• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 4, 2019

    ATLAS Reminder that the Chinese players still aimbot and don't get banned/punished for it.

    ATLAS Reminder that the Chinese players still aimbot and don't get banned/punished for it.

    Reminder that the Chinese players still aimbot and don't get banned/punished for it.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 05:18 AM PDT

    10/10 game I'f you enjoy getting aimbotted and called racial slurs by Chinese

    submitted by /u/Agent_Zoo
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    Posted: 03 May 2019 11:07 PM PDT

    Dear Devs,

    I am reaching out to you with a plea for help. Help against Chinese hackers. Every night this week we have been raided by a small but viscous group of hackers that go by the company name (..). What seems to be the same players every night terrorize our company with repeated head shot kills. Completely underwater? Head shot. Inside a boat? Head shot. Behind a mountain? Head shot. The player rounding up most kills is named businessman [][] but from what we can tell there are 2-4 other players from the company also aimbot'ing. This aimbot'ing will go on for hours. They get high up on our peaks where we cant jump crabs to, they keep just enough cover to keep popping out and 1 shot killing us. On mounts, underwater, glider in air, doesnt matter head shot dead. This will continue for hours until we finally kill them enough to loot all the carbines they have stashed on their circling schooners. Tonight they showed up with 400-500 grenades and once they got the high ground and started to rack up spawn timers on us they just about blew right into our base, exactly where our valuables are. There is absolutely no way they would know where we keep our crafting bps and mats but they only bombed right over where our goods are. These kids are clearly hacking. It is incredibly frustrating wasting so many hours a night to just scrape by defending these hacking trash cheaters. I have spend hours a night cleaning up the mess they leave in just a few hours. We have been playing atlas since launch and over our time have dealt with a hacker or two but this is completely out of control. Attached is clear evidence video proof. 8 different back to back spawns with instant headshot kills.

    **Devs please take a few minutes and watch these guys play. Aimbotting is running rampant, i beg you to take this opportunity to do something to combat against these cheaters. Ban them, make an example of them that you refuse to stand for these cheaters and anyone attempting to do so will be dealt with accordingly.**


    Hesh of Tempest

    PROOF - https://youtu.be/tnBFjkjuVoQ

    submitted by /u/fallhardkids
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    This is how the Essence of Power looks in the trenches.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 10:11 AM PDT

    Flag gold log

    Posted: 04 May 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    @Jatheish, @sailtheatlas So twice now after a major update when the owner logs in the gold in our flag is gone...yeah gone. We had over 9 k in the flag. I work my butt off and so does everyone else to keep our island maintained. Is there some way to make a log in the flag of gold amounts and who pulled money out? If it is a glitch in the game great fix it please but if not some of us need to know who to beat with a wet noodle. Pretty please with sugar on top? I don't want it in the company log that clears out too fast. Just whenever gold is taken or added. We want to trust and grow our company but we need this to keep track or know if it is a glitch.

    submitted by /u/Shailiekat
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    Reminder that crabs need to go..

    Posted: 03 May 2019 04:56 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/DuluRed
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    Quick Summary Developer Livestream Mega May Update

    Posted: 03 May 2019 04:16 PM PDT

    Heres what i gathered from the Livestream.


    • Torpedos: Launcher snaps only to Gunports. If you aim over sea level it goes in a straight line just bellow water, but if you aim them underwater you can attack stuff underwater.
    • Cargo Racks: Snaps to Ships. Looks like a Dinghy but with Boxes n stuff. Everything you put in there gets reduced weight. Its made to transport stuff more easily around. Can only be loaded und unloaded while ankered.
    • New Armor sets: Heavy Metal Cyclops & Hydra Leather set (Looks Awesome)
    • Ship Steering Wheel Cosmetics: Huge Snake Head in front of the Steering wheel. Plus little snake heads on the sticks of the steering wheel.
    • Cargo Saddle Transporter: You can now snap Large Storage Boxes into Cargo saddles. Which will have the same effect like the Cargo Racks. Reduced weight. Finally we can transport stuff on land the correct way ! Yey!
    • New Tame Water Camel: With Key "C" he soaks up Water from lakes etc and fills his "Water storage". Can be used to fill up Water Barrels, sprayed around to extinguish open flames. Turns very sharply so it can be used while on ships aswell. So you can use it to put out fires by Swivel Flamethrowers or Dragons. Overall moves like a horse, can jump n sprint.
    • Fishing Net: You need to be sitting on a chair use it (While on a ship). When the boat is moving at a certain pace, it will collect mainly fish, but also sometimes wood and gold.
    • Harpoon Gun: Bad on Land, but underwater its like a Rifle. Good for killing stuff efficiently underwater.
    • Hook Bolts on Ballista: You can now shoot just like the Grappling hooks giant bolts that will stick to ships. After that you can reel in the ballistas to close the gap. Respects ship size. So for example a schooner with a ballista hooked onto a Galleon wont be able to pull the galleon in, but the other way around. Enemy players can hit or shoot at bolts to destroy them. It stops hooked ships and keeps them from sailing away.
    • New Tame Grand Tortuga: Giant Tortoise. 6 Players can seat in that thing. Shell opens and closes. Protects people sitting inside it. Swims fast in water, slow on land and weak attacks. Has a strong tail swipe tho. Increases lung capacity by 90 % of carried people
    • New Ressource: Ice. Can be used on Ice boxes, which cools down surrounding temperature. Has lower consume indoors than outdoors. Can be used to melt into water.
    • Polar Dungeon: Is a huge dungeon. They wanted to have make something different than just those small powerstone caves.

    Lets discuss those upcoming stuff. Add more points if i forgot something.

    Im pretty excited that they put more focus into Ships!

    Edit1: formatting

    Edit2: Added Screenshots

    submitted by /u/timu1996
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    Powerstone caves are glitched

    Posted: 03 May 2019 07:32 PM PDT

    Ran in to get my power stone got stuck in the tunnel and died. My bag was 10 feet in the ceiling unreachable. Fun. Wish this could get fixed.

    submitted by /u/Preppy58
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    Feeding tames from a trough or inventory glitched?

    Posted: 04 May 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    Seem like the last update did something that is preventing our tames from eating unless we force feed them with E from their inventory. Unless the amount of hunger they get before eating has changed?

    submitted by /u/SquarePegRoundWorld
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    Game run any better than a few months ago?

    Posted: 04 May 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Thinking about trying it again but it just ran really bad when I played it a few months ago with way too many micro-stutters when loading stuff. I hate those.

    Is it any better?

    submitted by /u/OssToYouGoodSir
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    Lowlevelfatalerror during the load screen.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 01:19 AM PDT

    How do I fix this so I can play Atlas. It started after I crossed from one server to another and the game crashed. Now I can't even get past the load screen.

    submitted by /u/Cpt_CheesUmms
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    Father Daughter Play - Atlas Official EU PVE - Mythic Loot and Polar Region!

    Posted: 03 May 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    Can you solve this problem somehow?

    Posted: 04 May 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    Here is what I mean. You guys must try to make sure that more players play on unofficial servers. Your servers are HORRIBLE for every company with less than 5 people. And these are like 90% of the companies. Right now all unofficial servers are empty and there is no point in playing them... so you must do something about it. I wouldn't go and play in an empty server, you must find a way to fill them.. somehow. I would suggest to make your server browser better. Show server ranks. Show player amounts. Make it less laggy and buggy. When I started to play ark the officials were horrible so I went in Unofficial.. and boom.. thousands of hours.. it is just more fun playing there if u don't have a big tribe/company. Aaaaand they lag much less :)

    submitted by /u/theviik
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    Ever water ski an elephant?

    Posted: 03 May 2019 09:40 PM PDT

    An Atlas math problem for kids

    Posted: 04 May 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    So my friend's son (a 6th grader) started playing Atlas with us recently. I have a bear breeding operation, and he wanted to breed and imprint on a bear of his own. We were playing late last night and he wanted to know how many potatoes he needed to put on the baby before it became a juvenile and could eat from the trough on its own. I decided it was a good teaching opportunity, so I took out my phone an timed how long .1% maturity took and how often the baby would eat a potato and came up with the following math problem for him. I thought it was a fun chance to teach a little math:

    A baby bear eats one potato every 30 seconds. It also gains .1% maturity every 2 minutes 30 seconds (150 seconds). Assuming the bear is at 2.5% maturity, how many potatoes will be needed to get the bear to 10% maturity?

    Answer: 375 (though for those trying to use this, maybe take it to 380 or even a little higher on account of potatoes spoiling in inventory).

    For the record he did not get the answer, but it was also midnight and I decided to have mercy on the poor kid and let him go to bed.

    submitted by /u/ibcrandy
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    [Clipping/bug] Hey my character has this happen when she wears cloth.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 02:59 AM PDT

    Gin&Tonic Ep. 4 Naval Battle Vs Galleon

    Posted: 03 May 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    QOL for NPC management

    Posted: 03 May 2019 10:56 PM PDT

    NPC have a trough symbol above their head indicating that they are being fed by the nearby larder, i would like a symbol for the resource box and ammo box. That way i can build according to the ranges these boxes have instead of having to place a bunch of boxes because i am unsure of the range.

    submitted by /u/thisishoustonover
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    Saw the livestream....

    Posted: 03 May 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I liked the new stuff they are going to add particularly a cargo cart so I can have a easier time getting iron or crystal down from a mountain top. What did everyone else who saw the stream think?

    submitted by /u/Adardoth
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    Does shoveler skill effect gold?

    Posted: 03 May 2019 08:57 PM PDT

    Did a search and there's conflicting reports on if this skill actually does anything. Anyone know for sure?

    submitted by /u/ahogue82
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