• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 4, 2019

    Atlas Atlas should take a lean towards “mobile bases” idea.

    Atlas Atlas should take a lean towards “mobile bases” idea.

    Atlas should take a lean towards “mobile bases” idea.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 02:51 AM PDT

    So atlas feels like a total reskin of ark, and after all the "mega patch" announcements I look at the comments and everyone is saying what's with this content or this one, they aren't pirate themed. I think a helpful solution to this is we need to stop living on islands. If you really want to stick to the "it's not pirated themed", pirates never lived in island strong holds, they lived on their ships. I've been playing that way and the game is much more rewarding. Get rid of the whole claim system or design building so that you can only build a small outpost to build a ship from. This will open up the islands more and allow more content to be placed in them. Like these amazing pictures that just came out of some bs that's only going to be in some weird solo mode small cluster shit. Populate the islands with the skeletons\ cave systems to create dungeons. You can use Freeport's as a place where players can sail to to log off, there is gold In The game use it to charge a docking fee. GET RID OF THE TAMEING BS!!! why are pirates tameing animals!!!, unless it's a monkey or a parrot there should be no taming. Make ships more durable and reduce the weight of wood just a slight bit. People construct the most ridiculous looking ships just to be fast, it's completely immersion breaking. Make them durable enough that the incentive is to go a breakthrough the door, not the wood panel because that's a thousand times easier and then to go through the door. Make them more durable and this give things like chain shot a use. What do pirates do....steal shit. Boarding needs to be a mechanic (which by doing so would allow them to create the mechanic to dock which I know everyone wants) to allow stealing to be a mechanic. This in turn makes things like the chain shot have an actual use. Just like it is now, when something has been damaged it can't be fixed for a debuff timer. Apply this to the mast so it give the opportunity to for attackers, but once they are gone should be fixable to "damaged" looking state where the mast is still broken but the crew jerry-rigged up. Allowing them to sail to an island to make repairs (saying they had resources on board to make repairs). Atlas needs to take more strides towards a pirate game otherwise it's going to quickely loose player base, and by that I mean word is out people know it's pretty much ark just a little bit "pirate themed" and all eyes are on it to see what they do. If they keep pushing it to be so similar to ark, the only players that it's going to attract are all the people who played ark. I guess that's great and all if those were the only people you had in mind when making this game.

    submitted by /u/Cpt_Krunk13
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    [EU][PVP][Colonies]Recruiting for our Company

    Posted: 03 May 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    We are a small-medium sized company and were looking for people to join our company. We have established our selves we have quite a few animals and boats and were looking to grow, we are old ARK players with 5k hours and up and about 1-2k hours on Atlas we are experienced players were looking for people who are willing to put effort in our company to grow we have a people from America and Europe so we always have people on.

    We are always on Discord whenever we get on so you must have Discord to join and a mic. If you want to join here's our discord link > https://discord.gg/KkZQ4s2
    PS. We don't have any plans to merge with anyone.

    submitted by /u/RaiKerS
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