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    Tuesday, July 9, 2019

    ATLAS The Problem Is The Grind

    ATLAS The Problem Is The Grind

    The Problem Is The Grind

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 07:45 AM PDT

    People post a lot of videos of PvP ship battles and mostly I think "It's a shame more players can't get into this."

    All you need is:

    1. Spend hours taming basic animals
    2. Spend hours breeding good versions of those animals
    3. Spend hours farming raw materials, which mainly involves hitting left click while sitting on an elephant looking at a tree.
    4. Spend hours finding, farming and shipping 5-6 types of each raw material
    5. Spend hours building a fortress to protect your tames and your ships and your materials
    6. Spend hours filling out those fortresses with NPCs and defenses. Have fun dragging those crew into position and getting them to where you need them to be.
    7. Spend hours getting gold to pay your crew and island costs.
    8. Spend hours farming high level SOTD for high level ship blueprints
    9. Spend hours grinding out discovery points and doing pretty bland PvE junk to raise your max level cap.
    10. Spend hours grinding out XP via bland PvE to raise your level -- best done during bonus XP weekends as doing it any other time will feel like a waste of your time.
    11. Spend hours getting a maxed out intelligence gear and crow setup, which hopefully you got the blueprints for while grinding gold.
    12. Respec into full intelligence.
    13. Build your legendary/mythical ship!
    14. Respec back into something useful.
    15. Grind levels in your new ship. Luckily you need to grind more SOTD anyway for more blueprints.
    16. Engage in fun PvP as seen in the videos!

    It's just that simple. With nothing more than several hundred man-hours of invested grinding, you too could be having fun!

    The 2X/3X/4X weekends actually don't help that much because I'd say the single biggest time sink is the need for those ship blueprints and there's never a "4X blueprint drop rate". Also, you will throw away probably 95% of your blueprints because they are garbage. (Legendary ship cannon! Finally! ....aaaand it's 120% damage, which is garbage. Killed a level 56 galleon of the damned! ....aaaand it drops a mythical blueprint for a small weight sail.) You can kinda skimp on a lot of things and still reach that goal of epic ship PvP but there's no shortcuts for the blueprint grind.

    And technically you can set sail in a common ship (built without blueprints or with lower tiers of them) but you won't be able to trade fire with anyone. I would bet a legendary ship can probably take out 3-4 common ships without breaking a sweat, so it's a bit of a waste of time to be out there without doing the full grind.

    Season 2 actually made this significantly worse, too.

    submitted by /u/SlamzOfPurge
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    Alliance/Coalition Influence Map [09.07.2019] NA [COLONIES] PVP

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    What do you guys think?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    There is something that I don't understand.. why are there just 2 types of official servers? PvE and PvP

    I remember when I bought ARK in October 2015. (a couple of months after early access launch) Back then Ark had PvE, PvP, Hardcore (I might be missing something else.) Trough the years ARK would get many different official servers.. ARKpocaliplse, 6man tribes, notames servers, no tek servers, conquest, classic, ORP servers.

    My question is.. why don't we get that kind of diversity in ATLAS? We are stuck to servers that are only good for massive companies (and this game is too laggy to support them) and we never get anything new. Devs must be trying out more new things imo. Small tribes is probably the best thing that happened to ARK. Why is it still not a thing in ATLAS? Can we at least expect something like this in the future? The devs are currently holding insanely much empty servers... 900 to be more exact.. All of them have 150 players cap (even tho they start hard lagging at around 50) and on average they have about 6-8 active plaers (that number might even be too high) This is horrible xD. Devs, you can just cut some servers from the main network and open fresh new ones, with different settings so more people can enjoy your game.

    submitted by /u/theviik
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    Top Atlas moments #9

    Posted: 09 Jul 2019 09:40 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    As much as I know you want to make a ton of toxic posts, I wanted to be on here first to say good fight, and we had fun with you guys in F3. Hopefully you guys managed to get some fun out of the battle, and we look forward to fighting some more with all of our enemies. Your toxicity might make the game as a whole feel worse, but at least we can still all have fun together.

    submitted by /u/Kengfa
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    CSTG v TC/Leviathan/Federation

    Posted: 08 Jul 2019 03:44 PM PDT

    I heard a lot of trash talking on the stream I was watching, but as a fly on the wall in the tile (and I hate whoever sunk my sloop, it is hot there):

    CSTG sunk many ships. Galleons. BPed. Got many kits. Killed many tames. Chopped many heads.

    CSTG took an island from Leviathan and Team Casuality.

    CSTG killed many men. CSTG wins again.

    Back to PvE folks. That was entertaining. Thanks CSTG for keeping it clean. You guys were working them hard. The opposing force kept crying about hacks on stream, but it was truly clean. He just got outplayed. A few desync kills but that is the nature of the game and netcode. Otherwise, that looked like a lot of fun and victory for the Atlas oppressed.

    submitted by /u/nerdstaz
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