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    Friday, July 5, 2019

    ATLAS Floatsoms

    ATLAS Floatsoms


    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    Please consider making it so that when you run over a floatsom with your boat, you get the resources.

    I think this could be done 1 of 2 ways.

    1. When you run over a floatsom, then items go into the inventory of the captain ( the one who is driving)
    2. create a new storage box - TREASURE CHEST - when put on a boat, allows for the collection of floatsoms

    No one really wants to slow down for 10 gold and some fish, but if you could drive over them, this could be a nice little QOL

    submitted by /u/smokePewPew
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    Capturing a ship sucks

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Problem: Taking over a ship during combat is nigh impossible making stealing ships almost never happen in a pirate game. By extension boarding mechanics have been largely ignored.

    Solution: Make ship stealing easier and more streamlined. Also do a pass over boarding.

    One way to achieve this is to replace the claim flag method of taking over ships. Instead of placing a flag on the enemy ship players should be able to contest the steering wheel and the flags. Once there is a player at each contesting point the ship becomes contested and the original owners lose the ability to demolish anything on the ship or scuttle the ship. If none of the contest areas have enemy players a timer counts down and stops if one of the owners contests the flag. The timer goes back up if the owners regain control of all the spots and once it's back to full they regain the ability to demolish and scuttle. Each ship should have different timers perhaps 2,5,10,15 for sloop,schooner,brig,galleon.

    For boarding mechanics swivels need to be nerfed while on ships so boarders have some counter play instead of instantly being splattered onto the deck by grapeshot. Perhaps have swivels have reduced range while the ship is in motion. Alternatively reduce damage,accuracy,reload, or the speed NPC react to playerd entering their range while the ship is in motion.

    Ideally capturing a ship should be a viable to winning a battle as sinking said ship is. Currently you have to win the entire battle in order to capture a ship and even then if a single naked gets to the ship while it's been contested it gets sunk because they demolish the planks.

    TL:DR Make ship capturing easier and less shitty so more pirate action occurs.

    Previous discussions https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/c7ecd3/rework_the_ghost_ship https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/c1kxb6/an_endgame_goal_and_a_solution_for_wiping https://www.reddit.com/r/playatlas/comments/c8dwdq/ship_customization

    submitted by /u/Xanjis
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    The Takeover

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 01:34 PM PDT

    Not able to join own dedicated server on local network

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    Ok so i'm not able to join my own dedicated server that is on my local network.

    Before the mega updates this wasn't an issue.

    Right now ppl can connect to the server from the outside without any problems. so all the forwarding is setup right, it's just that i cannot connect.

    In order for me to be able to join i need to start my vpn. when i do that i can join and play the game like normal. looks like the server isn't accepting local connections somehow.

    if anyone knows how to fix or work around this problem without using a vpn please share.

    submitted by /u/Ossiwozzy
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    Suggestions from a purely PVP point of view

    Posted: 04 Jul 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    The performance in this game is awful. Some of the main causes are the massive harbors, massive taming/breeding pens, and insane amount of foundation spam. I know players, paint, etc cause lag, but not to the same extent as some of these huge structures filled with boats/tames. I have a few ideas to fix all of these:

    The simple way of solving the tame/boat and pen/harbor issues are to allow you to store tames and boats in chests. Obviously it would require some balance (takes "x" amount of minutes to 'spawn' in the boat/tame, security measures to prevent people from insiding and taking every tame/boat, etc). This would cut down on the size of harbors/tame pens and cut down on the amount of ships/tames in an area. Not only that though, but it would also make more islands viable. Currently, if you don't have an island that contains a natural harbor, you need to shuffle boats between peace time islands. It's not like islands without natural harbors get more resources or anything either, there is no trade-off, there is absolutely no balance (but I'll get to that later). The final thing that this does (other than increase performance and increase island livability) is make lawless regions viable. Living on a lawless is difficult because you can be raided at any time. Your base might survive the night, but there is no way that your boats will. Small groups will now be able to hide their bases on large lawless islands and just take their tames/boats out when they get on (which most likely won't be every day). For a game that relies completely on player interaction, player retention is HUGE.

    Next thing that has to be fixed is the silly foundation/pillar spam. Why is this a thing? Easy fix, don't allow people to build on enemy settlements. "What about vassals or renters?" Luckily the change from above made lawless more viable (it should get a couple more buffs imo)****. In season 1 we managed to raid without being able to build (until we took a flag ofc) and it was fine. I'll agree though that right now, it wouldn't be balanced which is why this change needs to also be linked to the redesign of islands in ALL regions.

    These changes are going to help with island balance, (that will be important when we merge NA/EU and need more viable islands rather than JUST temperate), they will help with performance, and they will make things easier on the smaller groups. Asking 5 guys to grind for a full harbor/tame pen/main base is a lot. With the above changes you will only need to really grind for 1 of those 3 things (a main base). And hopefully, even if you get raided, you were able to stash away some of your tames/boats which should reduce the chances of you quitting.

    Extra* (Bonus shit that I randomly think about, the main part of this post is above, but feel free to give feedback on the ideas below)

    Just for the Devs I'm going to include some pictures so they know what we mean when we talk about island balance. This https://gyazo.com/a8cb4a67954fac141ba962748c00c0e5 is a bad island, this https://gyazo.com/600b82d4e772ebd44d42f3cb01023d6a is a bad island, but this https://gyazo.com/d8819d4d1832a30a325df4f98b255d36 is a good island. Vertical cliffs that require you to climb? Bad. Flat ground that lets you see for miles? Bad. Rolling hills that allow you build high but enemies can still walk up? Good.

    Extra** I feel pretty strongly about my above points, but I also feel strongly about the fact that PVP in this game is terrible and cheaters are everywhere. There is no reason why a carbine headshot (with a good carbine) should only do 1/5th of someone's HP. Max HP should be somewhere in the 200 range, not 500+. This is why pvp is currently in the "torpor meta". It's easier to knock someone out and take their shit than it is to actually kill them. Cheaters should also properly be monitored, companies have been cheating since day 1 and have yet to be punished or if they were, it was 1 person being banned. Pay someone minimum wage to ban cheaters for 4 hours per day, you will make more in the long run.

    Extra*** We should never have to deal with non existent wind. There are times when the wind is so bad that ghost ships are faster than you (even when you aren't ultra heavy), that's a joke. Nobody wants to sail all day, pvp while sailing? Tons of fun. General sailing? Boring af. Not only should the wind be better, but I think boats in general should get another boost to speed. Farming/grinding are chores, sailing shouldn't be.

    Lawless**** Think about making the lawless regions one massive island. Big companies aren't going to go searching a massive island for 3 man groups, it just won't happen. You won't need harbors on lawless (because you can store boats in boxes) and it should create a unique area for smaller groups to raid/fight/pve each other.

    submitted by /u/T1Nutcupper
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    Top Atlas moments #7

    Posted: 05 Jul 2019 08:06 AM PDT

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