• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 28, 2019

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [28.02.2019] NA PVP

    ATLAS Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [28.02.2019] NA PVP

    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [28.02.2019] NA PVP

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 04:43 AM PST

    Dead Pirates Possibly Duping

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 11:49 PM PST

    As part of the raid on Dead Pirates, there has been some suspicious loot acquired. Particularly the ~146 Masterwork medium wood planks. They all have the same 124.038% durability with a crafting bonus of 6.6%. To my knowledge, getting this many of the exact same stat items would require a single blueprint with 146 uses. I nor anyone else have yet to see any blueprints above 100 uses. Thus coming to the conclusion that these items have most likely been duped. Once I heard about the items I asked for more screenshots. There could be more info that I am unaware of, but I thought I would share.

    Box found with parts - https://i.imgur.com/mqR6h9s.png

    Stack one of 124.038% durability planks - https://i.imgur.com/rB5ePUX.png

    Stack two of 124.038% durability planks - https://i.imgur.com/gcdT7Ii.png

    Gallery - https://imgur.com/a/HewonAq

    Edit: The planks could have been possible in a previous patch, but does not explain same stat weapons and armor.

    submitted by /u/BattleNex
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    The March content update needs to include a WIPE.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Seriously let's us start over, it will also give a chance for a small groups and solo players have an incentive to come back and large groups like the one i'm in and many of my friends a chance to switch things around.

    submitted by /u/MrDolphin001
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    State of Atlas discussion stream 7pm CST 2/28/19

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:48 AM PST

    Tonight at 7pm CST 2/28/19, Handsome_Stalin and and I will be hosting a discussion about today's dev stream and the state of NA PVP Atlas. The topics will range from pvp tactics, bugs, current wars, and an overview of the current meta. There will be a few other guests that are admins from some of the top companies on NA PVP that will be part of the discussion.

    If you have questions that you would like discussed on stream, please leave it below.

    https://www.twitch.tv/handsome_stalin https://www.twitch.tv/digital_trauma

    submitted by /u/Digital_TraumaTwitch
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    You asked for it, Here it is. Your proof that CSTG allows cheating/exploiting.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:17 PM PST

    So I originally just sent these videos privately to those who did not believe what I said about these Companies, but i'm pretty sick of what I have been seeing the past few days. Here are a few videos that prove, in first person (besides 1), that CSTG not only allows their companies to cheat, but will do it to gain any advantage in a raid.

    Video 1: Contains Westhold/CSTG members in this raid, player used a swivel to shoot 3 separate people in different rooms of a building at the exact same time.

    Video 2: Guy on the swivel shooting people through structures again, this time, i ran outside (was the only one alive) and you can hear shots ring out as hes attempting to kill me through structures again. I shoot him, run behind cover about 2 walls deep, and im shot through the structure.

    Video 3: This one is hard to see, but in the bottom right of my screen, someone spawned on a bed and instantly was killed by someones Carbine through a structure. He was 2 walls deep inside the structure.


    A few more incidents occurred however I was not recording at the time. I can 120% confirm that there IS an invulnerability exploit of some type. A player from CSTG had a game crash error, and it logged him out where he was standing. We all stood around him to shoot him, use tames on him, etc... and we could do no damage to him. Damage numbers were showing, but they kept saying "0". dont know how he/she did it.

    This was sent to me by someone from K6 on Kraken's Maw:


    This player in the provided picture below shows a player with 1100 Weight that we killed, that was somehow able to Glide (300+weight over his max btw) glided into a building placed on a pillar, and we killed him when he landed. This was in his body. ALSO if you look at the guys inventory, it says "Raft Weight: 3500", and "Ship Crew: 3500" what the fuck is that?


    Another player with weight over his carryable allowance but we could not get the items off of him. His inventory appeared empty, but was NOT empty. He glided into our land, and started placing claim flags, and was throwing tons of grenades. We got to his body and this is what we saw.


    I hope the developers take a hard look at this and do something about it. You lost a LOT of players today because of this.

    submitted by /u/Jmac460
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    Picture of ChemB Leader after he realises that no one in no game will ever respect exploiters.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 10:13 AM PST

    No one is stopping you from playing this game as a pirate

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 03:35 AM PST

    You can play this game as a pirate. You can ignore the land claim mechanics completely. You can exist for a short period on any lawless island you find yourself marooned next to, build up a schooner with a few buddies and take off. You can only keep what you can hold on the ship. You can sink ships that you outplay and you can run away from brigs and galleons who have more firepower. You can patrol the waters surrounding war zones and sink the slow hauler brigs. You can pick and choose your targets with complete autonomy.

    You don't need land - take a spot on lawless by force for a few hours to build your next ship. Stay at sea as long as possible. Have nothing of much value on hand. Make deals with people to stash stuff on their island high in their cliffs. Pay people in gold for intelligence on juicy raids or for a safe harbor for the night.

    The real reason you're not sailing all the time is because you don't want to. The real reason you're not pirating is because you can't - because everyone is better than you at sea with their ships versus yours. The real reason you think this isn't a pirate game is because you're not a pirate, you're a farmer who loves hitting trees, who loves seeing a painted parked ship in his harbor versus actually using the thing.

    Human psychology counters pirating, which is why not many people are pirates. It's not healthy to have the world as your enemy. To have no home to come home to. To exist only on a few pieces of wood slapped together. Humans want a home, a place to store their loot, a sense of safety and belonging. That's not piracy, and if you think this isn't a pirate game, you're no pirate.

    submitted by /u/VexusGaming
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    OwO hacking and ddosing NA PVP

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 10:36 AM PST

    The server was lagging and we were attacking so the only explanation to this is that OwO was ddosing because why would we ddos our own raid. I also saw them flying around on animals, but it looks like the Anti-Cheat would teleport them back after a second. They 100% ddosing and hacking... Unfortunately got no proof to back any of this up it's just got to be true, why else would the server be lagging???

    submitted by /u/ColeDaLegend
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    Rare picture of a Chem B leader transporting duped loot on flying bears to his alt tribe

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 04:41 PM PST

    "BLDX got raided" - meanwhile at OwOs main

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 03:15 AM PST

    Pirated a Boat. Made them Fight. DOUBLE KNOCK OUT!

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 07:41 AM PST

    What if you could disable a ship but not sink it?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 04:40 AM PST

    What are the thoughts on being able to chase down a ship and disable it, so you can board it for goodies?

    Once you take control of the ships wheel, all containers are opened onboard for you to pillage.

    The losing company would then have to sail there to repair it and take it home.

    of course there would have to be a decay timer on them so they sink after a few days if not repaired.

    this would add the "Piracy" aspect into the game.

    what are your thoughts? Maybe throw the DEVS a bone here.

    EDIT: I am suggesting that you are unable to sink the ship but only disable it until they surrender. If you know you are going to get an ass whooping, you can hit surrender and save your ship. But they get free goodies.

    submitted by /u/TomasGunz
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    BOBLDX has failed again why even bother.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 10:20 AM PST

    BOBLDX is the new term they be called due to asking for help like bobs do. Today bobldx has failed to attack or gain any traction on what they consider bobs. Hello arktim come join the discussion please.

    submitted by /u/Galvaltrox
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    My Galleon Has An In-Flight Movie

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 05:52 AM PST

    Hey whats up, back again to post fun stuff I build at home

    This is one of the spare crew rooms on my unemployment galleon. The name of this room is "moviehouse"

    Consider this your friendly reminder that canvases finally work now, and you can use them for all kinds of cool stuff. You can also put them directly on storage boxes now, along with signs, and I have been doing this a heck of a lot


    submitted by /u/amy_3
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    [cheat]Chinese Stream

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:21 AM PST

    BB Black butterflys tames..

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 09:03 AM PST

    So we were attacked by BB (Black Butterfly) and they were running around with these god bears that would not die, explosive barrels, every tame we threw at it got destroyed, finally killed them surrounding them with 10 tames and zerging, look at the parents... https://prnt.sc/mqy9t1 222? how can this be legit... and why would they breed a 222 with a level 66.... like they just stood there with 4 balista's shooting at them... lol

    submitted by /u/007longshot
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    Changes I would like to see in Atlas

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 04:46 AM PST

    (Background: This is coming from a guy who played EVE Online for 15 years)

    Changes to companies and claims:

    • Companies can only be in a single alliance
    • Islands are alliance owned and consist of multiple field tiles (for example a 25x25 for a big one and a 5x5 for a small one)
    • Each alliance has a single main HQ, which is a building on an island they own (first claim of that alliance becomes default HQ, but can be changed once a week). The HQ is invul, but you need to deliver a supply crate that can be bought at a freeport every couple days to maintain invulnerability. This crate is heavy so you need at least a schooner to move it. It also has a spoil time of 6 hours, so you can't stockpile them (maybe on PVE).
    • Additional island owning HQs need the supply crate shipped from the main alliance HQ.
    • Alliance admins can place a company HQ on an island and assign tiles to it. (Max 1 comapany HQ/tile, the tile with the HQ can not be owned by other companies) They can then assign that HQ to a company, even if that company is outside the alliance. Owning a company HQ gives you the ability to build in the assigned grids (you can assign grids to multiple HQs). Structures inside those claims do have a high damage resistance, doors and chests are excluded from this. This means you can use a cannon cart or other explosives to make your own path into a building for loot, but can't foundation wipe the enemy base.
    • To get that resistance, there also needs to be a supply crate delivered, from the alliance HQ if the corp is in the alliance that ownes the island or from a freeport if it is an independent claim (so basically you need to show up every couple days in your colonies, or you give your enemy an easy time (and you might want to protect those ships carrying your supply crates, because they will not be exactly cheap)
    • To attack a HQ, the attacking force needs to set up a beachhead structure. This beachhead needs a couple minutes to become operational, after that period it can be attacked. The attacking side needs to chose the HQ that is attacked and can only place beds in the beachhead structure. All structures inside the claim area of the HQ lose their resistances, so you can destroy them faster (in case people decided to build massive walls around their HQ).
    • If the HQ is destroyed, your beachhead becomes a new HQ for your company, taking all the tiles that were only owned by that HQ.
    • If all HQs on an island are destroyed, a new alliance HQ can be placed.

    These changes would make it harder for large groups to claim a lot of land, since they would need to send out convoys every couple days to renew the status of all their claims, which can be intercepted. It also creates a motivation to let smaller companies settle on your island, because this way your enemy needs to attack more company HQs to claim your entire island and you have less maintenance tasks for company HQs.

    If you find obvious flaws let me know :)

    Second topic, sea battles (this is a pirate game after all):

    Changes I would really like:

    • increase cannon range a bit and improve aiming. Giving cannons a bit more range would add some more room for engaments. I like that you have to chose between long range cannons you can't turn and cannons with less range that are able to do so, however aiming with large cannons while controlling the ship at the same time can be a bit of a hassle. It would be an improvement to keep the firing arc from large cannons visible, even if the mouse coursor is not in the area where the large cannon lands it show, so you don't lose track of your cannon aim that easily while turning your ship.
    • Sails
      • rename cargo sails to standard/default sails, remove the cargo bonus.
      • there is currently no downside to using speed sails, so let's change that and make it so that they reduce the hp of ship structures by a %
    • "white flag" (give players the option to surrender without losing their ship)
      • ship stops immedietly
      • all missing planks/gunports are replaced by ramshackle planks
        • ship planks become invul for 30 seconds (to stop the last couple cannons that might be on the way)
      • all doors and chests become unlocked for 10 minutes
      • ship resources box/ammo container can only be dropped to 25%
      • cannons and weapons disabled (you surrendered, stop fighting)
    • Better indication of the health status of stuff you have on your ship

    Why would you surrender and more important why would your opponent stop from sinking your ship if you do so?

    Because of:

    Pirate reputation:

    • reputation consists of the combined reputation of the ship and the players on it
    • if you attack someone with it rises (by a larger amount if you kill someone or sink a ship, esp. when doing so with a bigger ship or more of them)
    • bad reputation might cause Navy NPCs to spawn on attacks vs ships with a better reputation (with a cooldown, so you don't spawn one every time you shoot at someone, but can spawn more if the battle takes longer)
    • Those navy NPCs are basically the "good" SotD, you can destroy them for a small chance of loot and for tokens that can be redeemed at the freeport to increase your reputation again. Mostly they are an obstacle you want to avoid because they will hurt.
    • If you are attacking a HQ of that company, you don't lose reputation in that grid.

    Better upgrade system for buildings and ships

    • all parts can be upgraded by right-clicking them with the repair hammer.
    • blueprints determine stats like base hp/weight, require 1 material
    • every single resource variety increases the stats by a %
    • you still need varieties of all resources to repair and upgrade to the next level


    I have a fine ship plank blueprint, that gives me a +3% hp increase.

    After placing it on the ship, I can upgrade it with any material to give it the full hp.

    I now can add a second wood type I happen to have on my island (or the island in the next grid) to increase the hp further, without needing the additional metal, fiber or thatch. After applying a different type of metal fiber and thatch I can start upgrading to lvl 3 by adding another type of wood, metal, fiber or thatch.

    This is just a draft, if I see good points in the comments I will make edits.

    submitted by /u/Shalmon_
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    [VIDEO] Diejune of The Prime Meridian defending J1/J2 against the CSTG alliance.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 09:43 PM PST

    Items changing back into unusable blueprints in boxes....

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 05:53 PM PST

    I'm sure you've seen it, you open a box to find that one of the items you placed in it has turned into an unusable blueprint that does nothing but take up a slot in whatever box it happens in. Today I lost 5 different items, 2 were legendary, 1 journeyman, and 2 were common. 1 of the items lost was my best intelligence headpiece, so now my int set has less of a bonus... yay. When searching for this bug I haven't seen much in the way of info or posts, so I decided it should be mentioned. Anyone else seeing this? Anyone know of a way to prevent it? Only way I know to get the blueprint out of the slot is to demolish the container. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Rosignol
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    Sexy Cats Alliance in a nutshell (come on get your zerg to downvote this)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:33 PM PST

    ChemB Raiding with: Mortar Ships, Flying level 300 bears, Meshing.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 03:30 PM PST

    K12 Silk

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Does anyone know which island on K12 has silk, should I be searching for bushes

    submitted by /u/Stormraven22
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    Garbage Men NA PVP

    Posted: 27 Feb 2019 02:54 PM PST

    Question about breeding and tame stats, did we break our unofficial PvE Server?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2019 05:38 AM PST

    im playing on an unofficial PvE server where we have an island that is ideal for bear taming. never to cold or to hot.

    so we startet breeding and i know from ark and other sources that a child has a somewhat chance to get the better stats from each parent. so if the father has like 500 hp and 400 damage and the mother has 400 hp and 500 damage i have a chance to get a child that has 500 hp and 500 damage.

    but on our server we get much higher numbers. im not the admin and i after speaking to him he said he just changed the mating and breeding timers to a few hours instead of 2 days. also we have higher wild levels, max is natural level 300.

    now we have the interesting situation that child stats are WAY higher than any parent stat. we have some level 300 tamed parents that both have around 2k health but the child ended up to have level 300 as well but 7k health. also we have ridiculous numbers in torpor and food, 70k and more, while the parents have both less than 10k.

    did our admin mess up with the settings? is this connected to the higher wild levels? is there a specific setting which enhances the breeding process? we will test this weekend with 2. and 3. generation and if we end up with immortal monsters...

    i mean, we wanted higher levels, more weight to carry with a bear and better surviveability vs cyclops and alphas. but we dont want a trivial PvE contend...

    i just have our 1. generation and now starting with generation 2 and i woder if i now get 20k health bears...

    submitted by /u/Tamelon
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