• Breaking News

    Friday, March 22, 2019

    ATLAS The first major update for the new Atlas Skill Calculator site has just gone live!

    ATLAS The first major update for the new Atlas Skill Calculator site has just gone live!

    The first major update for the new Atlas Skill Calculator site has just gone live!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    As some of you already know, earlier in the month I created an updated version of the Atlas Calculator site so that the community can have access to a skill calculator with the correct amount of skill points available per level. Today, I am proud to announce that the first major update for the Atlas Skill Calculator has just gone live! I fixed a huge number of bugs, and even added in a bunch of fancy new stuff!

    Site: https://atlas-calculator.firebaseapp.com/

    This update adds the following bugfixes, changes, and features:

    • when players interact with skills in locked trees, those skills can not be selected, and can only be deselected
    • selected skills in locked trees will not count towards the amount of available skill points
    • when selected skills are in locked trees they are now visually different.
    • twin skills (the ones for unlocking the music, melee weaponry, and artillery trees) now have a distinguished difference between the selected skill and the one that was not selected.
    • if you select one of the skills in a pair of twin skills, the other twin will lock up, and appear visually different, so as to not be mistaken for a selected skill.
    • when a selected twin skill is in a locked tree and it's unselected twin is in a unlocked tree, the unselected twin becomes unlocked, and if the twin in the unlocked tree is selected, the twin in the locked tree becomes locked and visually different. If the locked tree is unlocked without selecting the twin in the unlocked tree, the unselected twin goes back to being locked.
    • when a tree becomes locked, and it contains selected skills that unlock other trees, those trees become locked too, and if they contain any selected skills that unlock other trees, those trees also become locked, etc.
    • integrated a email address into the "Contact Us" button on the bottom of the main page so people can email me.
    • integrated copies of the terms and conditions page, and the privacy policy page from the original site, after modifying them so they are now able to be viewed on small screens.
    • Added Google Analytics so I can see how many people visit the Atlas Calculator every day. This allows me to see how many people I've helped! :D

      If you have any complaints, issues, or suggestions I encourage you to let me know. I enjoy reading your feedback, and it helps me a lot when it comes to figuring out what changes or bugfixes I want to work on next! You can send me feedback by replying in the comments section below, messaging me on discord at: LawrenceD#0476, or emailing me at lawrence.atlascalculator@gmail.com .

    submitted by /u/LawrenceJD
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    Atlas is like a woman who....

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    Atlas is like a beautiful woman you met on Tinder.

    You weren't expecting much - but she really caught your eye when you first saw her.

    You take her to dinner, and you can tell she's clearly a bit buggy/weird. But she has charm, and there is potential.

    The first hour or two go great, and it's time to get her out of there. You take her home, make sweet love to her, then in the middle of the night you find out she stole $25 out of your wallet, shit on your kitchen table, and ran off to go be with her heroin addict boyfriend.

    You could have had the $25 if you were just honest and upfront, and you didn't have to shit on my kitchen table Atlas. If you had just listened to your fans, and stopped trying to make yourself more and more like Ark.. we could have had something. We could have been together.

    Oh well. Time to start swiping again.

    submitted by /u/DuluRed
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    On his food break after playing for 8 hours.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 05:39 AM PDT

    To whoever suggested all megacompany members go play Agar IO instead....

    Posted: 22 Mar 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    Thanks! Forgot about those games, played agar for an hour and then moved to slith....countless hours of enjoyment!

    submitted by /u/Ackilles
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    1000 hours playtime to find this dancing Cyclops

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    Declaring War in Atlas

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    I want to generate some discussion about interesting possibilities for declaring and fighting a war in mega patch 1.5.

    The problems with the proposed war mechanic as it stands are 24/7 play requirements, poor server performance for large scale fights, and a cumbersome gold farming requirement for buying the war declaration. The war mechanic should promote competitive PvP gameplay where companies can test their mettle against each other in an environment that dispels all question of company superiority or tactics used.

    Declaring War

    I propose that war is declared upon an island through Naval PVP. That's right. Naval PvP should be critical to territorial control mechanics.

    How it Works

    War is declared on an island by the company that caps the island's Golden Age protective buoy (circular region of the ocean adjacent to the island). The Golden Age buoy does some lore stuff that prevents enemies from building artillery on your island. The buoy becomes vulnerable every day for one hour in the middle of an island's 9 hour vulnerability window. This buoy vulnerability spawns a control circle region adjacent to the island that is capped by ships the same way a control point is captured in shooters and other games with control modes (think Battlefield). Instead of player numbers contributing to capping the point, ship numbers instead cap the point (galleons have a larger capping power than brigs, etc). There is no blanket contesting the circle, it is instead a tug of war capping mechanic. This mechanic will promote focused naval warfare everyday if someone wants to declare war on an island. This also allows the owner of the island to contest the declaration of war through Naval PvP. If you're company/alliance continuously wins defensive naval PvP over the golden age protective buoy, no one can build artillery on your island.

    If the attacker wins the Naval tug of war, an admin within the attacking company chooses a war date no later than 3 days (with a 5 or so day war cooldown for the island afterward). At this scheduled time the *Golden Age protective buoy* is weakened and no longer offers protections against enemy artillery on the island.

    Fighting the War

    --An advisory to zerg companies, CSTG, and streamer slaves: Prepare to clench your butt cheeks--

    I propose that once a war is declared a player cap of 50 players per side is introduced to the entire tile. All offline and non-combatant players within the tile are removed from the tile, and the red server cap tidal wave springs up around the tile, preventing any non-combatants from entering or any player/ship that would send their company war cap over 50 players. At this point a 50 vs. 50 war commences for 9 hours and the attacking team can build artillery. Entering or spawning into the war tile is only available to war combatants. A war combatant either belongs to the attacking/defending companies, or one of their allies. The defense wins by surviving the timer, and the offense wins by destroying the island's tax bank (or some sort of interesting flag mechanic/ insert interesting mechanic here).

    Let me know your feedback for details about the mechanics that you would change, potential to abuse the mechanics, or why you do or don't like this proposed war mechanic. Every "war" I have been a part of before the mega 1.5 patch has either had such unplayable lag that I logged out from frustration, or became burnt out on the game after playing for 24 hours straight/calling in sick to work just to defend against an endless onslaught of Chinese megas. I am looking for suggestions and proposals that promote a healthy competitive environment and rewards skill and teamwork rather than zerging or camping out in your computer chair longer than your enemy.


    Wars should declared by weakening an island's *Golden Age protective buoy* through a control circle (tug of war) Naval PvP battle. Wars are fought for 9 hours in a 50 vs. 50 scheduled fight.

    submitted by /u/Theodas
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    Grapeshot, if your want both Empires and Colony server setup to work...

    Posted: 21 Mar 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    Grapeshot, it you want both Empire and Colony servers to work. just post the leader board on the Empire server. The colony and the Pve servers are not for large companys so they should be no recognition for them for having large swaths ot the map. However those companies that can dominate the map in Empires should get recognition for the effort. Any domination on the Colony server is like saying my team won the little-league team county championshup, no one really cares.

    submitted by /u/Raciper
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