• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 27, 2019

    ATLAS New Patch Notes

    ATLAS New Patch Notes

    New Patch Notes

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    From official Discord:

    - Crew gold payment and food can now be done via your Company's claim flag. Crew that are on an island or on a fully anchored ship within Settlement range are eligible. Berries are the only food that can be used in the claim flag (there is a greatly extended spoil timer on berries in a claim flag for further QoL). Crew will still seek out payment and food from nearby food larders and payment boxes and if there are none nearby or they are empty, they will take from the claim flag.

    Be ye warned. On one hand, this is a very much needed change we have been asking for.

    On the other hand, I wish they had implemented it differently -- via a separate building or maybe a separate tab on the flag. I don't really like that NPCs draw their money from the same pool as the island claim upkeep.

    So "be ye warned" because if some clanmate abandons a galley or two in your harbor, the crew won't just mutiny now. They'll suck the money out of your flag first. (But, to be clear, this is a great change and the first thing I'm doing tonight is throwing all that crew chest money into the flag! That's one run around the island I won't miss.)

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Exclusive Interview With IRS Leader On War Status

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    Grapeshot should hire some seasoned streamers.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    When I tune in to streams, I get HandsomeStalin, Digital_Trauma, Poreatix and Zingyish. Stalin and Trauma do a pretty nice job with engaging their audience and making even dull or laggy siuation seem like a blast. They just don't have the play time others do.

    Then I find the other two streamers and literally want to gouge my eyes out. They should play back their vods and listen to themselves. I respect streamers above any other online profession. The thing is, not only do you represent yourself, sponsors or team - you represent the game and it's community. When I watch these two I feel like it is some sort of slower learning game for an alternative to ADHD meds. Nothing but pure dick swinging and toxicity even to their viewers. I can't imagine what that means for how they act in the game. I play the game albeit on a private server currently - yet am aware of official. Please be more professional so our game doesn't die guys. Streaming is what people watch before they buy. I think both of you are great dudes, just some constructive criticism.

    submitted by /u/nerdstaz
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    If Devs don't wipe the Chinese then let's do it ourselves

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    Peace time discussion

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    I love this game, but I hate the peace time shuffle meta. What do you guys think of making peace time a company wide thing? Once you claim an island you set the peace time and that's it for your company, all islands on any server.

    In order for this to work peace time should only apply to the owner of the island not any allies or other companies within the island. This would have two effects, it would stop mega's from circumventing the company cap through multiple companies and completely end the peace time shuffle.

    A possible solution to both the problem of not having places for smaller companies in this rule set AND larger tribes being forced to different islands is scaling a companies peace time based off of their size, the total island points could scale as a well. Say a 5-6hour window for a company below 10 and a 12-16 hour window for a tribe of 100. Scaling gradually as the tribe increases in size. This would also have the benefit of making the leader boards more telling as well. Instead of it being how to optimize your island points there would actually be a risk/reward to company size.

    submitted by /u/Asoullessginger51
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    What Would Bring You Back for Season 3?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    I was thinking that if the devs announced a new wipe and a new season, what would bring me back? Because if they wiped as-is and simply relaunched I can't fathom starting again. Something big would have to change to rope me back into to a "season 3".

    Would you play Season 3?

    If not, what would you hope to see in the "mega patch" that would change your mind at least enough to give it a go?

    For me I think it's:

    Complete revision to resource acquisition, starting with the removal of most tames. I cannot fathom starting over again and going out to tame new elephants, new rhinos, new bears, new giraffes, new horses, etc. I don't care what they do instead, just not that. They can increase tool gathering rates x5 and increase our carry capacity x5. Or they can implement those "crew-run mining facilities" people have talked about. Or implement "treasure ships" or wrecks that drop 10-20k each of different resources.

    All I know is I'm tired of riding those damn elephants and taming and housing and maintaining them is a bunch of horseshit.

    That, alone, might convince me to play in a season 3. But what about....

    Offline Ship Storage. I know there are a lot of issues with the "how" of this, but I need a way to stuff 1 ship into a pocket and log it out of the game so that tomorrow I still have a ship. Sink me on the open sea, but screw these "offline harbor runs".

    Alternatively, I sometimes wonder about...

    Canned ships. Right now the game revolves around laying down a hull and then building it out. It's cool, really. I like the customization. But when my ship sinks the things I look forward to the least are: riding that damn elephant; going to get more crew; filling in the guts of a new ship. How nice would it be to push a button and POOF, there's my ship, all built out and ready to go. Maybe it could even pop up fully crewed (why can't I just hire crew locally somehow?).

    I just hate the pure time sink of getting up and running again even if I have all the resources I need sitting in a box and ready to be used.

    What about you? What would bring you back for another reset and a new "season"?

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    LFC Atlas NA

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Looking for a company NA pm if you need an extra crew member.

    submitted by /u/ripchan
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    Boom Team revenge

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    Anybody play Atlas Solo?

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone here is playing Atlas solo right now?

    If so I'm a solo player as well who wouldn't mind having another very active friend to play with on here.

    I'm on the East side of the world. Just reply to this!

    submitted by /u/calebcsimmons
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    How to actually nerf grenades

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    Grapeshot, you have added a new mechanic to your game that you haven't really utilized for game balance yet. That is the equip time and equip slots.

    Just make grenades stack to 3-4, only allow 1 stack to be equipped and increase the equip timer.

    submitted by /u/hutchy1989
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    Happy Game Revival? (Current Form - Boom Team)

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    Happy Game returned!

    After Developer's wipe, Happy game remove all the members who exploit bug, the accused members whereabouts are unknown. In the name of Boom Team, they grow even more stronger than before with experienced and long play 1700+ hours are the ones who are left fighting together.

    Time to revive Atlas PVP server again.Boom Team Revenge.

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beAsFTfV7lQ&feature=youtu.be

    submitted by /u/Aaafar875
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