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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    ATLAS If you use a GTX960 there's a chance you can farm potatoes instead of cows upon initial loading.

    ATLAS If you use a GTX960 there's a chance you can farm potatoes instead of cows upon initial loading.

    If you use a GTX960 there's a chance you can farm potatoes instead of cows upon initial loading.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Good PVP Server(s)?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Never played Ark, and not much experience with the multiplayer modes of games like this. But plenty of experience with survival building games (mostly Empyrion). What PVP experience I have is in other non-survival style games. I've been surveying the ecology of servers, and playing on a few and I'm curious if their might be a server out there that suits me.

    First off, it seems to me that most servers jack up XP and harvest rates way too much, probably in order to get people into big ships and duking it out with other players quicker? This prompted me to log in to the Official PVP server and bop around a bit, but it looks like that entire (MASSIVE!!) map is "populated." I put that in quotes because . . . I spent probably 5 hours bopping around on claimed islands pilfering what I could from other players open inventories on structures and NEVER saw another player.

    I realized I could destroy their beds, and that that was probably a good thing for me (make it harder for them to log in and find me and retaliate as easily) . . . why would anyone place a bed outside of a locked door!? Just laziness I guess? The other things about the islands I was skulking around on: even though the whole island was claimed by one group, there were structures belonging to half dozen or so different groups and it looked like a lot of the stuff was either (a) very perfunctory, or even just temporary structures which were effectively abandoned; or (b) had been raided/breached and abandoned.

    I noticed war and peace signs in association with faction names on the maps and what appear to be war declaration cool downs. So what I surmise is that: if you want to be able to destroy player structures (other than beds or things which were left unlocked), but especially doors, you have to either (c) wait for their PVP decay timer to run out [at which point anyone can demolish it or chop it down with a pick?] else (d) war dec them?

    So for now I'm just logging in solo on PVP servers to get a sense for the state of the ecology and what is and is not possible. Maybe have some fun geurrilla warring if that is even possible. But I'm not sure that being a solo PVP guerrilla is really a thing on this game, even on the official servers which it appears are MASSIVE in comparison to the biggest unofficials.

    Had a look at how much renting servers for this game costs: holy crap that is expensive! I guess this market has shrunk, but still retains a devoted base of consumers who are willing to pay the prices?

    I do know about some of these servers where patrons get their own islands, but that seems to mostly be PVE. Would it be possible to configure a server in which the arrangement of PVE and PVP grids were more "concentric?" Would there be any interest in such a thing? I see that the one server I know of which has a really active community of patrons only has ONE grid for PVP and that has no islands on it.

    I have only configed servers for a couple games and it was years ago, but . . . it seems to me that what would make for a REALLY fun "PVE-focused, but PVP-encouraged" server in which a healthy ecology that could support a range of player styles would be something like this (and please just clarify if I've got something wrong; I'm new to this game and don't know all the end-game stuff at all really).

    I. All starter spawns are in PVE zones. Lets say this zone is always the center of the map, ideally no fewer than 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 would seem better. (a) ideally, player on player aggro (and player on NPC aggro too) would be possible in these zones but come with STEEP consequences such as having large bounties placed on heads or something; (b) ideally, there would be an active NPC ecology in these central starter grids which actual "PIRATES!" could prey on, but with those steep consequence. (c) ideally, there would be at least 3 but possible as many as 5 or 7 "NPC Factions with territories in this starter area, and players can build rep with a faction by doing quests for them. Lets say there is one neutral "trader faction" and then the others are arranged in perennial warring dyads, so three would be a bare minimum. You get rep from trader faction by (i) NOT aggroing any humans (except "bounties," i.e., pirates) and (ii) doing trade. The other two, four or six NPC factions would be kingdoms that are constantly at war with at least one other NPC faction. You get rep with them by helping them in their war efforts and NOT aggroing any faction members. So effectively players could choose to be members of NPC factions and "do PVE" by either trading, exploring, warring on NPC boats (or those dead guy boats) BUT! always in danger of being drug into PVP by actual pirates.

    II. Outside the starter area is free for all. This is where anyone can settle

    Just some ideas! Seems like a great game with good mechanics but poorly or incompletely fleshed out multiplayer ecological dynamics!

    submitted by /u/Diche_Bach
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