• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Atlas Just bought Atlas and it's requiring me to install BattlEye

    Atlas Just bought Atlas and it's requiring me to install BattlEye

    Just bought Atlas and it's requiring me to install BattlEye

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    Hey, I don't usually play online multiplayer games, so I don't really understand what Battleye is or if it's safe. Although I read the install and it says it'll send all my information/ping etc away, that it'll store it on servers that it shares information with other people. That I have no control over that data or where it goes and that really worries me.

    Is there a way to play without battleye my friend plays on xbox and i'd really like to do co-op with him

    submitted by /u/Cxstxnt
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