cost of 4 galleons. The gold farming is way too RNG right now. You cant really set a target that u gonna come back with 1k gold in 1 hour anymore. Im not sure if whales share the spawn with some other type of animal. If yes, they should get an independent spawn slot.

    Edit: Thanks to the devs to make some changes regarding the gold situation.

    submitted by /u/ArkTim
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    Bug or?

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:42 AM PDT

    Bug or?

    So this happened

    Dat level

    submitted by /u/LBigheadM
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    Please consider disabling cannons on ships using the ballista chains

    Posted: 08 May 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    Ship combat is going to be so terrible if the meta becomes, lock down ship -----> Shotgun cannon them.

    If you make the chain bolts disable the cannons on the attacking ship then this becomes a boarding tool instead of a boat bola.

    Also consider making the chains only work if they hit the deck of the ship. It would be so easy to just shoot something out of reach.

    submitted by /u/hutchy1989
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    Limiting cannons to portholes was a bad idea, here's what they should have done instead.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    They should have simply increased the weight of cannons substantially.

    If Medium Cannons were 150kgs and Large Cannons were 500kg, and large cannon ammo was 30kgs each, then people would use fewer cannons.

    The safety of putting cannons below deck would have naturally incentivized broadside builds, without forcing anything on anyone.

    Simple change, that uses incentives rather than hard coding to change player behavior.

    Alternatively, they could have increased the damage cannons do to non deck-structures, making it more risky to use a front or rear build due to the risk of losing wood ceilings that expensive cannons rest on.

    Instead they decided to limit player choice, which was a terrible decision. More work for them, less choice for us. Everyone lost.

    EDIT: Getting downvoted to oblivion, should have said, "If they wanted to force us into broadside based builds, this is what they should have done instead".

    submitted by /u/moses_the_red
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    Repair Hammer "Damage"?

    Posted: 07 May 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Has anyone tested if this actually improves anything?

    Is there a reason to craft Mythical hammers?

    submitted by /u/DuluRed
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    6,000 KG of paperweight since Large Cannon nerf- RIP ACHERON

    Posted: 08 May 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    Predicting wind direction

    Posted: 07 May 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    Has anyone timed out how long it takes the wind to shift? I know that it moves in a clockwise rotation, so I can generally plan to head out in good wind and have it rotate by the time I am heading back.

    I just think it would be nice to look out from my island, see the waves to see the wind direction and be able to say... "I should leave in about and hour for optimal wind"

    submitted by /u/Namluck
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