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    Wednesday, March 20, 2019

    ATLAS Empires is for the Megas, What megas will actually be playing it?

    ATLAS Empires is for the Megas, What megas will actually be playing it?

    Empires is for the Megas, What megas will actually be playing it?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    I am one of the 5 leaders of ED, We are an international company that comfortably sat in top 5 of EU/PVP for 2 months and have 700 players ready for the wipe. We will not be playing on the Empires Servers instead we will be splitting into different companies all named [ED] "Name" and relying on discord to communicate.

    I want to ask the leaders of the other top 10 companies what they will be doing?

    To the point, if we are all in agreement for Colonies then what's the point in a server designed for us if we are not going to play it..... ??

    *Will edit as they comment*

    Top 10s that will not be going to Empires so far: 4/20
    -Eternal Diamond
    -Alpha Chicken

    submitted by /u/rfjansen
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    Everything is coming along great. All you have to do is abort Empire plans.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 02:53 AM PDT

    It shouldn't be a hard thing to do really. I've seen a lot of people who say they'll try the game again after the wipe, including streamers who initially left.

    But please do it right. All you have to do is abort Empire plans. The new anti-offline raiding will give new players a little bit of rest and force people to pvp more in the seas rather than on land unless the target is really worth a land invasion. It can be further balanced in future patches anyway. I don't expect it to be perfectly balanced right away.

    The new claim system will put an end to the cancerous claim flag grief which made THOUSANDS of people leave.

    The upkeep system and limits on company size/alliances should make it easier for new comers to find land and boost the playerbase numbers over time.

    And a low company size and alliance limit will make sure that we won't have the same cancer global politics anymore. Yes people say they'll make mouth alliances, but I really doubt it'll be as efficient.

    I know this Empire idea came as a result from grievances within mega groups about anti-offline raid protection and such, but as you see now, the community couldn't be more clear about which system they prefer. I've never seen so much consensus about something, since the stone nerf. The community wants you to implement what you promised in March Patch.

    submitted by /u/frmncl
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    Simple Straight Forward Opinion from Day 1 Ark/Atlas Vet

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    Atlas: Empires is an unnecessary waste of your studio's time and talents. You have a good thing going with Colonies and there's no reason to keep adding more overhead for your people to worry about. Honestly the longer this wipe takes the less I want to come back... And I doubt making multiple versions is helping you get it done any faster.

    submitted by /u/CyanicEmber
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    Fix claims, company/alliance numbers, release wipe and keep patching..?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    I think we all agreed to test your game etc... why make it so freaking hard? Wipe announcement already killed the game and more ppl are getting pissed off even more coz delays... its just feels easier to release the wipe and patch it after one by one. It feels so stupid to wait month or even more and read those new patch notes where you change the strategy all the time and more delays comes with it.. feels like devs are trolling customers right now 🐒

    And yeah that empire shit didnt work earlier and it wont work in future... in the end its just 2 alliances fighting each other.

    submitted by /u/--whoareyou--
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    Because Megas just don't get it. Want a better Empire mode? LOBBY FOR THE CHANGES.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    I get you don't like PVP being split. I'm not sure I even like it. I get the Colonies game mode is more appealing. What I don't get is you guys brashly defending using virtual megas to game the system. What makes you think this in any way makes the game fun for anybody or balances the problem?

    I came from large groups and I've never played anything but PVP. It's my preferred method of play. I've made one attempt that lasted all of 10 minutes to play PVE on a Nerd Parade server. I'm very pro large groups, anti-Megas. Just like I'm pro PVP and fail to see the point in PVE.

    The problem isn't the game, or even the developers, it's the retards playing it. They want to do shit in mass numbers because they want to be able to play how THEY want to play and fuck everybody else. They think if they don't cheat they can't be competitive. Abusing the framework of the game is cheating, whether you're meshing, aimbotting, or yes, creating virtual Megas on a server not intended for Megas. You should be wiped if you get caught doing it.

    The problem with Megas is simple:

    They think they have to dominate the board in able to play how they want, and what none of these idiots trying to dominate the board seems to understand is that dominating the board leads to a dead game with no way in for new players or new groups. Megas completely stifle growth JUST for the sake of the people IN the Megas to play how THEY want until the game DIES Period.

    Megas want the rules for themselves to play the game they want to play how they think it should be played and expect everyone else to play it that way. Megas fail to realize they aren't they only style of company in the game. They think because 5-10 groups of 100 people exist they should speak for the other 3000. Being a in a large group doesn't make you the majority, allying with a few other large groups, STILL doesn't make you the majority. You're still just a fraction of the player base and it's something you don't seem to consider.

    It's a very selfish mindset and it's ultimately self defeating. When Megas dominate the board, the game has to be wiped for any chance at continuance. You can't legitimately expect a game to continue perpetually without any means of refueling itself with new players and groups.

    You want a version for Megas? You have one. Don't like the rules for it? Then stop being retards and lobby for changes within THAT server instead of trying to break a different game mode.

    submitted by /u/ProfoundlyProfound
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    Why not this.......

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    One ATLAS player network....25 x 25 global grid. Period.

    Multiple zones and regions for PVE-centric play. These grids replace the Freeport grid system entirely and encompass surrounding grids as well. No player-versus-player interaction at all. No land claims. No build restrictions other than proximity limits. Manageable decay systems for ships and structures with skill-based bonuses.

    Lawless zones converted to the "Colonies" style, small group, PVP-centric play style and comprise the most grids and zones throughout the entire game world. Land claims with war declarations to enable land-based pvp and competition for resources. Longer ship and structure decay with skill-based bonuses. Safe Harbor rules for off-line raid protection when not at war to encourage player co-op. Islands player-owned with local taxation and managed building restrictions.

    Player-established, "capital structure" Empire Zones with nearby grids forming regional player capitals for the mega-tribes. If you can hold it and maintain it then you can control it. Open warfare at all times. Most valuable resources. Least basic resources to encourage trade with other players. Longest decay rates for ships and structures with skill-based bonuses. Fewer, smaller islands and land masses so population is restricted naturally through resource availability and physical space.

    Since the overall theme of the game is Pirates on the High Seas, then any ship outside of PVE-zones and not protected by safe harbor rules in Colony zones are free to be engaged and/or captured. If you want to stay safe then you stay in the PVE "Freeports" or you have to anchor in a safe harbor or be on friendly terms with the local tribe(s) so they protect your ship(s).

    Eliminate restrictions on the natural groupings of players seeking the same play styles and just let the world grow and evolve with the player base on top of this core structure.

    Focus development on gameplay elements that make the game fun and stable and let the players figure out the politics, the economic trade and the conduct of war.

    How simple is that?

    submitted by /u/DurFeaTrecal
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    Any idea of what this is ??

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    Bets on when wipe & update will finally arrive?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    I'm betting early August 2019. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/SlayeDraye
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    PvE seems to get short end of the stick

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 04:17 AM PDT

    Every hyped captain's log gets about 3-4 lines of update about PvE mode specifically...

    Do you feel Pve always gets the short end of the stick? No updates on how the PvE claims will work exactly in this last captains log.

    I feel they don't focus enough on the PvE part of the game in general anyway...

    I am the type that don't minds wipes but...where is the challenge in daily life?

    What happened to the daily quests?? I was really looking forward to that.

    Farming got totally fked and they never fixed that bug. There is 0 point in taking better farming skills

    Intelligence is crap and most people use alts to make better stuff..

    Why not hire a modder to make decorations?? There are brilliant mod makers that do it for free for private servers.

    submitted by /u/helkhiana
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    Sailing Glitches

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Anyone else having issues when sailing? Like can't unequip steering wheel? Doors on ship not opening? Can't turn? Have to shut game down then open back up to fix but is happening like every 5 minutes

    submitted by /u/Crash1388
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    Transfer of progress / Combining NA PVP and EU PVP

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 12:03 PM PDT

    If the developers want to start 2 Colonies and Empires servers at once, then I think the best option is to make one progress on these two servers, for example, I played on the Colonies and I was bored, I want to switch to Empires, with my level and progress of discoveries (and I made 1 progress in the whole server branch, played on the NA pve server and got tired, wanted and went to EU pvp pvp and you don't have to bother for many hours to get the same level again as on the pve .. Also I don't understand why share the already meager online into 4 + servers excluding pve, NA PVP Empires / NA PV P Colonies, EU PVP Empires / EU PVP Colonies, if developers do this then the already small online will generally become scanty, I don't think so many players will return to fill all servers. Quite an optimal way to expand the map and connect NA PVP and EU PVP ( and generally work only in 1 direction of the server Colonies or Empire, then we will get good battles bigger online, and not empty servers where there is nobody to fight with).

    All this is purely my personal opinion.

    submitted by /u/Asto7fo
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    can we get rid of mythical

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 12:02 PM PDT

    honestly, one of the worst ideas was when ark started dropping ascendant. this works fine for some unofficial servers, but honestly, it was better when they did not exist. eventually yes some mastercraft were better and sometimes even journeyman with just the right stats. but in the current state, it really feels the game would be better off without mythical in it for the official servers.

    submitted by /u/Nerva666
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    MEGAs what changes to the Empire rule set would change your mind to play there ?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    In subject, what would it take, adding the raid window per island ? Would you accept the original company max size of 250 on either the empire or colony set ?

    Looking for ideas, constructive dialogue, and respectful replies.

    Personally my group would be fine with the colony rule set if company sized was at the 250 max. 50 is too limited for our size.

    submitted by /u/Irbs
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    Do you think Grape Shot thought this Captains log was going to be received well?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    I mean were employees who knew what was about to get sent out walking into the GS office today thinking "ahhh todays the day we finally get the community on board and start working to make this game great, we finally agreed on our direction and it think everyone is going to like it"!

    Now I know no business can always keep everyone happy that's pretty much impossible to do, but I feel like GS have set their bar for success a bit too low.

    ### Grape Shot enough is enough you have continually demonstrated that internally your ability to represent your customers' needs into a game is your biggest liability – pick 50 community influencers representing all walks of the game, fly them to your HQ, collaboratively workshop a game road map, Vlog it, Blog it, prioritise the sequence of events (no dates required at this stage) and start with Atlas 2.0 ###

    It's past embarrassing now, and if your next move is to go silent again then god help us all – we know what happens when your silent for a few weeks.

    Choose the 50.

    submitted by /u/VaderZul
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    Are you factoring projected player counts into all these innovative ideas?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    Ahoy from one of the cockroaches still running around after the wipe bomb crater was nuked by the atom delay mega bomb. Idgaf, I'm still having fun.

    TLDR: I hope you have a plan to get a whole lot more active players upon relaunch. If not, your expansion flavored improvements are going to thin out player interaction so much this game is going to implode.



    1) Do you have a projected returning player base? Aka x amount of players?

    2) Are any steps being taken to advertise to new customers? Maybe some sort of relevant media platform blast for the "Official Release"?


    Here's why I'm asking:

    If you don't have a serious influx of active players, the world you're expanding is going to feel even more empty.

    If we rewind to the pre-wipe announcement population, simply adding the originally planned 200 islands would have increased the amount of playable space to compensate casuals and solo players.

    Layering on the initial company/alliance/island claim limitations would have created a sustainable environment with plenty of room to grow.

    You could have even left the extra 200 islands out and still had room for more players if you kept the claim flag cap in place.

    Now you're headed toward not only a larger playable area, but additionally splitting it in half with these two "types" of servers.

    Trying to appease everyone who makes a QQ post shows you care about what your customers think, but sometimes you gotta let the kids know who's in charge and why they need to eat their vegetables and shut the fuck up 👌🏻

    submitted by /u/StAtiC_Zer0
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    Atlas community live stream idea

    Posted: 19 Mar 2019 04:45 PM PDT

    Alright I have an idea. There is a lot of drama surrounding the new updates and lots of opinions. Let's talk about it. I want to see if there is any interest in this community for me to host a community forum once or twice a week where your concerns and voices can be heard. We can tall about how you feel about the updates. You can talk in chat, hell we can even bring some people into discord to discuss in voice on stream if you want. The devs are aware of and follow my stream. Our voices only go so far on reddit before they stop reading, let's do a community live stream once or twice a week to talk about the game until the wipe. If people like it we can even keep it going during the game to talk about drama or something. Could be fun. Let me know.


    submitted by /u/wookieekush
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