• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 9, 2019

    ATLAS QM and dodo.Ao cheat evidence

    ATLAS QM and dodo.Ao cheat evidence

    QM and dodo.Ao cheat evidence

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:38 AM PDT

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [09.05.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 09 May 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    Idea: NPC's in the Crows Nest

    Posted: 09 May 2019 11:38 AM PDT

    As a solo player it would be really nice if I could put an NPC crew mate up in the crows nest to warn me when other ships or land are within sight. That way I don't have to be on the upper deck at all times and can go below deck to craft some stuff without worrying that I'm gonna get shot at or crash.

    submitted by /u/EternalPain791
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    Two megas walk into a bar

    Posted: 08 May 2019 09:05 PM PDT

    nothing happens cause they only attack small companies.

    submitted by /u/patchyfinebottom
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    Building pieces and paint.

    Posted: 09 May 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    So I know it would rid to paint sprayer but it would be awesome if we could paint for example a wall in our inventory and so long as we have the paint on us the walls we place will have that paint on them. Just a thought. Would make painting ships nice as well with the planks.

    submitted by /u/kinnaramen123
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    Interesting idea for upgrading your ship

    Posted: 09 May 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    I was thinking the past few days on this.

    Say you have a journeyman ship, and you have 1 BP (or all the BPs) to upgrade a part (or all the parts) of masterwork or mythical.

    You currently have to demo the ship parts and replace them. Yeah it's nice and all to get some (lol... what little you get) back.

    What if there was an "upgrade" system for ship parts similar to how theres already upgrades in place for wearable/usable items.

    You walk to the designated part, sail, cannon with all the material and BP in hot bar. Hold E and under options there should be an "upgrade" selector.

    The upgrade should be used as a normal way of crafting the item or part and rolls RNG based off intelligence as well.

    I would say, the material cost should be reduced (mythos as only exception) and only be upgradable while "green" anchored but also renders the cannon unusable for a time and you cant pick them up as normal.

    • material cost reduction
    1. Common reduces by 5%

    2. Fine reduces by 10%

    3. Journeyman reduces by 15%

    4. Masterwork by 20%

    5. Legendary by 25%

    6. Mythical by 30%

    submitted by /u/titaniumhud
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    [Idea] Flare Gun = Flash Bang

    Posted: 09 May 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    I would like to feel the waters on this idea.

    If you successfully hit someone with a flare gun.. it acts like a Flash Bang rendering them blinded in that color of light for X Seconds with a Y Seconds dissipate timer. More effective at night than during the day.

    And this can be super short like 1-3 seconds.

    submitted by /u/DasDunXel
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    New Meta

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    In the wake of the large cannon nurf of early May has anyone thought much on the new Meta?

    I'm not for or against the change yet but---- hasn't this just limited the options of ship designs dramatically, Wont this change just make even more of the collective fleet similar now that a lot of build options are no longer available?

    Most people chase the Meta - closing one door means everyone go's to the other so how does reducing flexibility improve things?

    submitted by /u/VaderZul
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    BUG: Large cannons on a brig don't aim at the same angle.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:57 PM PDT

    Faster Way To Make Grog?

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Is there a faster way to make grog? It's slow and tedious.

    submitted by /u/y0himba
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    Are crossbows craftable? If so, how?

    Posted: 08 May 2019 08:47 PM PDT

    Having tested the crossbow they added with this patch, it's pretty great. However, i can't puzzle out how to make one. It doesn't seem to be craftable. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/tzud0
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    Grenades are too overpowered

    Posted: 08 May 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    Been being attacked over the last couple of days and I have seen how broken grenades truely are they just dont have a counter that I can think of... They cost absolutely nothing to mass produce to the point where running in naked isnt an issue. Then they just go up to your towers throw grenades at it from out of range and it does 3000+ damage to stationary defenses... This has to be changed because honestly it is broken beyond belief as it stands defense is pointless. This post is definitely gonna be downvoted by people who abuse grenades but I feel this has to be said

    submitted by /u/EbxInsidious
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    Replacing existing deck.

    Posted: 08 May 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    If I upgrade my deck will it just be a straight swap as in click replace or will for the brief second it places the new deck and demos the old one everything on that deck level will demolish? Just like swapping panels for gun ports

    submitted by /u/5ghzdream
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    Lets add more to the game by taking things away

    Posted: 09 May 2019 04:02 AM PDT

    Solid plan there wildcard, er grapeshot. Taking all the fun and creativity out of the game.

    submitted by /u/Mythrowaway1551
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    Best way to deal with cancerous players

    Posted: 08 May 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Looking for creative solutions...in a pvp/pve server whereby a clan jumps into pvp. Griefs and retreats back to pve. Note our main base is in pvp area. Theirs is in pve. (No way to raid back)

    submitted by /u/GrouchySkunk
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