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    Wednesday, February 27, 2019

    ATLAS ChemB Cheating tribe EU PVP since long time

    ATLAS ChemB Cheating tribe EU PVP since long time

    ChemB Cheating tribe EU PVP since long time

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 06:01 AM PST

    EU PVP From French and ships tribe.

    HI . Im here today to denounce the Company named '' Chem B'' . (they change their tribe name all time but we have the ID ) . This Company is actualy Duping / Using duped stuff and use Aimbot everytime ( Pathfinder / wildy and some others members )

    Proofs for duped stuff : http://prntscr.com/mqh99s / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsGWZKzWwoY&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop / https://clips.twitch.tv/AdventurousInquisitiveKittenBleedPurple / (and more on Ytbe / and we have more screens )

    Company ID : http://prntscr.com/mqhbm8

    They already got denounced here -->Chat + vocal TS ( the guy who s answering is PathFinder ) : http://prntscr.com/mqhg9x / https://clips.twitch.tv/EnthusiasticMildRaccoonFailFish

    Aimbot + Kill through the walls = https://clips.twitch.tv/SmilingSquareArugulaThunBeast / https://clips.twitch.tv/BovineEntertainingManateeDatBoi / https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousIgnorantTomatoTBTacoLeft ( only headshots )

    I don't understand devs , you really think cheating can not destroy the rest of the game.Please guys just react like others games do ! Insta ban , you have a tons of infos who show you who is using cheats and what they have. Just look at this discussion ==> https://imgur.com/a/gFekYqw . They don't give a f..... of you devs.We just want play the game like others , legit game.If you don't have a normal reactions vs cheaters , we are going to make some troubles too and I think you don't want that so please just act fast.For just our tribes we lost acutally on 3 islands like more than 250 tamed mobs a number impossible to calculate of PNJ , some ships.We lost a tons of hours just because you let cheaters make atlas their paradise. It's just insane..You actually give them times so they have mixed tribe with "void" tribe.When you wiped their base they was here and just saved a tons of bags they looted and put in many bears/storage.And they give some stuff to peoples and spreads thoses cheated stuff now.If they hide some stuff.Humppff..
    https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/b2be99e9b7fcf2a8b99d9312973b8611-jpg.jpg Look at the name of his tribe and the stuff ....



    submitted by /u/muGen____
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    A pirate game...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 07:51 AM PST

    That most of the battles take place on land. A pirate game.... where tames are more important/game changing then ships. A pirate game.... where 90%of time played is on land.

    submitted by /u/Chawdiddly
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    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [27.02.2019] NA PVP

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 04:32 AM PST

    Sexy Cats raids BLDX. Great raid. Handshakes all around.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 12:37 AM PST

    Sexy Cats raids BLDX. Great raid. Handshakes all around.

    Here is the VOD from the raid. Enjoy guys!!!!


    submitted by /u/Digital_TraumaTwitch
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    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 09:32 PM PST

    I was a first hand witness as Jat spawned in on F2 and got aimbotted straight away, its true what people say jat was unable to wipe us because pathfinder was always to quick on the draw always knowing where he would teleport next etc.

    The battle raged for some time until Jat called for backup!! Dollie Dollie he called frantically, Dollie came with mythical shields to block pathfinders bullets! A true challenge! Eventually & unfortunately the power of the devs took its toll on the tribe as the bases fell down and animals died :(

    Chem b is no more! https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/1200/448afc3d2dd10968df3e8fff746e9cf2-png.jpg

    (PS. Only F2 got wiped, only pathfinder is banned, Dupe/aimbot still works) They killed all our animals including our 150-250 bears so... :( Trading: Will buy bears/horses for mythical/legendary items/planks/Gold - dm me in discord.

    submitted by /u/Wildy-ChemB-Chief
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    BREEDING: I Think I got it this time!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 06:04 AM PST

    BREEDING: I Think I got it this time!

    So after a few grill/campfire configurations I think this will be the main setup for breeding and raising bears. I've tried a number of times and the baby always died. it's a total of 6 grills placed on the inside of 4 tiles. It may require another campfire or 2 when the baby is really small unless you smash the baby in a corner it may also be ok. I worried about the bear growing too large and eventually growing itself into a campfire and burn to death as I slept so with the grill it's not only way more insulation but you don't run the risk of the bear getting on top of one. I see all these screenshots of people failing with torches but the closer you get to the heat source the more insulation there is. Some of these screenshots show the bear much too far from the heat source. I am on G14 on official servers in the Tundra. The coldest it got was -17c and the warmest was 10c. This setup was running full steam now for 33 hours. Babies do start eating from the trough at 10% like Ark.


    submitted by /u/missingtext
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    Quick heal during combat, give us bandages

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:59 AM PST

    Skill : Combat medicine

    Unlocks craftables bandages (heal 30 HP), coal bandages ("cure poison", coal is a strong absorbant, reduce torpor/buff torpor recovery), herbal bandages (buff stamina recovery)

    Can be craft in : Loom

    Mats : Bandages : Fibers, Organic paste

    Coal bandages Fibers, organic paste, coal

    Herbal bandages : fibers, organic paste, herbal plants

    Takes 8 seconds to apply

    First Tier (3 points) Reduce time by 10% (7-8 secs)

    Second Tier (8 points) Reduce time by 15% (6-7 secs)

    Third Tier (10 points) Reduce time by 25% (4-5 secs)

    21 points dedicated to healing, could/should be more

    Weigh 1kg (even 1,5kg) each (not for realistic purpose, but for balancing ones of course)

    Can be equiped on hotbar (ofc), switch for it and it automatically activates

    Damage interupts it (ofc)


    submitted by /u/elric-qc
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    Pathfinder from Chem B : a tribute. Feat Ivanarmy.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 04:37 PM PST

    Let's all admire the EU god Pathfinder.


    Nice headshot in the only armored part : the head.

    Proof of the headshot :

    - Helmet 73 durability before the shot : https://imgur.com/gallery/YzaQNII

    - 66 durability after the shot : https://imgur.com/a/STFebN6

    Pathfinder's aim is always on point :

    - https://clips.twitch.tv/DreamyStylishSaladAMPEnergy he can land very hard shot.

    - https://clips.twitch.tv/DelightfulWanderingChowderGivePLZ he has a godlike reaction time.

    - https://clips.twitch.tv/BetterAuspiciousAnteaterBleedPurple he puts so much convinction in his shots that the bullet goes through walls.

    So can we now get him banned ? The first clip is an irrefutable proof. For all the newcomers that don't see proof in that, that is because you have no experience in this community. This kind of proof has always be seen as irrefutable.

    See Vindicatur on Ark for exemple : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mvzKPSTufg

    If you want the full video from wich i got the clips : https://www.twitch.tv/videos/386897768

    You can see Chem B at work, make your own opinion.

    This proof of aimbotting must be related to this thread : (proof of chem B duping)


    Also let's have a look at the reaction of Mukkayo from Ivanarmy, a few days ago when Chem B griefed FnS : https://clips.twitch.tv/EnthusiasticMildRaccoonFailFish

    You see them talking about chem B aimbotting. After that Ivan sided with Chem B.

    The grief was streamed by this guy : https://www.twitch.tv/redzlabaguette.

    Video is deleted now for some reasons but you can see some clips. The stream was full of Pathfinder aimbotting.

    There is no way FnS didn't show Mukkayo pathfinder really good aim.

    A shitload of sketchy pathfinder stuff over there too : https://www.playatlas.com/index.php?/forums/topic/50874-tribe-chem-b-dupingcheating/&page=2

    He seem to like messing with ini files, that reminds me of a random player from Ark called Lancast. (No proof intended, juste giving info to Chem B enemys)

    submitted by /u/ChemBannedlol
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    Server performance.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:11 AM PST

    The server performance on my private server was flawless until you started "fixing" it. Can you please either roll back to a patch that isn't written by your janitor, or fix something for once? Thank you.

    *EDIT: Not to forget all the constant crashes that have been going on for weeks.

    submitted by /u/AboveW
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    Game Play Request: Add Colonial Imperialists

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:43 AM PST

    Create and introduce AI Colonial Imperialists.

    Lore: The Imperialists seek to expand their empire and eradicate the lawless influence of pirates by colonizing the known world. Among all foes existent, the Kraken, beasts of legend and the cursed Damned, none are as persistent and methodical in their approach to quelling the pirate scourge (you the player).

    Imperialists on Land:

    Operate on similar mechanics as aggressive tames. *agro created by player structures;

    Will seek out and destroy structures on islands, prioritizing structures around high value items, eg. Ships boxes, storage boxes, work benches etc.. *uses systematic vs. random destruction.

    Imperialist crew WILL NOT insta-destroy player bases. Attacks will do damage proportionate to number, level, and crew type.

    Imperialists will establish outposts that contest player claims. A sphere of influence (like an expanding claim flag boundary and decay timer), will expand at a pace proportionate to the outpost level. The rate of contestation is proportionate to Outpost level. Sphere of influence will disappear upon outpost destruction* Imperialists outpost placement ignores player claim flags and "foundation spamming". Outpost placement location can be either random or driven by where an Imperialist ship "makes contact" with an island. Outpost will always be established on coasts. *Outposts will produce more Imperialist Crew at random levels until completely destroyed (like wild animal spawns);

    Imperialist outposts will gradually increase in level and will change in appearance. Capped limit of Imperialist outposts per island, relative to base level. Size/strength defensibility caps out at "x" level;

    Destruction of Imperialist bases produces material/loot. Loot can only be received when base is totally destroyed. *prevents farming exploit;

    Imperialist crew specializations, (Sappers, Melee, Ranged);

    Imperialist crew will capture player tames set to passive. *Allows for recapturing of tames once outpost is destroyed;

    Imperialist crew do not attack wild animals unless attacked. Wild aggressive animals will attack Imperialists (tigers etc..);

    Imperialist crew will roam. Imperialists set to Aggressive – High attack range; Imperials form and act like a "pack (wolf)" When an imperialists finds a structure it will "call" for help from the outpost.

    Imperialist "Alpha" Character: Governor – Mini boss present at each outpost that levels in conjunction with outpost level and heals with every player kill. *Governor does not leave the outpost.

    Imperialist crew ignore shipyards. (Prevents destruction of player ships in construction. Structures built on shipyards will be attacked i.e. work bench/storage box);

    Imperialists at Sea

    Imperialists can be engaged at sea, Imperialist crew is claimable only at sea. (Similar to SoD). *different model/skin required to differentiate. Imperialist ships have three interaction options: 1. Destroyed though ship vs ship combat. Enables salvaging of wreckage; 2. Claimed by boarding and defeating a ship's crew and captain *Ship's captain is a mini boss (similar to treasure hunting boss). Allows player to keep the ship in the condition it is rendered by combat. Claiming ships produces greater loot rewards than destroying and salvaging or capturing. *Makes use of Pirate skill "what's yours is mine".3. Captured and scuttled by defeating the crew and Captain. *Claiming or sinking a ship prevents "capturing of the ships flag (used for daily missions). *Makes use of Pirate skill "what's yours is mine".

    Imperialist ship and crew levels are random and have proportionate stats;

    Imperialists ignore moored ships unless attacked.

    Imperialist ships will prioritize disabling vs destruction. Imperialist will capture a player ship when all crew and player is killed. *player can die and respawn on the ship to continue the defense.

    Imperialist's ships are drawn to and contest sea area claims. Sea claims could increase the likelihood that an Imperialist finds its way to an island;

    Imperialist ship path based on wind direction and agro;

    Imperialist Hunting is added as daily mission or free play task:

    • Mission: Destroy "x" Imperialists;
    • Mission Capture and turn in Imperialist ship Flags at free port. Depending on mission difficulty, can provides unique rewards / rare materials as a reward.
    • Mission reward suggestions: Unlocks new ship hull types for construction;
    • Free Play task. Turn in "x" flags to unlock custom skins for: ships, ship parts and flags;
    • Free Play Task: Destroy "x" Imperialist outposts to unlock building part skins.


    Enables diverse ship vs ship combat. *Gives the player a choice. Disabling vs destruction (use of ammo types);

    Imperialists will "clean up" unused / inactive structures and claims and challenge active claims. Encourages active player engagement in claim management and concentration of effort. Companies who hold large claim areas require proportionate effort to hold them. New players will have a chance to claim territory that has been purged by Imperialists.

    SoD role remains unchanged (sea based aggressors);

    Enables PvE use of existing in game defense equipment;

    Promotes use of Player tames/crew for defense purposes. Players will need to strategize and consider how to actively protect their bases and tames when offline, and, ships while sailing.


    Solo new players, while having a greater chance to establish themselves will be susceptible to Imperialist attacks. Requires strategic thinking for base placement. (Life is more than a box).

    Large structure counts increase likelihood of Imperialist attack;

    No PvE Offline Raid Protection

    submitted by /u/Slyguysuperfly
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    Looking to contact atlas shrugged or shieldwall for a land claim swap

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 06:04 AM PST

    I have about 4 flags in a location that is not really livable, but would be good for claim counts. I have a location where there is one claim flag that we would like to swap one flag for the multiple flags in the other location. PM for details pls.

    submitted by /u/Bigfishrob
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    Half-Baked Ideas: Lower Lows and Higher Highs

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:34 AM PST

    Picture if you will:

    A common cannon is nerfed. It's about 80% of what a cannon is today in terms of durability and damage. Maybe less.

    A 2-ingredient cannon is about the same as a common cannon today.

    A 5-ingredient cannon is a little better than a 5-ingredient cannon today.

    A level 1 bear is about 50% of what a bear is today. Half the health, half the gather but tames in literally 1 bolo.

    A level 30 bear is stronger than a level 30 bear today but takes much longer to tame.

    Every island has "metal" nodes -- the generic freeport stuff. Specific metals and the alloy materials don't change but the basic generic stuff is easy to get. Generic "thatch" and "fiber" comes in dense clumps on every island too.


    The idea here is to lower the low bar. Going from "nothing" to having a few basic tames and a basic ship and a basic cannon and a pile of ammo for it is pretty easy.

    Getting a GOOD cannon, made from imported goods and blueprints, is a lot more tempting. There is a bigger gap between common and 2-ingredient.

    You can get a basic start much faster but "maxing out" -- getting the really good stuff -- is harder and more rewarding.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Teleportation is the Small Companies Worst Enemy

    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 05:58 PM PST

    Over the past few weeks I've seen many threads talking about how small companies are getting bullied and rolled over by larger companies. Most of the threads seeking to address this issue focus on the claim system as the main reason why this is the way it is. While I agree that the claim system needs work, I do not think it is the primary problem for small companies.

    The main problem small companies are facing in this game is that teleportation is a thing. The benefits for mega companies to befriend and ally small companies are being overshadowed by how easy it is for them to build forts abroad and rapidly teleport in to defend them, should they come under attack. Currently the only benefits mega companies get by handing out or protecting a small companies land is that they may come to their aid in times of war or may provide an insignificant amount of taxes, but all at the risk that they may defect or pursue their own interests.

    Restricting teleportation has the ability to shift the great reliance small companies have on larger companies to hold them up to a more symbiotic relationship between the two. If companies are unable to teleport people out to defend their holdings far from their capital, they will have to rely on small local allies to be the first responders during attacks and to live in and govern the area.

    Restricting teleportation will also have the benefit of reducing the claim bloating. Currently there are many companies that control an insane amount of land in comparison to how many members they have, simply because they can teleport all over the world to defend as needed. If teleportation was restricted, it would be much easier for local companies to push back and nip off chunks of these bloated empires until they are able to reclaim their position as dominant over the land.

    Grapeshot and Atlas Reddit community, while there is work to be done on the claim system, until the teleportation system is fixed, Atlas will never be the game you want it to be. Teleportation is the driver of these bloated empires.

    submitted by /u/BriarMoss44
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    THE REAL Alliance/Coalition Influence Map NA PVP JUST SAYING

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 06:26 AM PST

    What effect would ship insurance / buyback have?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 02:32 AM PST

    What if there was a mechanic in which you could make payments on an insurance policy at a Freeport which would allow you to recover your ship following it's destruction (as it had been 30 minutes before it sank)?

    As I imagine it we'd see more ship combat, less frustration and an increase in the value of gold. What are your thoughts?

    I'm sure everything would have to be rebalanced and I don't think it'll happen. I just thought it was an interesting idea.

    submitted by /u/khalnien
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    CSTG and friends attack Cursed Fleet with overwhelming odds.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 07:41 PM PST

     This morning starting at around 2am PST CSTG, it's sister companies, DRG, JackMan, and several other large companies associated with CSTG began to siege Cursed Fleet in shifts with it's Allies for the third time of the same island. The beginning of the fight and for the following 6-8 hours consisted of about 20-30 Cursed Fleet players and a few allied players vs. 120-150 CSTG players and Allies. We were able to win the battle again after about 15 hours of fighting with no bases lost in the fight but ships and tames lost on both sides. The players of Cursed Fleet fought hard and well, under a great deficit of odds. So first off hats off to the men and women that make up the Cursed Fleet and our allied players that were able to send whatever help they could. Also the PvP was better than the usual Zerg fights of lagging out a server to be unplayable, with the exception of the initial server cleanse due to the server being over populated and the game relocating an already small defensive force defending their own island out of grid and resulting in the loss of gear and a good amount of time due to not being able to re-enter because of a large player population. But it was pleasant to actually be able to reload a gun vs. 120+ enemies. And we want to give credit to CTSG and it's allies for giving us a challenge 🙏. It was a good fair/clean fight regardless of the disparity in numbers. So hats off to our foe. I do hope we can leave race and other bull out of it because we are also a multi national company, and call this what it is, PVP. Mad respect to your companies truly 💛. And thank you for the gear sets and mortars. 😙 
    submitted by /u/GamesWithNix
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    Who Has The Most Hours?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 01:20 AM PST

    I was watching a video about a guy who got banned from fallout 76 for having a massive stockpile of ammo and being accused of duping. He claimed to have over 900 hours of which I didn't think was too out of the ordinary for a game of this type. But apparently many are calling bullshit on his play time as that would mean he would need to have played 9 hours a day from launch. As an avid Ark fan, and while on hiatus from atlas, I put in over 300 hours in a month. I was wondering who has the most time in game and how much time it would be.

    submitted by /u/redx7098
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    Did the guy doing the cartoons quit already? I really enjoyed them.

    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 02:32 PM PST


    submitted by /u/tg_ry
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    Tips for getting "foundation"

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 12:02 AM PST

    The damn unbuildable rocks in the ocean. Is there any trick to get foundation in the area?

    submitted by /u/SaintThor
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    Black Butterfly is using bears with Alpha parentage

    Posted: 26 Feb 2019 01:30 PM PST

    Black Butterfly is using bears with Alpha parentage

    This level 156 bear had a 200+ level parent. Why are they allowed to continue breeding these, they have tons of them. This is an exploit by definition, IE unintended gameplay. /u/Jatheish Why is this being allowed????? We killed a 165 and this one YESTERDAY they show up with 2 others today. All had the same parentage. You're probably thinking no big deal right? Think again. They leveled an entire tile over 2 days using only 2 at a time and a few guys on foot. The HP is nearly 2000 and the Melee 3000. I hit one with an explosive barrel....and nothing. These assholes even sat on the beach taking full shots from cannons and swivels on a ship with 0 cares while trying to take down the ship.


    submitted by /u/ProfoundlyProfound
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    123 has joined the server

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 07:39 AM PST

    Why do you let the players see who has joined each grid? Especially their name?

    Nothing ruins the feeling of immersion more than seeing when people have joined your zone.

    Makes the world feel very empty when I see "1 player currently online" as well.

    submitted by /u/DuluRed
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